July Mamas! 101 Due in 2015! ! 37 babies born 23 boys 14 girls <3

I'm sorry, Tasha. :( I hope you and baby are well.

I think someone else had volunteered to take over before when ajarvis left, but if no one else is able to, then I can step in and do it. I might not have the most free time, but I do come on at work throughout the day and have been mostly keeping up with the thread.
Sounds like we all could use a restful weekend! I hope that is what you ladies have planned. My son has a lock-in tonight with his Cub Scout Pack and so my DH and him are there. We have a college basketball game to attend tomorrow where my son is being honored for something he did with that Scout pack. It should be fun. Then, nothing. Ah, nothing. Sounds just like what the doctor ordered!
Speaking of doctors, I went to pick up my daughter from school today and they tell me she passed out walking out to the car line. It was after she fell down the stairs. She stood up, couldn't talk despite trying and then walked a little and got wobbly and fell over. She didn't even try to catch herself falling and hit her head, breaking her glasses and cutting her face. I was a mess when they told me. I'm sure they thought I was overreacting, but the hormones wouldn't let me quit crying. We went to the doctor and everything seems normal. I'm keeping an eye out for concussion symptoms tonight and will monitor her for the next couple of days. She had a bad headache yesterday that caused her to get sick. I'm wondering if she is starting to get migraines like I do.
So sorry about your daughter mamabear that has to be so scary for the both of you!
Cdex im finding out what the bubs is on feb 16th too!!! So excited...and impatient. Lol ahh!!
Thanks for being so welcoming you all! I am sorry to hear that a bunch of you were having a bad day yesterday, hope the weekend will bring you some r&r.

Harley Quinn and Mamabee it is super nice to hear from others with a small age gap, thank you!! Our age gap will be 20-21 months depending on when this one would make his or her appearance. If you had asked me a few years ago if this would happen to me I would have been like snowballs chance in hell haha. I was never broody before DS but the second I was pregnant I was soo happy and since he was born I have been sooo broody. That feeling never went away and when DH got on board when DS was 11 months I was v psyched. Fell pregnant that first month (I still can’t believe that happened) and really kinda surprised myself that I needed some time to adjust to the idea. I can so relate to your worries about bonding time Mamabear. DS will be so little when this one comes along and we are very close. And I wonder how we’re gonna cope with an extra person and less sleep. But I tell myself people do it all the time and are ok so we will be fine too hopefully. Thankfully now I am starting to feel mainly happy and excited which is lovely. Anyway, very very nice to hear that the age gap worked out well for the both of you! Any golden tips on how to get through the first months?

MNgirl1991 I have that awful mucus thing as well! Never had it with DS but I think it is pregnancy rhinitis? Not sure if it goes away but I sure hope so, not looking forward to third tri sleep issues with this added to the mix. I haven’t found any relief really except saline spray and adding another pillow so my head is elevated. Doesn’t really help much though. Fx it goes away soon for both of us

We are hopefully finding out the gender on the 23rd of January. So close and yet so far away! Can't wait.
Oh Tasha hun, I'm not surprised you are feeling like that. I can't even imagine what must be going through your mind. You are one strong lady. I'd happily keep the first page updated with Edd's/ appts ect until you want to take it back over.

I've been a bit quiet this week as well, been a bit 'meh' and had nothing useful to say really :haha: :dohh:

Hi aleyana, welcome aboard hun!!

Mama bear hope your little girl is a bit better today, how scarey :(

Exciting about your upcoming gender peeks ladies! I may have a little look as well, in a few weeks. If not then I'll deffo try to find out at my 20w scan :D
Hi Aelyana we will have a 22 month gap once this baby is born xx
Missed quite a lot.

But a few days ago you were talking about pets, I currently have a 12 yo cat, Tids, 5 yo Cocker Spaniel, Alfie, 3 yo Staffie, Ruben & a Syrian hamster. Once baby arrives there will be 7 of us (including animals) in a 2 bed.

Aelyana, it has been awhile since I had a newborn (he will be 8 Tuesday), but I would say my biggest advice is to ask for help and let people have time with the older one while you and little one settle in. I am extremely fortunate that my mom is only ten minutes away and would often take my firstborn for a few hours here and there. It amazed me how when that happened it seemed so easy with just the one to watch and I wondered why I ever struggled when I just had one. The othe advice I would give is to try and get them on the same schedule as best you can. My first gave naps up before my second was even born (twas a sad day in our house). But I kept her on a schedule where quiet time lined up with his naptime. That helped. And don't forget to give yourself grace. You are their perfect mommy, but that doesn't mean you will be a perfect mommy. They don't exist. It will all work out beautifully. Good days and bad. It is a package deal :)

Thanks for the words about my daughter. She is sleeping away fine right now. Mostly she is just worried about how quickly we can replace her glasses. It bugs her that her old ones aren't as clear. I think she will be okay. I just want to monitor these migraine episodes.

I've been stuffed up in my left sinus passage. Can't blow it out, won't go away. Every now and then I'll get a nose bleed from that side. Last night it would randomly Leake clear snot from that nostril. It was a little embarrassing as I was in the middle of a conversation with someone. Every time. Guess I'll just need to keep tissues in my pocket.
its good that there are women on here with small age gaps between babies, for us out daughter will be 2 1/2 years old when this baby is born. I'm so worried that she is going to feel left out or hurt because there is another baby, she is very attached to DH and gets very jealous when other kids are around him. I plan on asker her for a lot of help like bringing mommy a new diaper for the baby, and letting her help in any way so she feels more involved we also decided there will be days where one of us just take her out somewhere to do something fun, and we have also decided to sign her up for a dance class :) i'm really excited about that for her
My brother and I have a 21 month gap and my sister and I have a 17 month gap (thus a 38 month gap between my brother and sister). Growing up was great. I always had people my age around to play with and we were relatively all at the same stages, which made it easier on my mom. Her bit of advice is to get the older person excited by letting them "help". My brother would help change my diaper by handing my mom wipes and diaper pins when she needed them, pat my back to burp me and hold my bottle. I'm sure we did the same things when my sister came along.
Thank you dano. I will get that sorted for you.

I'm just so scared all the time and that's not going to change at any point for me. I so want to enjoy this as if it is a bring home baby, it's our last but it is impossible.

Our smallest age gap was 15 months, between my oldest two, I loved it so much.
:hugs: Tasha, I so hope that everything will be ok for you and baby. You've come so far!
:hugs: to everyone who is not having the best time right now :hugs:

I've been feeling a bit anxious (which isn't new for me) but I have figured out that checking Bnb too often right now isn't helping :shrug: so I've just been backing off a little.

Have a scan Monday and I think worry about that is fuelling a lot of my feelings. Hoping I feel better afterwards if it all goes well :shrug:

Still stalking you all & will update with scan info xx
Hi ladies not been on for a couple days I've not been feeling right, thinks down to popping! I now can't fit in my work uniform so have given up and started wearing my own stuff until the maternity uniform arrives.

My SPD has been playing up too :( was so hoping to avoid it until a bit later on bit it's gotten me early, I'll speak to my midwife about physio on the 21st. Can't wait until the 31st either we find out what bubs is :)

Sorry your having such a tough time tasha :hugs:

Welcome newbies :)

The age gap between my 2 is 18months I loved it, they're best friends now (when they aren't arguing over the same toy :) )
so sorry to everyone having a rough go - maybe i shouldn't have said anything, DH always tells me to back away from the internet, and live in the now. I really need to take his advice, i have an appointment on tuesday with my midwife, i will keep my positive thoughts going and remember i am blessed with each day i live. On a brighter note i had a gender dream, that i was having a boy, he had a blue hat on, with DD i had a dream she was a boy though so we'll see!
Tasha so sorry to hear that you aren't feeling that great about the baby. I hope it improves soon and you will enjoy it

Dan o thanks for taking over

I am officially living in maternity clothes (well, jeans and trousers). I can fit in my normal tops yet but I feel so big as I know you aren't really supposed to show for ages with your first. Ah well.

We are team yellow to the end here and we both want a girl as oh has 2 older sons. We shall see. I keep thinking it will be a boy as that's what he produces. Lol

I'm still so tired! Anyone else having lots of naps?
Hi ladies. Anyone any experience with the graco evo travel system? It's on sale where I am and seems like everything I'm looking for. It's pretty reasonable for a parent facing pushchair anyway.

I had this pushchair, it is AWESOME! It's a bit big and bulky though, only downside. But lovely to push, huge basket, easy to fold. My second favourite pushchair ever :)

:hugs: massive hugs to everyone who needs them!

I still feel sick and my pelvis is getting even worse :cry: But, less than a week until I have my scan now :D
Heaveneats, will you be finding out the gender?

Wiggler, I know how your feeling with the pelvis :hugs: mine kept me up the other night.
Looking for a little reassurance...

My and my bf have been bickering all day and it's culminated in a rather big argument leading to me breaking down crying hysterically and my stomach started cramping quite sharply.

I've tried to calm down as much as I can but now my anxiety is through the roof something has happened to the baby from the stress.

This happened in some of my other pregnancies when I got upset on the odd occasion and with them not ending well I'm terrified I could have hurt baby.

My head is hurting so much now too :(

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