July Jelly Beans of 2014! *16 pink bumps, 18 blue bumps, 8 yellow bumps** (24 here)

Did u see I said fundamental instead of fundal lmao.. its the heat.
I wish it snowed by us. The lowest temp I think we experienced is 4degrees.
other than that we experience more thunder storms and have more floods.
I've been told the opposite - that I look very small for 27 weeks. Am a bit worried the baby may be undersized. My fundal measurement was 24cm at 26 weeks. Presumably the measurement is affected by how big your stomach was before you were pregnant though? My bump has certainly not advanced that much above my belly button. I would say it is about 2-3 inches above (the whole area looks a different colour to the rest of my body at times so provides a good guide to where the uterus is for me!). I've got an appointment with my midwife on Thursday at 28 weeks so will be measured again then. I wouldn't be surprised if i get sent for a growth scan though.

At 22 weeks my measured 17cm so quite a bit smaller. Midwife didn't say a thing about it as had a scan a few days before and baby was measuring spot on.
On fundal height I'm measuring slightly ahead but I was overweight to begin with and have a really long bump so I'm not surprised. Online I read it was normally accurate give or take 1 - 3cm so within that I.think you're still on track :)
hello ladies,

You all have been quiet this weekend,

Hope you are all well.

AFM, had bad cramps last night... But was OK this morning, been suffering from acid reflux alot.....!! Argh!!
Hello ladies. I havent posted in awhile. Its good to read all the good news and those with not so good news im very sorry to hear.
Brandi your ex seems like such an A S S...who would take money from their children seriously...

Ive had some issues of my own... no weight gain. Low hemoglobin. Trachycardia. Possible gestational diabetes. Decreased fetal movement. Ive been in and out of hospital. Had emergency scans. But bubs is fine and growing a week ahead. Fundal height is also measuring ahead. So yes bubs health fine. Me not so fine. But we are doing ok.

Its going so fast. Only a couple months and our little ones will be here... how exciting!!
Ah mum, glad baby is well and growing, and not so nice that you not doing so well.
Yeah to think a few more months, and baba's will all be here, I still cant believe IT!!!
My sister is 5 weeks pregnant. These are both our first babies. I think I am a little in shock and a little jealous seeing as they have only been married 7 months and we tried over 8 years.

I hope everyone is doing well. I am having a lot of pelvic pain. I can really tell third tri is here!
Tymeg - Wth? Who is this person to come and make observations at you like that? I'm assuming he's not trained in anything obstetric at all. Pfft. People eh?

RE: working out months - I just go by concieving on the 1st of the month (according to lmp) and then each month is the 1st so I add them up...Is it not 40 weeks that's most accurate though?

Frustrated - I was measuring 21 at 23 weeks and later at 25 weeks it hadn't changed! I got sent for a growth scan and baby was absolutely fine. Then within about a 1 week period I started to suddenly get bits of movement much higher up, yesterday was measured at 29! My theory is I might have a tilted uterus, otherwise the baby had an unbelievable growth spurt. My mw told me within 3cm either way is considered fine also. Hope it all goes well at your next appt. x

Brandi - Hooray for double digits! I forgot to celebrate that one even though I was looking forward to it haha.

Can someone tell me - my pattern for movements tends to be - lots of movement for a few days, then less movement and reduced strength of movement for a few days, then back to lots of strong movement. I asked my mw how I should be monitoring it if that's the case and she said it's not the strength that counts bu the amount ..... the thing is, I feel a lot less movement as a result of the strength. I never know during these quieter periods whether I should really go in or just wait for her stronger period to arrive again. Thoughts ladies? Does anyone else have this pattern?
I have days with lesser movements but if I lie down still in bed I can still feel they're there. I think it's because baby shifts position. I have an anterior placenta though.
I did go in on one occasion for a trace as she was completely quiet for most of the day and the hospital were lovely and baby was fine.
I found Lucozade woke her up though lol.
If you're ever worried just go into hospital, they won't mind.
Hey Linny, Yeah this man freaked me out,
Bladdy asshole.....
Cant wait for my check up next Tuesday!!!!
My work is annoying me, and Im so sorry I said I will work till the last, because now all I want to do is leave,
I will be looking for other work while on maternity, as I can not take too much of this...
Morning ladies!
Had 28 weeks appt yesterday and all is well. Turned in all my paperwork (birth certificate, health care proxy etc). Talked about birth control for after Jayden is born. Leaning toward the progesterone pill or the Mirena IUD. Though i work with a OBGYN and i have seen the horrors that can occur with IUD's. Not often is there a problem, but its always in the back of my mind. (i know too much lol).
Everything is going well. He is measuring a week ahead which is normal. This is the second appt in a row he is a week ahead. Maybe he will come a week early?! fingers crossed. haha He is also pointed head down which is nice! Lets hope he stays there. Good fetal movement, most of it when laying down before sleep and in the morning. I do believe i have been feeling him having hiccups. Feels like a rhythmic jumping sensation. Almost like he is being startled, but happens at even intervals for a few moments. :)

Im feeling well overall. Yesterday i was uncomfortable and really feeling winded when talking/eating. I can feel my stomach is really squished in there as i was unable to eat my bowl of fruit salad after dinner like i normally can. Sleeping is alright...between tossing and turning due to hip pain and up to pee.
Crib is put together and mattress should arrive today. Baby shower is on May 17th. Babymoon is may 2nd. Childbirth class is may 10th. :) Everything is moving so quickly!
Linny, I wouldn't worry too much. Babies are figuring out their patterns now and everyone has up and down days, where they are more active, and then just want to rest. As long as you feel movements at least 10 times a day, you're okay. You already know that some days are lighter than others, so try and figure out the days pattern to help ease any fears. And when it doubt, drink some orange juice, poke around, have something sugary, etc and see if that helps kick it up a notch.

AFM, today is my 3D ultrasound. YAY!!! It was supposed to be at 11am, but they called me yesterday and asked to move me to 1:30 instead because they accidentally double booked me, and they said they would give me a FREE DVD recording of the session. I was going to pay the $25 for it, but if I can get it free, I don't mind that. Turned out, my mom took the whole day off work and not just that time so she could be there to see, so it all works out.
Actually the 10 times a day thing isn't followed any more, at least not in the UK. Some babies DONT move 10 times a day, others move 10 times before breakfast. The rule for movement is always what's normal for YOUR baby. If there's a marked deviation in movement, either a lot less OR a lot more frantic movement than usual, it's always best to get checked by a midwife. Don't rely on a Doppler, because just finding a heartbeat doesn't tell you if the baby is distressed. A great website with more information (and a charity I'm a regional collector for) is www.countthekicks.org.uk xxx
Yay Brandi.... Good Luck, cant wait to see the pics.
As for movement I talked to my OB at 26 weeks about it. Her recommendation is that as long as you feel 5 kicks in an hour once a day that is considered normal. My little one kicks a lot more than that when she gets going! But, I definitely feel like some days are different than others. I have an anterior placenta as well and I think based on her position the kicks feel harder or softer. I try not to get too worked up about slight variations. Also, I've noticed that the more I am up and moving (like when I'm working) the less she moves. Walking and movement seems to rock her to sleep :). Also on days that I work out she seems a little less active. I'm sure I tire her out!

On a separate note I was at 2 family gatherings this past weekend and I need to rant. I am SO tired of people telling me what I can and cannot do. I was filling a jug of water and putting it on the counter for people to drink and someone insisted that I shouldn't pick it up. It was MAYBE 20lbs. I am still lifting 75lbs at times when working out. My OB is more than fine with this since I did much more before I got pregnant. She is encouraging me to keep going as long as I don't have any complications with my pregnancy. I feel like so many people treat pregnant women as disabled.... My parents are even nagging me to stop working out. I think the older generations just don't get it. The new research proves that working out, your variation in heart rate, stretching ect. is really good for the baby. And, I feel great. I have had no problems with back pain, hip pain, ect, and I think it may be partly because I have continued to work out and stretch. Or maybe its just luck, but who knows.

The gym where I work out posted a funny comic on Facebook the other day which sums up my frustration. There is a picture of a pregnant woman and it says, "If a pregnant lady goes to the gym and lifts weights everyone is up in arms, but if she lifts a big whopper to her mouth no one bats an eye." Oh so true!

I am just tired of it and at no other point in my life have I felt SO judged for the choices I make.

OK end of rant :).
I also can't stand when people give 'advice' based off of no knowledge...
I know what you mean. I got told off on the weekend for eating too many chili peppers. I was eating pickled chilies straight out of the jar. The woman said 'Isn't your baby kicking a lot?' I said no. She said 'If it isn't now, it will be in an hour. I don't mean to be rude but you shouldn't have anymore.' She found them to be really spicey but I personally didn't and have been eating a lot of spicey food throughout my pregnancy with no issues. I've looked it up and it poses no danger to baby and isn't going to bring on labour unless my body is 'ripe'. It made me feel awkward so I stopped eating them. She then went on to tell me how she drank a glass of wine every day throughout her pregnancy, ate sushi, and I kind of felt like - what right do you have to tell me how to eat when you broke the rules yourself?

I had my 28 week appointment today and everything was looking good, baby was measuring 27 weeks (despite me having a massive bump - so it just goes to show!). Midwife reassured me that everyone carries different, and as I am so tall baby will probably move around for longer than most babies - so she didn't even check where the head was as she could feel the baby spinning round in my tummy as she checked the HB. She predicted I'll have a boy, my instinct says the same. I just keep on looking at girls baby clothes and thinking what a shame it will be that I won't get to buy any - but I am very happy to be surprised. Just can't wait for July so I get to find out!
Back from my 3D ultrasound. The little booger wouldn't move his hands away from his face no matter what we tried...poking, prodding, sugar, changing position, NOTHING. At one point, he even covered his face with both hands and his fingers entwined with each other so we couldn't see anything, lmao.

We did get some good shots though. Although I think the tech is wrong. Judging by that last picture, there is NO WAY he's a boy.


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