July Mamas! 101 Due in 2015! ! 37 babies born 23 boys 14 girls <3

Dan-o just lots of BHs since the ones that were 10 minutes apart. Some have been painful and gone into my back; I've noted the time on those, though they stayed irregular. I'm sorry your little one is sick! :( I hope he gets well soon.

Good luck today, heaveneats. Ticks are so gross. I actually found one on myself a couple of weeks ago. Still not sure where I got it either, I haven't been out in the woods or anywhere even close in a very long time.

AFM, still getting some irregular, crampy BHs. Next appt is in two days. Hoping for more progress (or a baby) by then. I am FED UP with being so pregnant. I feel like a useless bump on a log! :(
Oh I hope so ladies . I went 9 days over with my last and had an awful labour. She was 8lbs and I was told she was too big for me . They are adamant I go natural again so I would really like to start a little earlier and hoping she doesn't get too big . I'm just so anxious about the whole lot . Gonna ask at my appointment on Wednesday would they bring Me in for a sweep . Iv never had one but it might help .

I'm 38 + 1 too! I had a sweep done at like 39 and a half weeks with my daughter and that evening I started cramping and I didn't know it then, but I was in labor and everything happened at that point. Lost my plug, water broke and had her so this time if I haven't had her at 39 weeks i'll ask for a sweep, but my friend told me that if you tested positive for GBS (like I did) they won't do it so idk ehhhh!! But definitely go for it! Its a toss up.
Oh I hope so ladies . I went 9 days over with my last and had an awful labour. She was 8lbs and I was told she was too big for me . They are adamant I go natural again so I would really like to start a little earlier and hoping she doesn't get too big . I'm just so anxious about the whole lot . Gonna ask at my appointment on Wednesday would they bring Me in for a sweep . Iv never had one but it might help .

I'm 38 + 1 too! I had a sweep done at like 39 and a half weeks with my daughter and that evening I started cramping and I didn't know it then, but I was in labor and everything happened at that point. Lost my plug, water broke and had her so this time if I haven't had her at 39 weeks i'll ask for a sweep, but my friend told me that if you tested positive for GBS (like I did) they won't do it so idk ehhhh!! But definitely go for it! Its a toss up.

Oh that's sounds very hopeful :) thanks
I'm not sleep well at all :/ like 30 min-hr intervalls and for no reason. I also have this odd schedule of waking in the super early morning with energy for an hour or so then I crash and feel like I got ran over the rest of the morning/day. Tomorrow is my appt and then I have 1 more just two days before the c-section next week! It weird to say I'm having a baby next week!!
Hey ladies. . Just checking in. Following everyone but to tired to comment on everything lol... rough weekend for me. Randomly throwing up Saturday night and now I'm either fighting so nasty allergies or a cold. I'm officially over being pregnant.. too bad I still bad I still have 4 weeks....

Sorry for the negativity. Happy to see more babies born and healthy. So sad your lo is sick dano and scary about the tick situation I can't even imagine. I worry about that so much.

We are all getting so close!!
Oh dan-o....sorry to hear about the cold!

AFM...I'm on about an hour sleep. I was up all night with major...who knows! I'm feeling a kick in the top left, then few minutes later the top of my stomach gets tight...then fades after a second...then zap, lightening crotch. Lots of pelvic pressure and round ligament pain. I dunno what he's doing in there! I can't identify what's a real contractions from BH from a kick. Lol

So...we are just rolling with the flow...I'll just hang tight until I get something that hurts. I'm thinking kicking and BH since there's no real consistency. Or I'm dreaming. Haha. Oddly, looking forward to when I can tell the difference!
I was GBS positive in my last pregnancy and my doc did a sweep at 37, 38, and 39 weeks.. so it didn't prevent me from having that done.

Sadly- none of my sweeps ever did anything for me :wacko:
Countryblonde - I totally know how you are feeling! I have 3 1/2 weeks left (having a scheduled C-section) But it feels like it will take forever !! I wish these next weeks just fly by.. I am done.

Dano- Sorry your baby has a cold, that's awful :(

AFM- I was gimping around the house yesterday, my R hip/leg totally locked up and I seriously could not walk well on that side. It was very painful and irritating, as I had so much stuff to get done!

I did get the clothing and blankets washed. And now I just have to boil the pacifiers and bottle nipples and pump accessories. Getting really excited, although I feel like its so far away still :(

I think I have been losing parts of my plug, because it seriously looks like snot and is a light/neon yellow but definitely snot like consistency-(TMI I know) But no blood tinged stuff.

Is a "Sweep" another way of saying stripping the membranes? If so, they did that to me on my due date with my daughter and I went into labor 24 hours later and had her 24 more hours later.

Can't wait to see more healthy babies being born!
Just left the Dr's. I'm 1cm dilated! I know that's not much....but I super excited! Progress!! Lol. Now I'll wait for more. Haha
I was GBS positive in my last pregnancy and my doc did a sweep at 37, 38, and 39 weeks.. so it didn't prevent me from having that done.

Sadly- none of my sweeps ever did anything for me :wacko:

I know every practice/midwife/doctor is different so that is hopeful! I hope they will sweep mine!
Yay for progress Ms Elizabeth! I was 2cm 50% last week I'm hoping tomorrow shows a little more progress either more effaced or dilated. I only have a week and half to go but I still would like to know the discomforts are doing something! :)
babyvaughan - exactly!! since my cervix has been 1.4cm since oh geez, week 33ish....I forgot to ask what % of effaced that is.....

but yes, glad all this movement/discomfort is going towards something!
Awww he's precious Amherst :)

I'm feeling kind of down today. Finished up the nursery yesterday but no signs of labor anywhere. -sigh-

I am sorry that you feel down. I hope your baby will come soon and you don't need to wait too long anymore.

AFM, I actually opened my contraction timer app last night because I was having strong BH that felt regular. They were lasting about 30-40 secs each and were averaging about 7 mins. apart. I decided to time them in case they got longer or closer together but after about 3 hours they never did. So annoying. Baby's been moving as normal since then, so I think he's doing fine in there. It feels like he's engaged now, which is nice (except for when it feels like he's trying to drill his way out).

I hoep it was a sign and your little one may come fast. How does it feel when the baby is engaged btw? I cannot remember.

Hi ladies! Sorry I've been a bit quiet. Was seriously bummed out on Friday so kept my negativity to myself, feeling much better now still a bit disappointed as I should be in hospital now waiting for my slot.

Im off to the hospital later to cross match my blood ready to have blood on stand by for my section (scary thought) keep praying that they'll say they have a last minute slot for tomorrow but I doubt it. So it's still looking like Wednesday unless they decide to move it back again, praying they don't!!

Congratulations to the ladies that have had safe arrivals!!

I have read back but my brains all over the place At the mo trying to make sure we are prepared for this week.

I really hope they are not going to change it. It would be so unfair with you. Finger crossed.

As for us, poor baby Quinn has a stinker of a cold at the grand old age of 10 days :(

He's been fussing all night and could only sleep on his side. His eyes are all red, sneezing, coughing and he's full of congestion, may try a nasal spray for him today if he gets any more blocked up :( he is still able to feed once settled in the boob so that's the main thing. I hate it when my kids are ill!!!

Ah, poor Quinn. I wish a fast recovering for him. I guess being close and having your milk will help him to get over it fast. It must be hard seeing him sick so soon.

Dan-o sorry about the cold! New born colds are not fun.

Well I'm due for my ECV today and also get my bile salts test results which will tell me if they need to deliver the baby Asap. I was up all night puking with worry, as well when changing my DD last night I found a small tick :( never have I seen one before but knew immediately what it was, I screamed for hubby and he calmed me down and pulled the entire tick out, we saved it to have it tested and are trying to get her in with her doctor to see what he says. All in all today has been awful I'm so worried about my two babies and have not slept

Finger crossed for you! I hope baby turns. Ah, tick can be dangeours but most of the time they are harmless. Wen do you get the results back?

Good luck, hun!

Full moon this week, maybe that will help bring some babies out!

Full moon? I totally missed that.

AFM. I had another ctg tody. Baby's heart rate was a bit high, almost constantly above 160, occasionally near 190. I have to go back for another ctg tomorrow. She was very active today so the doctor thinks it can be the reason.
She measured her with a better scan and she thinks that her size is good and the baby is somewhere near 3 kg so I don't have to worry about her development. The water is indeed a bit less, but there is no need for alarm. Thanks Tasha for the chart about the water.
According the doctor if everything stays how is it now we can wait for her to come when she wants. If anything would change they will start the birth but as far as she can see there is no reason for that.
dan-o, I hope little Quinn gets better soon. Poor little guy.

And no, no labour here yet. Which is fine, because we are just today finally getting his moses basket set up! He wouldn't have had a place to sleep before today! :wacko:

Well I'm due for my ECV today and also get my bile salts test results which will tell me if they need to deliver the baby Asap. I was up all night puking with worry, as well when changing my DD last night I found a small tick :( never have I seen one before but knew immediately what it was, I screamed for hubby and he calmed me down and pulled the entire tick out, we saved it to have it tested and are trying to get her in with her doctor to see what he says. All in all today has been awful I'm so worried about my two babies and have not slept
Best of luck for the ECV! I'll be thinking of you today. And how scary about the tick! Sounds like you did the exact right thing and all you really can do for now. I hope you can catch up on your missed sleep before baby arrives!

Is anyone else feeling like labour is so far away . I'm 38 weeks and feeling nothing . Lost no plug , getting no Contrations and I really feel like I'm gonna go way over again :( I was hoping to be getting a few twinges by now
I go back and forth between feeling like it will happen any minute and thinking I'll go overdue! No signs that anything will happen anytime soon, but as others have mentioned, sometimes labour just comes "out of nowhere"! I will be getting a membrane sweep/stretch/strip (whatever you want to call it!) at my appt tomorrow morning. I had several in my first pregnancy that did not work at all, but I had two in my second pregnancy and the second one did the trick! My doc says they are more effective if you are already 2-3 cm dilated and about 50% effaced. So basically, if your body is already kind of ready, it can just make it happen a little faster.

Oh, and I've been GBS pos all three times too; never a problem for them to give me a sweep, but every doc is different I guess. Mine won't do them until you are 38 weeks.

Countryblonde - I totally know how you are feeling! I have 3 1/2 weeks left (having a scheduled C-section) But it feels like it will take forever !! I wish these next weeks just fly by.. I am done.

Dano- Sorry your baby has a cold, that's awful :(

AFM- I was gimping around the house yesterday, my R hip/leg totally locked up and I seriously could not walk well on that side. It was very painful and irritating, as I had so much stuff to get done!

I did get the clothing and blankets washed. And now I just have to boil the pacifiers and bottle nipples and pump accessories. Getting really excited, although I feel like its so far away still :(

I think I have been losing parts of my plug, because it seriously looks like snot and is a light/neon yellow but definitely snot like consistency-(TMI I know) But no blood tinged stuff.

Is a "Sweep" another way of saying stripping the membranes? If so, they did that to me on my due date with my daughter and I went into labor 24 hours later and had her 24 more hours later.

Can't wait to see more healthy babies being born!
Ouch about your hip! And it does sound like your body is gearing up to have a baby! woo! Yes, "sweep" is the same as "stretching" or "stripping" the membranes, as far as I know.

So excited to see more babies soon! Yay!

AFM, my two boys have both had hand-foot-mouth disease within the last week and a half. :( They are both feeling better and the fevers are gone, but I worry that if baby comes very soon (within the next day or two) that they might pass it on to him? Do you know how long that virus is contagious? I suppose I should ask my doc tomorrow what they think.
Hi ladies. Haven't been on here for months as was nursing my terminally I'll mother. She pase away a month ago and I just turned 38 on Saturday. Thought I would come back for some support and to try and catch up... though I can't manage to read through the whole thread..haha
Anyways, been so exhausted with this heat and baby has finally dropped. We just got the all clear for our home birth so just doing final prep for that.
Hope everyone is doing well and coping with these final days/weeks. :flower:
Hi ladies. Haven't been on here for months as was nursing my terminally I'll mother. She pase away a month ago and I just turned 38 on Saturday. Thought I would come back for some support and to try and catch up... though I can't manage to read through the whole thread..haha
Anyways, been so exhausted with this heat and baby has finally dropped. We just got the all clear for our home birth so just doing final prep for that.
Hope everyone is doing well and coping with these final days/weeks. :flower:

i am so so sorry to hear about your mom, that must have been so hard, lots of hugs to you for being so strong:flower: she will be so happy to look down and see that beautiful baby you have, and i'm sure she will be with you every step of the way, that is wonderful about the home birth, i hope it is an amazing experience :)

well today was just filled with hospital visits for me, first went for the ECV, it was horrible, the said my chance of him turning was 30%, the first 30 second the DR tried to lift him out of my pelvis and i was in tears, i had to get them to stop, all in all baby boy did not even budge, so it failed :( I then went all the way across town to the hospital that is supposed to be delivering the baby to meet with the OB for my bile salts results- well he didint have them, and basically said he will schedule a tentative c section on July 8th for me, unless the results come back abnormal then he will deliver the baby this week, im so unsure about everything right now, i just wish baby was head down, i watched a youtube video of a c section and now i'm even more scared.

took my DD to her family doc as well after all this for the tick bite, we kept the tick in a baggie i was a bag of nerves and sadness when i got there, told him the whole story and gave him the tick, he said it was so small and non engorged, as well the bite on her looked so tiny that he thinks it may have only been biting her less than 2 hours so that is really good we caught it, he said he wont sent the tick away because the results will take 3-6 months and he is really doubtful it could have infected her with Lyme's, but just in case DH and i are to keep and eye on the bite for it to look like a 'bull's eye' or if she suddenly gets sick then she has to go back and they will give her antibiotics, i'm somewhat less upset now about the whole thing.
Canadabear I'm so sorry the loss of your mother, that had to extremely tough to go through and we are all here for you!
Khatif, when baby is engaged, I can feel him down in my cervix all nestled down in there, mostly I can feel it if he moves because it feels like he is trying to drill his way out! It's just a lot of pressure and I can feel him bearing down. It is a little painful sometimes too, especially when I am walking.

Welcome back, canadabear. Sorry about your mother.

Heaveneats, I am sorry you had such a day! You are brave for trying the ECV! I was pretty nervous going into mine and secretly happy when they couldn't fit me in. I have heard they can be very painful. Sorry it didn't work, and also that the other appt didn't go as expected. It must be hard not knowing when the section will be. I hope you can get all your questions answered before hand so it can be a positive experience for you. :hugs: also glad the doc isn't concerned about the tick bite!
Canadabear im so sorry for your loss. I hope your birthday was as gentle as it could be.

Heaven, I've had a section and whilst it looks traumatic, it really isn't. I promise you. If you have any concerns or questions why not ask here? Us ladies who've been there can reassure xx
Khatif, when baby is engaged, I can feel him down in my cervix all nestled down in there, mostly I can feel it if he moves because it feels like he is trying to drill his way out! It's just a lot of pressure and I can feel him bearing down. It is a little painful sometimes too, especially when I am walking.

Welcome back, canadabear. Sorry about your mother.

Heaveneats, I am sorry you had such a day! You are brave for trying the ECV! I was pretty nervous going into mine and secretly happy when they couldn't fit me in. I have heard they can be very painful. Sorry it didn't work, and also that the other appt didn't go as expected. It must be hard not knowing when the section will be. I hope you can get all your questions answered before hand so it can be a positive experience for you. :hugs: also glad the doc isn't concerned about the tick bite!

Thank you! Glad you didn't have to do it, very awful having a grown man trying to pull your tummy is the worst:haha:
Canadabear im so sorry for your loss. I hope your birthday was as gentle as it could be.

Heaven, I've had a section and whilst it looks traumatic, it really isn't. I promise you. If you have any concerns or questions why not ask here? Us ladies who've been there can reassure xx

Thats a very good idea Tasha, I'm mostly worried about recovery and scar appearance, I have a 2 year old and will be alone with her and new baby when dh works 24 hours, which means walking up and down stairs lifting and driving to do groceries etc, can that be done? Is the scar big? Also breast feeding, is it more difficult?

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