July Jelly Beans of 2014! *16 pink bumps, 18 blue bumps, 8 yellow bumps** (24 here)

My package comes with a disc of photos, and I'm paying an extra $25 to record the whole session on DVD
Last time mine was £95 for two free black and white images and a 20 minute DVD. I paid an extra £9.50 for the disc with all the pictures on, which in my opinion was worth it as we used it to print off pictures for family members :) xx
We've had our name picked out way before I even got pg. If we having a girl that would have been a different story as we don't agree. I have an apt next Thursday, we are hoping it's a 3d u/s we get. I also will be doing the glucose test, bleh, and touring L&D of the hospital. I cant believe how close it is to our babies being born...time has picked up.
Oh! Do you have pics? Would LOVE to see! My 3d ultrasound is on the 15th

I got pics but can't work out how to post them here! I just went for the cheapest package which was a simply 4d scan. It was supposed to include a couple of printed out pics but the sonographer threw in a cd of about six images for free cos I work in the nhs!

I have never had a scan like that before cos I always thought the babies looked slightly creepy in 3d but I loved it
I had my 4d scan at 27 weeks 2 days and the images were pretty clear. Only cost £59 which I thought was pretty good and included three printed out pics plus the cd that she threw in for free.

Anyone else feeling huge? If my belly grows any more I honestly think it will burst
Hi ladies... been a while. Brief update.

Still having passing out issues and just plain yucky feelings when on my feet or standing.
I can feel them coming on so I sit down or lay down quickly. For the most part I am in bed or on the couch so don't have to get up much.

I have a sono scheduled on my heart tomorrow. Hopefully get some defiant answers. Also started experiencing nose bleeds. This is normal in pregnancy yes, but when your having heart issues it can be a huge sign something else is wrong. Im trying not to stress to much cause I know that doesn't help either. Their still convinced its pregnancy related and should go away after delivery.

Positive note.... Andrew is a strong healthy little guy. He doesn't kick as much but more strong rolls, pokes, pushes. Getting cramped in there Im sure. 29 weeks today. I love being pregnant but will be so glad when he is here.

Take care everyone.
Bad night all around. I found out my ex stole $2800 from my kids yesterday...
Hope you get some definite answers at your appointment jackjack.
That's awful Branding, can you claim it back from him through maintenance or anything?

My 3d scan isn't until 32 weeks, but by the time I found out that was a bit late all the earlier slots were taken so I'm sticking with it.
Ah jackjack, sorry you not feeling good at all.
I hope it is definately all pregnancy related.

AFM, Im not paying for my 4D Scan, I got it as a gift, from one of my husbands, club members, girlfriends. Her mom, works for the private hospital and does the scans, I will be getting a dvd and pics with it, I felt so bad I asked if I could pay for it, and she said you can bring me a chocolate.

I am feeling huge!!! My sister in law is also pregnant a month behind me, and she does not look anything like me, she is small and petit, and you wouldnt even say she is pregnant.....

I am getting up at night again, at least once a night, at around 4 / 4.30am, to go wee, and its getting hard sleeping on my left hand side, because she wont stop kicking and moving, if I lay on my left.
Thanks Sun_Flower and Brandi - I'm going to speak to him about it again today as I have another lesson with him. I'm just going to say that my pregnancy nerves can't take it and hope that he respects what I'm saying.

Jackjack - I'm sorry you're going through all that. Hope you get some answers today :hugs:

Brandi - Can't believe that about your ex! It's a shame, it sounded like you guys were getting on again. Hope you can sort it out.
Oh no Brandi, how did you find that out?
Just had my 28 week midwife appointment, all is going smoothly. Had my whooping cough injection, found out Munchkin is now head down, facing left. Had blood taken and measuring 29.5cm fundal height.
So exciting Charlie,
I cant wait to see madam....
The whooping cough injection, is all pregnant woman supposed to get it?
I got a letter in the mail yesterday asking me to confirm my status as custodial parent of the kids "due to the removal of a subscriber from the policies". I never requested any of us to be removed, as until custody is finalized, I couldn't remove him myself unless he agreed to it or he did it himself. So I called to find out what that was all about and that was when they informed me that he cashed out 50% of all three policies, and THEN removed himself as the joint subscriber. I FLIPPED, because their policy handbook, and apparently federal law states that joint subscribers MUST be married or common law, and we have been separated for two years now, of which I can prove, I am the sole contributor to the accounts, of which I can also prove dating back at least 5 years, AND, page 34 of their policy handbook states that BOTH subscribers on the account MUST sign to withdraw money from the policy and cancel the policy and I did not sign, nor was I even aware. I also specifically requested a note on the account to MAKE SURE both subscribers sign to approve a withdrawal of funds from the account in the case that one of us tries to take the money from the account. We also both informed them a year ago that we were no longer together, therefore they should have removed him from the policy a year ago.

So, they've broken laws and their own policies by allowing him to remove MY MONEY that I put there for the kids to pay off his debt. The bankruptcy agency is also at fault because they have taken MY MONEY THAT I PAID FOR THE KIDS EDUCATION that was NOT there for THEM to touch to pay off his debts. Unless they have a court order saying I am responsible for HIS debts, they legally can't touch that money because a) I can prove dating back 5 years that I've been the sole contributor, and b)his name shouldn't be there in the first place, c) they didn't tell him about his THREE other options to save the RESPs, instead threatened him with jail time if he didn't try and get the money from the accounts, so they legally owe me that money back or they face a lawsuit, just like the RESP company faces ones if they don't rectify this situation immediately. And if worse comes to worse, my ex CAN AND WILL be held responsible for repaying back every single effing penny he stole from these kids, including the government grants that they lost. A court order to repay that money will trump whatever he has in place with the bankruptcy agency for repaying his debts. And be sure, I WILL go after him for the money if I have to...especially since I found out he got a new tattoo yesterday and after his d**khead comment that $5600 ($2800 plus the government grants and fees) taken from them is much better than him being $40,000 in debt.

Well guess what jack**s...I'm $30,000 and STILL would not make my kids pay back my debt. No, I got a job and I made arrangements with my debtors to take money on specific days where I guarantee the money is in there. And I've already been able to pay down my student loan alone by nearly $5000 in two years because of this.

Who the HELL files bankruptcy over $40,000. GET A DAMN JOB!!!!
So exciting Charlie,
I cant wait to see madam....
The whooping cough injection, is all pregnant woman supposed to get it?

In the US the current recommendation is that women get a Tdap shot (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis) between the 27th and 36th weeks of pregnancy to give the baby the highest chance of receiving antibodies to whopping Cough before birth. It also protects the mom from getting / carrying the disease and transmitting it to the baby after birth. Also dad and others care providers that come in contact with the baby should be vaccinated. Whooping cough can be fatal in small babies.

Probably more info then most wanted, but I am very passionate about vaccinations!

It makes me very mad that people are allowed to choose not to vaccinate their kids which puts*MY child at risk before she is able to be vaccinated.
Thanks Julybaby14, I will ask my gynae on the 22nd.

Brandi I feel so bad for you, That is a real crappy thing of him to do.
So you guys are not divorced, but you are separated?
Just separated. I can't afford to file for the divorce right now. Sucks. I got confirmation of exactly how much was taken. He took $3612.87, plus we lost fees, and all the grants. It's a total of about $5000 gone.

I'm just waiting on the documentation from the RESP company to prove I am the sole contributor and have been for 5 years. Once I have that, I can take it to the bankruptcy agency who MAY be able to give me my money back because legally, they can't hold me responsible for debts he acquired outside of the marriage, which is what they're actually doing by taking that money. I just have to prove that it was MY money and not his. So I need the RESP company to send the documentation showing which bank account it came from, then I can go to my bank and confirm that only my name is on that account, thus proving me as the sole contributor.

If worse comes to worse, I can sue him for that money and have it added into his bankruptcy, if I win, and I/the RESP company would be added as a creditor, thus any money he has come in would be distributed towards paying back what he owes. In total, it's a little over $5000.

Who the hell files bankruptcy for $40,000? People with common sense get something called a JOB not make their kids pay their debt.

If the bankruptcy agency can't give my money back, I will be suing him in court for the money he took, the membership fees lost, and the government grants lost, plus interest. You wanna screw my kids over, I'll screw you right back mfr.

As for vaccines, I'll stay out of that one. It really bothers me when people assume that everyone who doesn't vaccinate their kids is afraid of autism or some stupid crap like that. I don't vaccinate for good reason, but appreciate those who do. But I like it here and I like everyone else so I'll stay out of that one.
I am sorry for all the crap you are going through Brandi. That is the last thing you needed right now!

I got my dtap on Monday. It is still tender, but I think it was more the gal who did it was kinda rough.

I have my growth scan in a few hours. I am going to ask about a 3D scan. I don't know if they do them for non medical reasons, but if they do I totally want one! Otherwise we cannot afford to go private as it would cost $199 and we just don't have the money.
Finally some GOOD news for the day.

Back from the midwife! Heartbeat strong, baby head down (but that could change), gained only 10lbs in 5 weeks, home birth in the works and now on to appointments every two weeks!
Today is my last day in second tri! This is flying by...my husband didn't believe me when I told him yesterday. I feel HUGE when I eat a normal sized portion; yesterday I felt like I was going to explode so I made sure to eat smaller meals today and I feel good.
We've agreed that I am going to take my max allowed maternity leave of 6 months, which is without pay after 6 weeks. I want to try to live off of DH's paycheck alone from now until then and sock mine away in the savings if possible...once i'm out on leave we won't be able to afford the nanny anymore which kind of stinks because i would like to re-hire her once i go back to work but at the same time DH is looking for another job so hopefully he'll find one and we'll move by the end of the year anyway. I'd be able to save $20,000 between now and my last paycheck if that's the case and if we can sell my DH's motorcycle we'll have even more.
I'm going to skip the 3D this time around because it's so expensive here. I also need to start being smarter about how much i spend at the grocery store because it is a little out of hand...thankfully farmers markets will start having local veggies soon and we're looking to buy half of a cow to stock up on meat.

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