I had another stomach bug! I spent 9 straight hours vomiting non stop on Sunday. I lost 4 lbs & my belly shrank. I'm worried about baby. I wish I had a doppler now for some reassurance... Only one of my kids has it - so far. I'm praying it doesn't go through the entire house & my baby is ok.
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Here is my 14 week bump
January 22nd I have an appointment with the high risk Ob.
Here is week 12 bump
Good morning.
My bloat went totally away and because of the flue I even lost some kilo's. I have no bumb at all and I dont even look pregnant.
I have the next appointment on Monday but I am so scared again that something is wrong. No sign of pregnancy at all. My husband has to go abroad on Sunday and I am terrified that I will get a bad news when he is not here.
I was born with hip-shot (dislocated hips) so for me natural birth is not an option. I don't need c-section, but the pain in my hip in not something I can bear without actually painkiller therefore I will go to the hospital for sure.
We started to speak about name with DH and it turned out I don't like any of the names anymore we agreed onSo the search is starting again!
So ladies who have had babies before: If you had a feeling about what gender your baby was, how accurate was it? I think I'm having a boy and have felt it for a long time now.
Here is my 14 week bump
I have my first scan tomorrow! Excited and nervous, think it also my NT scan? Feel like I have been waiting forever for it!
Cute baby bump Jrepp!
I had a slight scare last night, I was having this pulling/stretching feeling all day long. It felt like a dull ache. When I got home from work, I started to have sharp pains in my pubic area in the low/center. I was hesitant to call the doctor but I called and spoke with a triage nurse. She told me to Drink 2-3 large glasses of water and lay on my left side for an hour and empty my bladder. If this helps it, then to just go to bed, if it doesn't help or if it got worse, to go to the ER. It did help the pains went down and only felt them 2x in the hour. I then went to bed and once I got into bed and layed on my left side, the pains came back for a few mins but then went away.
Today I am just having some mild off and on cramping . No bleeding or anything else. I am thinking its just stretching , but I was worried !!
Arghhh I just stood up and had another big flood of blood! I've had nothing at all since the last one, not even a spot! Literally soaked my jeans down to my knees, thank goodness I was at home! Doppled and baby sounds fine. Will go for a private scan sometime soon I think to keep an eye on this bleed. (Nhs won't scan me until 20w now)
Gender, I thought girl up until last week and now I think boy. I thought my second baby was a boy and was right and I thought the last baby I lost was a girl, and was right then too.![]()
Babyvaughan the heart rate wasn't right for me. Cubby's was always high, never below 150 and he is a boy! Had an appointment on Monday and Puffin's was at 140 so who knows!