July Jelly Beans of 2014! *16 pink bumps, 18 blue bumps, 8 yellow bumps** (24 here)

3 questions .. Lol just want everyones opinion please :)

- why again is 37 weeks pregnant considered full term (I looked it up n it sed that u not full term until 39 weeks cos the brain n the immune system r still developin)
-is it true that u have to have an epidural n have no other choice if u n baby r in distress(my gynae sed this cos I didn't want an epidural)
- how often does/should ur midwife keep in touch with u(mine hasn't contacted me in 6 weeks) lol ..

Thanks sorry for taking over I hope everyone doesn't mind ..

Can't believe I'm 70kgs lol .. N baby shelly is 1.15kgs .. :wohoo: not long now according to my gynae she's coming at 36 weeks .. I hope she's wrong !!
welcome tot he new ladies,

Moltal, Its your choice if you want to have an epidural or go natural.

The only time they can force anything on you is if baby is in danger.

Im not sure about the midwife, as i do not have one, If I am going regularly to my gynae every month for my check up, I dont see the need to have a midwife as well.

If you have a birthing plan, then speak to your midwife, and tell her she needs to help you to make sure you follow your birth plan, some gynaes dont care, they just want to get the baby out, and they want to make their money and that is it.

My situation is very different, my gynae, diagnosed me, and has been helping me from day 1.... And always kept in contact with me, even when I went to the fertility specialist.....

I think My little madam, has turned, has I had a lot of pain yesterday afternoon,and then my tummy just looked very funny, and then I could feel the pressure in my lady parts all night long, it made sleeping very awkward and i tossed and turned, and was up all night long.....
moltal, 27 weeks used to be considered full term but the college recently updated what is considered term back in October. 37w0d-38w6d is now considered early term, 39w0d-40w6d is now considered full term, and 41w0d-42w6d is considered late term.

No, it's not true that you MUST get an epidural. The choice is have drugs is exactly that, a choice. No one can force that on you. If they say your baby is in distress, you also have the right to ask for a second opinion. If the baby is truly in distress, you can ask them to help you reposition yourself on the bed in an attempt to get the baby into a different position. If the baby is truly in distress, then they may need to do a c-section to get her out quickly, in which case, they'll give an epidural or a spinal, but if you're labouring naturally, no one has the right to force an epidural on you.

The midwives don't need to keep in touch with you. They see you every 4 weeks until 28 weeks, and then it becomes every two weeks until 37 weeks when they see you, and then they are on call if there are any emergencies. I haven't seen or spoken to my midwives since my last appointment. Next is this morning.
I've just noticed your revised name for your little boy Brandi. I really like it!
Thanks Frustrated! Baby Gabe just sounds right to me, and I had to keep Kesler in there.

Had my midwife appointment. Gabe has turned himself back to breech so those rib tickles are fingers now, lol.

My weight gain has slown down and I only gained 3lbs in the last 3 weeks for a total of 22lbs so far.

His heartbeat is strong at 145.

Turns out, they rent birthing pools for $55. The next cheapest had been a private place for $135 so I'll definitely be going for my home water birth.

And apparently I have REALLY popped. 3 weeks ago, I measured right on for dates.

Today, at 28w3d, I'm measuring at 31 weeks


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My parents gave me a gift certificate for a pregnancy massage and I had it today...ahhhhh...Can i get a massage once a week for the rest of this pregnancy please? Haha. I don't know if it's because I'm relaxed or because I've peed 6 times since I got home but my stomach doesn't feel as tight anymore...lately it's rock hard all day from the time I eat breakfast on. I actually felt hungry for lunch and figured as soon as I was done eating I'd be uncomfortable but I'm still OK. And still hungry. But I'm going to wait a bit before having a snack.
We opened our pool yesterday-I can't wait for it to be warm enough to swim in! They sell pool floats with a hole in the middle for the baby belly...I may need to invest in one of those.
Well ladies, it's MAY!!!! We only have two more months to get through and then it's our turn!!!

And I've noticed there's a January Jelly Beans 2015 thread already. Holy crap! Where did the last 7 months go? It seems like we were just peeing on sticks yesterday.
Tell me about it! I need more time to prepare and get ready. I still haven't made a final choice on nursery furniture and decor so the chances of me getting it finished before the baby arrives are slim to none.

Alas the weather here is far too cold to even think about opening our pool up for the summer. It's a cool 11 degrees celsius today :-(
It's 7C here and raining. It's been raining since Monday and not going to stop until next Saturday. BLAH!

But they're calling for an extremely hot and dry summer, so I guess we're making up for the crappy winter we just had, lol.

I've only got to get the crib, one more gate, and I'm debating on a baby monitor still. Other than that, just got to paint and I'm all set for Gabe.
I woke up this morning and told the hubby we are having a baby NEXT month!!! Holy crap! I am so trying not to freak out. lol

We have so much left to do but I am waiting to worry until I get my finals done next week. Then I plan to get everything sorted and really start cleaning. I am definitely starting to nest as everything is bothering me.

We are having lovely weather. It is about 80 degrees with a light breeze. It makes me want to sit in the yard and read.
Hey ladies - i can't believe it either! on the one hand birth is just round the corner and coming up fast, on the other I feel like we've all been pregnant for years :haha: I am really starting to feel the 'aches and pains' of pregnancy now. Exhaustion is kicking back in, and the dreaded acid reflux is back with a vengance. Hey ho, not for much longer!

This gave me a chuckle today
Cant believe its just 11 weeks away. Omg.....
when do you pack your hospital bag.
my sis says it should be done by now.
hubby says wait till after baby shower.
Im freaking out a bit and only 8 weeks left of work....
My last day at work is 6 weeks tomorrow, but I've got a week off between now and then too so it's more like 5 weeks, holy crap!!

I spotted the January Jellybeans thread too, seems so mad there are 2015 babies cooking already, where has the time gone?

I have so much to do, and I'm stuck between doing it to early and then being bored out of my brain right at the end, and running out of time to do it all... Really need to get my butt in gear!
11 weeks to goooo! 9 weeks of work though, sadly. Think I'll pack at about 34-35w and do all the washing then too.

DS1 came out with the pox yesterday which is shocking timing as we fly in a week so I need him to scab quickly. Thankfully now I'm out of week 28 the risk to baby is minimal.
I only have until the 28th at work and have a week off before then, ahhh. Think I'm going to pack my hospital bag next week then probably end up repacking it after my baby shower at the end of May lol.
Part of me wants to do a gender announcement this weekend but the other part of me is terrified for some reason. My brain can't make up its mind!
I haven't even thought about a hospital bag!! Am hoping not to need one as we'd really like a home birth, not least because they appear to keep woman in hospital here for 2-3 days even when there are no complications, which seems a bit old fashioned to me and is the last thing I want. What are you meant to include within it? :blush:
Well the hospital I am giving birth in gave me a hole list of things, from babies toiletries, to outfits, blankets, to money, to ID's etc.
Wait, wait...Money? The hospital gives MONEY?! Hell, we have to stash those receiving blankets in our suitcases to get anything out of the hospital here, lmao.

I'm planning a home water birth, so haven't packed one. I do have a diaper bag with a few outfits, diapers, wipes, creams, pads, etc though, so at least if there are complications, I can just grab it and go.
Lol brandi. Nope they dont give us money.
we have to include that in our list of things to take with.

The hospital however does give you a nappy bag with a few items.
a frame with babies hand and foot prints
and they give you a spa day in hospital for all moms that has given birth.
Lmao, I totally read that wrong, I see, lol. Our hospital gives you nothing. You have to sneak it out. But they really try to push formula on the breastfeeding moms, and they'll even attempt to entice you with free formula cases. Each one they give out becomes a monetary donation towards the obsetetrics department at the hospital.

With my first, my daughter wasn't latching properly so rather than try to help me get her to latch, as I was refusing formula, they went behind my back to her dad and told him I was starving her (at a day old) and that she NEEDED formula. By the time we left the next day, she had only lost 6oz of her birth weight. She never latched after that. I ended up pumping and supplementing for 3 months, then forgot my pump when I went out of the country one night and just swapped her over to formula full time. They were more focused on pushing the formula than checking my 4th degree tear that within hours of discharge, I was back in emerge with 4 infections.

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