So I had my scan today, received bittersweet news only one baby is left, they are measuring completely on schedule. 11w3d, was not pleased with being scanned lol fought back the whole time. here is the pic
So sorry to hear that, but focus on the one

You can give double the love.
Sorry to hear mk
Ladies the scan pics are lovely!
I went to my midwife appointment to be told I should have been there 2hours earlier.. They'd written a different time on my card. The midwife couldn't fit me in either and I can't get an appointment for another two weeks, do feeling pretty fed up and annoyed because by then I'll be 16+2 and won't have seen the midwife since 5weeks, im worried about certain pains etc and now can't speak to her for another couple weeks
I know it doesn't sound much but I've only had 3 hours sleep and my hormones aren't the best so they're lucky I didn't turn into the hulk in the waiting room
That sucks, I was given a number to call in the mean time and she even gave me her mobile number to call if I had an urgent question. I hope you are able to contact her soon.
My belly has grown a lot! The pic on the left is week 5, the pic on the right is week 11
Great pics, mine is not quite there yet - it seems to change throughout the day
Lovely bumps, ladies!
I'll add my eventually... Once my bump is more baby than it is fat. Ha!

Same here, it just doesn't feel like a bump - more excess Christmas weight
Your bumps are adorable. I love rubbing on mine already

I'll have to see if I can get a good picture for you all.
Have you all heard of Lucie's list? It is a website with registry cheat sheets. I haven't read too much on it yet, but it sounds like a great jumping off place (especially for you first timers).
Thanks for this, I will have a look

Trying to not start a shopping spree just yet tho
Morning ladies another bleed for me last night, all over my sheets, lovely. No escaping this blasted SCH! Baby sounds well on the doppler though
Tasha sorry you are feeling bad hun. Your little rainbow is a rascal, making you suffer now, after letting you off lightly with morning sickness so far!!
Gorgeous bumps blossoming ladies! Mines evident to me now and I wore maternity jeans for the first time yesterday, although they are a bit big at the mo

I hope you feel ok now? Glad you have the doppler for reassurance!
Good morning ladies,
I know july is still far but I want to start prepring. Is it crazy? I want to make the list want we need and then to check what we have and make plans for the nursery and so on. I should wait longer but now I finally start o believe that we are getting our second one and feel the urge to start being busy with pregnant things ( sorry I cannot explain it any better).
How do you do this? Are you planning/shopping already?
I know some of us did buy things already.
I'd love to start but as we're moving (hopefully) I don't want a house full of boxes - we've only just de-cluttered all our excess bits which are now in storage
I think I will just start a list, do some research and then keep an eye out for bargains! If I do get something I can always leave it at my Mum's house for the time being
Just heard back from the Panorama test.
Low risk for everything

Great news - congrats!
Congrats Elizabeth!!!
BeautifulRose I've been feeling a bit nervous too and also have appointment on Monday and hoping to hear a heartbeat!
We don't really have much to prepare for which is nice! Our son is only 19 months so we have lots of toys and baby accessories already. We will have Puffin in a bassinette in our room for the first while and are hoping by the time he/she is ready for the crib then our son will be ready to a bed so we aren't buying a crib unless that time comes and we find we do need another. We have tons of boy clothes -almost all of which were hand me downs from my sister. She also has 2 girls so if this baby is a girl we are covered with clothes for her too! The only thing I think we might need is am infant car seat. Ours might expire before then so I need to double check.
We've been offered some bits from my SIL and a work colleague, but again I want to move first before we take them. So that's another reason not to go mad buying stuff

I'm such an organiser and like to be prepared, it's hard to hold back
Heres my little bubs. 12.5 weeks was nye and i had just popped out that day. I feel like every day its bigger!
Then theres my little love Toby hugging his new best friend. I was literally dying of adorableness. He just hopped up in my lap, put one paw gently on my tummy and stared at me. Then it turned into him napping on my belly with his paws hugging it.
Gorgeous pics, I love the Doggy cuddle one

Sounds like he'll be protective of the little one when it arrives
AFM, I was a bit grumpy the other day when I got home from work (I needed food) and was a bit snappy, this led DH to go off in a huff and I started crying (I don't usually cry much) but then couldn't stop and it was really draining, I hated feeling like that. It was like I couldn't even control it. Uggh, hopefully that won't happen again.