July Jelly Beans of 2014! *16 pink bumps, 18 blue bumps, 8 yellow bumps** (24 here)

Afternoon Ladies.

AHHHH Cally she is absolutely beautiful. Congratulations Again!!!!!

Ever since Tuesday when I got my induction date I have somewhere found a ton of energy. I guess its all the energy I balled up from being on bedrest since 31 weeks. I walk every night over 2 miles or so and nesting like crazy. I would love for him to decide to come again on his own instead of the induction. Silly little boy. I have loads of contractions but they fizzle out every time. OB didn't even check me tuesday as "I'm ready to go" I have a poll on my Facebook and all my friends and family are joking he'll come tomorrow being its Friday the 13th and a full moon.

A friend of mine had her baby 9 weeks ago. He is a little guy just now weighing 8 1/2 pounds. Its kind of crazy thinking Andrew very well could be that size in my belly :). Andrew did not like me holding him on my bump though. Kept pushing on him and rolling away.

Everyone have a great weekend. 15 days and counting.
Ty, oh I see. Well then, I hope it's smooth sailing for you. I think Kingston is head down, will find out for sure Wednesday. Tho past u/s have showed him being transverse and flipping all around.

Ok ladies, I do have things packed in my bag and other items I need to wash before packing them. Here is rundown of what I got today

Travel size of the following
-Body wash
-New toothbrush and holder
-New scrub for body
-Face wipes

-Warm fuzzy socks
-House slippers
-Tank top with built in shelf bra, they are my absolute fave
-Bikini panties....as all I own are thongs! The wifey was like do you actually own regular panties or do we need to buy some, I just looked at her and LOL buy some!!!!
-One of those high low dresses to wear home, quite comfortable to wear now, so think I'll go back and buy one in another color lol

And that's it for right now....
Feeling just slightly jealous tonight.

Two of my friends who were due within a week of me are in the middle of having their babies. One is in labour right now and was due 10 days before me, the other was due 6 days before me and had scheduled a c-section for June 26, but is in early labour too, and due to her placenta previa and placenta accreta, they can't let her labour for long, so she'll be going for her c-section soon.

Guess the full moon on Friday the 13th worked for them.

On one hand, I'm glad Asher is still baking, because he needs more time, but I'm so ready to meet my little man, so just SLIGHTLY jealous.
Cally-she's perfect!!

I decided that I would use our spare room as the new baby's room ( instead of her sharing dd's room) so i put up a wall decal i bought a while ago. Also sorted thru all baby stuff boxes and pulled out the bottles and breast pumps, burp cloths, etc. will install carseat after company leaves this weekend. Packed my bag except for toiletries.
Hand going numb as i type this but swelling hasnt been that bad this time around. Insomnia is annoying but not an every night occurance thankfully. Swimming in our pool has been a blessing but realized i may not be able to go in for a while after birth...so sad that i am just realizing this !!


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I love that decal pooch. If we had a girl I wanted to do pink, grey and yellow owls.
I haven't packed any toiletries :O really ought to do that. I have some miniature travel bottles I can fill up, might do that today. I also need to tidy up so everything isn't everywhere when I get home. It's not properly messy but I've been feeling so tired, hot and lazy that things have accumulated around my seat lol. Anyone want to share their nesting energy
Jackjack, hope he decides to make an appearance before your induction date!
Today is a new day! Felt so blah yesterday. But went to get super early last night (730) and slept till this morning. Getting up to pee less at night (only got up twice last night) which results in my waking up in the morning and feeling very swollen all over. Anyone one else getting this?! No good.

My hands are puffy and feel arthritic. So weird. They were also falling asleep while i was doing my makeup this morning...jesh. I guess its just the fluid and the hormones loosening ALLLLLLL my joints. I did get some compression stockings for my lovely pitting edema in my legs, today is the first day i am wearing them. Was pretty interesting getting them on this morning, but they are on. Right foot still so much bigger than the other.
A girl i work with is one week ahead of me, she came to me yesterday saying she was going home as she is having tons of pressure low in her belly and she just had to change her scrubs because her water is leaking! :)
I can't wait to see this baby in my belly. Honestly dont know how i can go a couple more weeks. I am continuing to work 40hrs/week until July 3rd. due July 7th. 14 more days of work left.

Happy friday the 13th everyone!
Cally -Aww. Your baby is so gorgeous! Congratulations once again!

JackJack- Fingers crossed your baby comes before the induction date

Pooch - that wall decal is too cute! I wish you would share your LO's bedroom pictures once its done. I am so curious as to what the rest will look like. :)

Imbhj - I really dont know if there is any correlation between less peeing and more swelling but if I had to guess, I would say no. I usually experience swelling if I have been driving for a long time an hour or more.

I have been feeling naseous since the past few days alot. I hope its not a sign of labor. I cant wait to meet my baby but at the same time, dont want him to come before 38 weeks. The longer he cooks, the better for him. :)
VENT: I have a open Children's Aid file due to my children witnessing domestic violence back in 2012. My ex and I are getting along, and have completed all the programs we were required to do by them. They are involved more to help us communicate and coparent than they are for the safety of the kids. They have never tried to apprehend them or had any intention to.
Anyway, a few weeks ago, I was talking to the worker who wanted to close our file, but I asked her to wait until we had completed our final program and were done with court, just in case my ex and I had a fallout again. Which we did. She set up a meeting between me and my ex, and we solved the problem. I haven't heard from her since then.
Now, this is going to make me sound like a bad parent, or like I can't provide for my kids, but earlier this week, my 5 year old was put on inhalers for allergy-induced asthma, and was put on another form of allergy medication. The medication and his aerochamber were not covered by my drug plan, so I had to shell out $75 of my gas and grocery money to get him his medication (he was struggling to breathe at night, so it was necessary). I did so knowing that Children's Aid will be able to help on the grocery front. $75 was all the money I had to my name.
I called my worker on TUESDAY to ask if she could possibly write me up a voucher for Walmart so that I could get lunch items and a few supper things to get us by for next week, as I don't get paid again until next Friday. Even $50 would help big time. I had to leave a message, which was fine. I waited all day Wednesday to hear back from her. Nothing. Called twice yesterday and STILL have not heard back from her.
My gas tank is on empty. My light is on, so whatever gas I have in there right now needs to last me until Friday.
So anyway, I called the head office this morning to ask if files are ever closed without informing the parties involved, as this is the ONLY reason I can think of as to why it's been over 48 hours and I STILL have not had my phone call returned by the worker, and what does the receptionist do?
She transfers me to my worker's voicemail to ask her, again resulting in no answer.
How the hell am I supposed to get an answer out of my worker as to whether or not the file has been closed if she can't even return my phone call requesting a small bit of assistance in feeding myself and my kids for the week?
Being 35 weeks pregnant this Sunday, I've been skipping meals to try and save what little food I have left in my house so that my children can eat. The Food Bank is not an option because they provide only two days worth of food, and are only open two days a week, and only for one hour. They open an hour before my kids get off the bus, and close just as they get off the bus. People are lined up at 9am for this 2pm opening, and I can't make myself or my three year old stand in line for that long.
I'm so frustrated. And hungry. Just wish I could get an answer, or help. Or something.
Today is a new day! Felt so blah yesterday. But went to get super early last night (730) and slept till this morning. Getting up to pee less at night (only got up twice last night) which results in my waking up in the morning and feeling very swollen all over. Anyone one else getting this?! No good.

My hands are puffy and feel arthritic. So weird. They were also falling asleep while i was doing my makeup this morning...jesh. I guess its just the fluid and the hormones loosening ALLLLLLL my joints. I did get some compression stockings for my lovely pitting edema in my legs, today is the first day i am wearing them. Was pretty interesting getting them on this morning, but they are on. Right foot still so much bigger than the other.
A girl i work with is one week ahead of me, she came to me yesterday saying she was going home as she is having tons of pressure low in her belly and she just had to change her scrubs because her water is leaking! :)
I can't wait to see this baby in my belly. Honestly dont know how i can go a couple more weeks. I am continuing to work 40hrs/week until July 3rd. due July 7th. 14 more days of work left.

Happy friday the 13th everyone!

I am confused. Maybe I'm missing something or maybe the rules are different in the US. According to what my OB has told me, if your water breaks then you have to have the baby within 24 hours or else they will do a c section. The worry is risk of infection once the water is broken. I know in cases of premature rupture of the membranes (PROM) they allow you to go much longer, but you are monitored closely for any signs of fever, infection, or Fetal distress.

Is this different elsewhere?? I keep seeing ladies here mention water breaking and no baby! Please fill me in on what I am misunderstanding!
Today is a new day! Felt so blah yesterday. But went to get super early last night (730) and slept till this morning. Getting up to pee less at night (only got up twice last night) which results in my waking up in the morning and feeling very swollen all over. Anyone one else getting this?! No good.

My hands are puffy and feel arthritic. So weird. They were also falling asleep while i was doing my makeup this morning...jesh. I guess its just the fluid and the hormones loosening ALLLLLLL my joints. I did get some compression stockings for my lovely pitting edema in my legs, today is the first day i am wearing them. Was pretty interesting getting them on this morning, but they are on. Right foot still so much bigger than the other.
A girl i work with is one week ahead of me, she came to me yesterday saying she was going home as she is having tons of pressure low in her belly and she just had to change her scrubs because her water is leaking! :)
I can't wait to see this baby in my belly. Honestly dont know how i can go a couple more weeks. I am continuing to work 40hrs/week until July 3rd. due July 7th. 14 more days of work left.

Happy friday the 13th everyone!

I am confused. Maybe I'm missing something or maybe the rules are different in the US. According to what my OB has told me, if your water breaks then you have to have the baby within 24 hours or else they will do a c section. The worry is risk of infection once the water is broken. I know in cases of premature rupture of the membranes (PROM) they allow you to go much longer, but you are monitored closely for any signs of fever, infection, or Fetal distress.

Is this different elsewhere?? I keep seeing ladies here mention water breaking and no baby! Please fill me in on what I am misunderstanding!

I'd love to know the answer too .. Made me think huh how is that even possible??
she was having lunch and she felt some wetness and thought her water were leaking so she went to the bathroom, and it was enough she had to change her pants. She then called her doc and since it wasn't a GUSH, he told her to come over to his office for them to check if it was in fact her water leaking or not. It did not end up being her waters. It was just exciting thinking how close we all are to having our little ones!

In the US every pregnancy/provider is different. As for me, we are to call to report if our waters have ruptured and they evaluate the situation. contractions? how close? are they strep neg or pos? Depending, some will have you come in right away to get checked, others will have you labor at home a little bit until contractions (if any) are closer, but my providers do not wait longer than 24hrs to deliver after waters break. Obviously everyone is different and all places have different protocols in place.
My sisters waters broke at 33 weeks. Drs admitted her and prevented labor for a week. My nephew was born at 34 weeks. Because her waters had broken she was kept in hospital and was closely monitored. I think she was even given medication to help fight and prevent infection just incase. They dont always induce labor or csection because your waters break. It depends on the situation. Is mum and bubs safe etc.

My first my waters broke at 31 weeks. But it was only a small leak which fixed itself. your waters regenerate (this is what I was told anyway) and I carried on and had my little man at 38 weeks. Tests were positive that it was my waters/amniotic fluid. Im fuzzy on the details bevause being a ftm I was just freaking out in the hospital
Hey brandi. Hope you are sorted and came right.
You should not have to be dealing with this at this time.
big hugs wish there was something I could do to help you.

Afm....... I am nesting today dictating to the hubby, housekeeper and my sis.... lol
even got my mil to come over in the storm to bring us a ladder. Lol
hubby stressed out because our car broke yesterday and he hates the fact that he is not mobile.
Yes, thankfully, I did. Turned out the worker had to leave quickly on a family emergency so was unable to change her voicemail and will be out indefinitely, but not a single receptionist I spoke to over three days felt it appropriate to say she was out.

I finally just called the intake line and explained the situation and they tracked down a worker who wrote up a voucher for me, so now our cupboards are stocked.
Morning Ladies.

How did everyone's Friday the 13th, full moon go?
Ugggg I had a great time with friends and family.
Had a great dinner and watched a movie.
Well yesterday morning and lunch time I had water BM (TMI)
During movie was having contractions every 10 mins lasting an min each. Movie got over got up and walked to my moms guest room instant nausea barely made it to bathroom.Talk about everyone freaking out. I was miserable. Contractions still coming but not any closer together. So much pressure too! Andrew moving ALL over the place.
After an hour I fell asleep in my mothers bed. Best nights sleep EVER....
This morning feel great.
Going to get a walk in, a little swimming, and shopping...
Have a great day everyone.
So I have two friends. One was due July 4, the other was due July 14. My friend due July 4 had her baby yesterday morning, at 11:16am by emergency section. She laboured and he got stuck. He was born with craniosynostosis, meaning his skull is fusing early. His older sister has it too.

The one due July 14, I put on her Facebook about the full moon and Friday the 13th and said I bet her baby would be born by today.

I just saw on her Facebook that she went into labour last night and had her baby girl by emergency section at 12:16am this morning, June 14. She needs help breathing. Both babies were 6lbs 12oz...and an almost 7lbs baby at 36 weeks for my friend is incredible!!!

I'm glad my little man is still cooking and getting stronger, but I can help but be incredibly jealous at the same time that they were due just before me and they both get to hold their babies already.

Glad I have you ladies to be pregnant with me and get me through.
Jackjack it sounds like Andrew could be here soon!

Afm I'm not even having strong BH so as much as I want her here next week I don't think it's going to happen :(

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