jbk - I feel for you with that UTI. Blech. Are you still cramping? I hope you start feeling better soon!
holly - I guess we shouldn't be too concerned because SCHs are fairly common? I haven't bled any more so I'm hoping it's already healing, but I don't know.
Even though they told me it might happen again, it'll still freak me out if I spot or see blood again. It's just plain ol' scary!
country - I hope you've been able to get some rest and work will slow down for you soon.
I'm sure it goes without saying, but please share your pics when you get them on Thursday!
csto - What an interesting study! I have not heard of it, but I'd love to hear what our veteran mommies say. If it's true, I'm having a girl. Yipee!
k4th - Yay for your positive scan yesterday! So happy for you, hun! And I love that you said 51% girl, 49% boy. That's exactly how I feel!
sammy - Bless you, I know you're ready to be over that cold! It definitely should have been a duvet day for you!
Wiggler - Glad to hear the cold weather helps AND you were able to enjoy your food! I'll have to step outside next time I start feeling nauseous! Thankfully, it hasn't been all day every day for the past couple of days. I'll take it!
Kozmik - How exciting that you've started telling! How did parent reactions go? And how were your co-workers? Oh, I'm envious of your wearing maternity clothes. I can still fit in my regular clothes, but I have some maternity things on order. I will not hesitate to start wearing them when I get them!
cdex - I'm happy you got lots of positive comments on Facebook! I personally can hardly wait to announce on Facebook, but DH is adamant about waiting until 2nd trimester, especially after losing our angel in the 1st trimester last time.
It'll be here before I know it, though, I just have to be patient!