Srrme glad the appt went well, always much nicer to see someone who is less clinical I bet. Roll on next friday and your gender reveal!!!
Keyval, cute bump! I didnt feel DS2 until a bit later as he had an anterior placenta. Even much later on I would miss movements as it acted like a big cushion on the front lol!
Bubbles, lovely bump too! Aww
Jrepp and cdex, cant believe you both have SB but it was missed until your 20's!
babyvaughan, sorry your scan was so short, but fab news it went well. Hopefully your next one is a bit more relaxed.
Happy 15w Mrsb! Look forward to your gender reveal! I'm deffo finding out!!!
Yay babytots, glad you joined! Sorry you also had a migraine, I was sick with mine too, yuck! I've had some waves of nausea again, here and there and will be sick if I over eat
(ie. whole jar pickles = sick 3 times in half an hour

Hope you get a break from it soon!
Mamabee, I bet it was the cord or an echo like you say

Great news your harmony came back good. Yay for your new nephew, how sweet. My labours were a bit like that, 5cm-fully really quick.
JBK good luck for your scan, hope you get to find out!!
Fab news luvallmy! I reckon I'm team blue too, but I will have to wait a few more weeks to find out! Your bump has definitely rebounded after your poorly week! Gorgeous!