July Mamas! 101 Due in 2015! ! 37 babies born 23 boys 14 girls <3

Thank you all for your messages of congratulations after I announced Maisie's early but safe arrival.

She's now 5 days old (35+2 corrected) and remains in NICU. She's stable and doing well at this point which is promising and such a relief, though we still have a little way to go. Three of my nieces were born early and also required special care so initially I felt relatively familiar with what was happening etc., but it's just so different when it's your own child. She's had a significant weight loss and is now 4lb 8.5oz (birth weight was 4lb 14oz) so we are working hard to regain that as well as establishing her feeding and breathing. Overall, she's doing well and although we've decided not to ask the staff when we can expect her home, we're hopeful that she'll be with us before we know it.

In terms of delivery, I'll do a quick breakdown of what happened. As you may or may not have seen, I posted that I felt I was having some BH contractions around midday. Initially I wasn't hugely concerned about these as I was 34 weeks and knew to expect them but as time went on I felt her movements had decreased significantly so telephoned the unit and went in. OH and I had been moving over the weekend so I was anxious that the stress of that was inducing my labour but tried to remain calm. After being hooked up to several monitors it became apparent that she was getting distressed, causing her heart rate to become dangerously low at times, and more worryingly she wasn't recovering from this, so the decision was made to go ahead with an emergency c-section.

Shortly afterwards little miss Maisie Grace entered the world and Adam and I became parents. Perhaps not quite the journey we were expecting but she's here, she's safe and she's ours.

Sorry for such a long post! Hope you didn't fall asleep during that. I'll attempt to catch up on all that I have missed over the past couple of days.
Glad to hear you and baby are ok, Alea. I'm sure that was scary, but so glad it turned out well in the end. :)

AFM, had a couple of crampy tightenings last night that were 10 minutes apart. I got up to see if I had to pee, and that took care of it, fortunately and unfortunately, haha. I didn't think I had to go because I had just gone, but I should know better by now. ;)
It sounds like your baby is in good hands and will be home with you in no time, Alea! Made the right call about going in!

I had a midwife appointment on Friday. There has been some concern about baby's growth because I've been measuring 35cm for the last few weeks and haven't grown at all. I though that I noticed a decrease in his movement as well so they sent me to the hospital to get an ultrasound just to check things out...

Turns out he's fine! They estimate him to be at 7 lbs 6 oz (I know it can be wildly inaccurate so I'm not thoroughly convinced) and that all his measurements are good! He's in the 67 percentile. Definitely relieved. Here is a cute shot of his face! His lips are in the middle, his nose is right above them, eyes covered by what my OH calls his batman mask haha, and his chin is toward the bottom. He already has chubby cheeks!
Awww he's precious Amherst :)

I'm feeling kind of down today. Finished up the nursery yesterday but no signs of labor anywhere. -sigh-
Oh, here are a few pics from our maternity shoot. :)


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Congrats, timeforababy! Excited to hear a birth story! :)

39 weeks today!! Officially full term! Let's not draw this out too long :haha: I will post a few maternity pics that we took last week later.
Yes, please do post pics! And I'm right there with you about not dragging this out, and I'm not even 38 weeks! Hoping your baby arrives soon! ETA: great pics!!!

Rach, sounds like things are moving along for you! I hope the refelxology and full moon do the trick. :)

My poor little girl got a cold. We were going to go to the store to get some crafts to do as there is a ton of rain in forecast. But sad little girl needed a nap. So I'm lying with her contemplating a nap myself. Two weeks from Monday my little guy gets here I'm getting so excited
Aw, I hope she feels better soon. I would love some rain here! It's been sooooo hot.

MamaBee, I see you packed your hospital bag. I don't usually have advice about what to pack in that because as Tasha said, I never end up using most of what I pack! But this time, one thing I did was to separate out the stuff I might want right away (like, during labour) and then all the other stuff (like clothes and toiletries and whatnot). That way all the stuff I will want/need asap is all in one smaller bag and easier to find (like my water bottle, hair ties, camera, etc.).

As for packing the other kids' bags, the only advice I have is to only pack clothes that you would want them to be wearing in pictures. When DS2 was born, the in-laws dressed DS1 in pajamas to come meet his little brother. :dohh: To be fair, they kind of looked like they could have just been a short and shirt combo, but when I look at pics I can't help but think he's wearing his jammies! So this time I've only packed clothes for the older kids that go together and I would be happy to have in pictures. :)

poppy, I keep wondering how many more June babies there will be too! (And secretly hoping mine will be one of them... lol) Although a July 1st baby would be fun too, as that's a holiday here. :)

Sorry I've not updated much, I'm still in the hospital with Isaac. If his weight is good tomorrow morning we will get to go home tomorrow! Last time it was checked he was only 4lb 7! It's lovely to see so many babies will make an entrance soon!
Hope you get to go home tomorrow!

babyv, that sounds like a wonderful 'last date'! I think I'm going to get a pedicure tomorrow too!

Alea, thanks for the update! What a birth story!

AFM, had a couple of crampy tightenings last night that were 10 minutes apart. I got up to see if I had to pee, and that took care of it, fortunately and unfortunately, haha. I didn't think I had to go because I had just gone, but I should know better by now. ;)
Ha! I know what you mean about 'fortunately and unfortunately.' :)

I had a midwife appointment on Friday. There has been some concern about baby's growth because I've been measuring 35cm for the last few weeks and haven't grown at all. I though that I noticed a decrease in his movement as well so they sent me to the hospital to get an ultrasound just to check things out...

Turns out he's fine! They estimate him to be at 7 lbs 6 oz (I know it can be wildly inaccurate so I'm not thoroughly convinced) and that all his measurements are good! He's in the 67 percentile. Definitely relieved. Here is a cute shot of his face! His lips are in the middle, his nose is right above them, eyes covered by what my OH calls his batman mask haha, and his chin is toward the bottom. He already has chubby cheeks!
Cute! So glad he's doing well in there!

AFM, I actually opened my contraction timer app last night because I was having strong BH that felt regular. They were lasting about 30-40 secs each and were averaging about 7 mins. apart. I decided to time them in case they got longer or closer together but after about 3 hours they never did. So annoying. Baby's been moving as normal since then, so I think he's doing fine in there. It feels like he's engaged now, which is nice (except for when it feels like he's trying to drill his way out).
Alea, wow I'm so relieved to read baby Maisie was ok after all that. How scarey, thank goodness you were diligent and pressed for monitoring. Remember weight loss is normal and they expect to be back to birthweight at about 2 weeks or thereabouts. We arent quite there yet eitherand neither of my fully cooked babies made it back to birthweight until 13 days old. Hope she gets to come home ASAP, sounds like she's doing fab.

Livvy those pictures are gorgeous!!!!

Amherst, such a cute scan piccy!!

Harley and bubbles , both sound promising!! How are you both now? I'm impatiently waiting for a big boom of babies in this group!! :haha:
Hi ladies! Sorry I've been a bit quiet. Was seriously bummed out on Friday so kept my negativity to myself, feeling much better now still a bit disappointed as I should be in hospital now waiting for my slot.

Im off to the hospital later to cross match my blood ready to have blood on stand by for my section (scary thought) keep praying that they'll say they have a last minute slot for tomorrow but I doubt it. So it's still looking like Wednesday unless they decide to move it back again, praying they don't!!

Congratulations to the ladies that have had safe arrivals!!

I have read back but my brains all over the place At the mo trying to make sure we are prepared for this week.
As for us, poor baby Quinn has a stinker of a cold at the grand old age of 10 days :(

He's been fussing all night and could only sleep on his side. His eyes are all red, sneezing, coughing and he's full of congestion, may try a nasal spray for him today if he gets any more blocked up :( he is still able to feed once settled in the boob so that's the main thing. I hate it when my kids are ill!!!
Sammy glad you have stuff to keep you busy until b-day! Surely they won't move it again will they? Not long now... Eeek!!
Dan-o sorry about the cold! New born colds are not fun.

Well I'm due for my ECV today and also get my bile salts test results which will tell me if they need to deliver the baby Asap. I was up all night puking with worry, as well when changing my DD last night I found a small tick :( never have I seen one before but knew immediately what it was, I screamed for hubby and he calmed me down and pulled the entire tick out, we saved it to have it tested and are trying to get her in with her doctor to see what he says. All in all today has been awful I'm so worried about my two babies and have not slept
Is anyone else feeling like labour is so far away . I'm 38 weeks and feeling nothing . Lost no plug , getting no Contrations and I really feel like I'm gonna go way over again :( I was hoping to be getting a few twinges by now
Oh no dano. Poor wee guy.

Heaven :hugs: that sounds so worrying.

Keyval, you must feel frustrated but I will say with all of mine that haven't been inductions, I've had no twinges, no lost plug or anything and then my labours were very short and smooth so it means very little.
Keyval, my doc said it can all happen so suddenly! FX we see our princesses soon!
Oh I hope so ladies . I went 9 days over with my last and had an awful labour. She was 8lbs and I was told she was too big for me . They are adamant I go natural again so I would really like to start a little earlier and hoping she doesn't get too big . I'm just so anxious about the whole lot . Gonna ask at my appointment on Wednesday would they bring Me in for a sweep . Iv never had one but it might help .
Good luck, hun!

Full moon this week, maybe that will help bring some babies out!
Dan-o - hope your little guy gets over his cold quickly. Glad he's still able to feed well

Heaveneats - hope your appointment goes well today! Good luck with turning baby and those test results

Keyval - I'm with you hun! I feel like labour is a million miles away. I'm only 36+5 so I'm not desperate for it to happen right now. But still, I hoped I might be having twinges, some cramps, a bit of a show..... Nothing here. I really hope it does all happen fast this time. I had a sweep with dd at 40+1 & I had dd almost exactly 24 hours late so it definitely worked for me. I've heard you have to be ready for it to have an effect though - but i'd do it again for the chance it might work!!!
Heaveneats will be thinking of you today :hugs:, hope it goes well and turns baby, will they then induce you if its successful? Hope your bloods are ok too. Yuck to the tick, they give me the creeps. Are they possibly dangerous in Canada? I had one on my leg once and I freaked out so bad it actually fell off! :sick:
Ladies I agree with Tasha, my natural labour didn't really come with much pre-warning at all, cramps which started on the day itself. I think Thursday will be a busy day in here!! (Or not busy because everyone will be giving birth :haha:)
Heaveneats will be thinking of you today :hugs:, hope it goes well and turns baby, will they then induce you if its successful? Hope your bloods are ok too. Yuck to the tick, they give me the creeps. Are they possibly dangerous in Canada? I had one on my leg once and I freaked out so bad it actually fell off! :sick:

No inducing unfortunately. The ticks can be dangerous, low percent but still.

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