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July Mommies Club x

Hey girls,

WL - dont fel bad sweetie. I think you're doing the best thing. You've got the main bit over with - you should be proud of yourself, not upset !! Well done you!!

Maybe - sounds like youve got yourself a winner with Merv bless his heart. Paul is great too. He's not back at work yet., so I expect a few lie ins but I get them everyday! Hope youtr tummy is ok. I would get to the docs to get it checked over x

Lilah has been puking a lot too. I think the warm weather has something to do with it. She seems more settled now its cooled down a bit... She also went between feeds from 5-10 today! I only had to get up once at 2 and OH done the early one. Im not feeling too washed out today. Ive up'ed her milk to 5oz so it might have something to do with it. Shes a hungry girly!

G - dont feel bad about your body!! It took 2 yrs to loose my weight and gain some sort of normality after William. Luckily things have settled back quite quickly this time around. Keep up the pelvic floors and crunches - they do work in the long run!

TTFN xxxxx
aww sarah you shouldn't feel guilty about wanting to bottle feed! i truly would like to go to formula because i'm not enjoying BFing and as much as i adore isabel and as much as i was desperate to have her, i feel BFing is interfering with my bond cos i get stressed and cross at least once a day with the mission that is arms and legs everywhere, rubbish latches that hurt, constant cluster feeding, bras and tops being soaked with milk either during a feed or at some point in the day when my boobs decide to leak...the list is endless!

if i'm honest the thing thats overall making me stick to BFing through the difficulties is because we are so short of money while i'm off work and formula can be costly...i was raised on formula and i'm not a sickly person and so on so i know formula is fine...i just have to try and make BFing work so it helps us money wise in the long run

i have read up that BFing becomes less time consuming than feeding formula as of about 6 weeks onwards as they can feed at the breast for like 5 mins and get enough to keep them going for ages, instead of needing a full bottle of formula cos they get quicker at necking it and your breasts release it quicker for them and tailor it more...so if the time involved is getting you down (as it is me!) that should improve!

hmm...settling... i try to gently plop isabel down as soon as she's been burped as she's sleepy then tuck her up in blanket (but don't swaddle). this often works, but failing that i cuddle her after burping until she's heavy breathing and then lay her down

am looking to get a sling at the mo cos sometimes she refuses to settle unless being held! apparently you can't spoil them with cuddles for the first three months as they need the reassurance of being close...

sorry for long post...am off to nose at piccies now :)
maybe - let us know what doc says on stitches...you're hardcore don't let no infection get the better of you!!!
aww sarah you shouldn't feel guilty about wanting to bottle feed! i truly would like to go to formula because i'm not enjoying BFing and as much as i adore isabel and as much as i was desperate to have her, i feel BFing is interfering with my bond cos i get stressed and cross at least once a day with the mission that is arms and legs everywhere, rubbish latches that hurt, constant cluster feeding, bras and tops being soaked with milk either during a feed or at some point in the day when my boobs decide to leak...the list is endless!

if i'm honest the thing thats overall making me stick to BFing through the difficulties is because we are so short of money while i'm off work and formula can be costly...i was raised on formula and i'm not a sickly person and so on so i know formula is fine...i just have to try and make BFing work so it helps us money wise in the long run

i have read up that BFing becomes less time consuming than feeding formula as of about 6 weeks onwards as they can feed at the breast for like 5 mins and get enough to keep them going for ages, instead of needing a full bottle of formula cos they get quicker at necking it and your breasts release it quicker for them and tailor it more...so if the time involved is getting you down (as it is me!) that should improve!

hmm...settling... i try to gently plop isabel down as soon as she's been burped as she's sleepy then tuck her up in blanket (but don't swaddle). this often works, but failing that i cuddle her after burping until she's heavy breathing and then lay her down

am looking to get a sling at the mo cos sometimes she refuses to settle unless being held! apparently you can't spoil them with cuddles for the first three months as they need the reassurance of being close...

sorry for long post...am off to nose at piccies now :)

Thanks :) You've made me feel better :hugs:
WL- Congrats on the sale and the new home!

Thanks gals. It's just really hard to look at my body. I dread bathing because every time I see my body I cry. I didn't have a perfect body before, but I could accept it. I just can't accept this.

I have a hard time with latching. I need another hand and arm, because I have to fight with the boy's hand that he keeps putting in his mouth before I can line him up to latch. So I have to let go of his head to pull his arm and hand out of the way, and try again. Takes forever to get him on, and usually it's not a good latch and I suffer for it, but on is better than his fist in the mouth so I endure it.

Wishing--I keep BFing for financial reasons, too. That, and I'd never hear the end of it from my mother if I switched. I did invest in a good pump, though, which is nice because it lets me get away for a bit.
with settiling aaliyah i feed burp then down she goes cos she is in a milk daze if that dont work i rock her a little then down she goes.

thanks ill go to the docs if it gets worse god i hate them tho lol merv keeps having ago but im sureit will getr better :)

aaliyah fusses at the boob but instead of fighting her i stop tryin 2 line her up if i show im gettin frustrated she does 2. merv thinks im mean cos i say stop fighting me she does for a few mins then stops then laches on. but i love BF and im beging 2 think im weird lol its tireing sometimes but she is going through a growth sput at the min so yestday was cluster after cluster but its slowed down 2day :)
maybe - ditto...isabel is having growth spurt too!

godiva - i've been getting support on here with BFing (in the forum bit for it and through PM's) and its been really helpful, as well as watching loads of videos on latching and so on which have also really helped...if there are aspects you're struggling with you could go the same route as there's loads of info on the net...if you like send me a PM and i can send you info on where to look and try and help based on the research i've done...don't get me wrong i'm not a pro and still struggle myself but i can pass on what i've been taught!

with the octopus arms and legs it was suggested to swaddle isabel by wrapping her up with a muslin before feeding...makes it easier!! also, i now look for early signs she's hungry which i wasn't aware of before and it means she's now being fed before she gets stressed out which also makes for a much more pleasant feed without the octopus arms! the early hunger signs are moving head from one side to the other and peddling their arms and legs (like when you lay on floor and do cycle movements with legs in an exercise class). also sucking hand or licking the air. then the next sign is bobbing and rooting when being held and apparently the very last resort they have is crying so if they've gone to the crying stage it means you've missed the early signals

all this was explained to me by lactaction consultant and has made life easier...i'm meeting her again soon so will let you know of any more tips if you want them :)

if you've got cracked nipples from poor latches (like me!!) you can use lansinoh ointment to soothe and promote healing and don't need to wash it off prior to feeding (lactation consultant even said you can put it on prior to feeding). if you can't get hold of that you can use pure lanolin ointment instead

sorry if i'm telling you things you already know...i just know what a tough time i've been having and how it feels to feel really crap about various things :hugs:

and ditto with feeling awful about body...every time i have to BF i have to lift top and then i'm faced each time with my awful belly...oh the flippin joys!
WOS-yeh i catch aaliyah with the hands first and her sucking her hands and fingers if i get to the crying stage its a nightmare lol
lovely pics sarah!!!

well i think i am going for the BF and bottle half and half combo for the next week and then I will up it to 3/4 forumla the week after and then the week after that Harris should be on formula full-time.

I gave him a full forula feed earlier but he wouldn't settle and eventually he got the nipple and fell straight asleep. :( I am such a mean mummy!

Hubby away to buy me a nipple shield. To be honest I have no idea what I am doing/ what is for the best.

as you still sound undecided, why don't you post a thread up in FF and BF section and ask for some advice...i'm sure peeps will be supportive :hugs:
maybe - ditto...isabel is having growth spurt too!

godiva - i've been getting support on here with BFing (in the forum bit for it and through PM's) and its been really helpful, as well as watching loads of videos on latching and so on which have also really helped...if there are aspects you're struggling with you could go the same route as there's loads of info on the net...if you like send me a PM and i can send you info on where to look and try and help based on the research i've done...don't get me wrong i'm not a pro and still struggle myself but i can pass on what i've been taught!

with the octopus arms and legs it was suggested to swaddle isabel by wrapping her up with a muslin before feeding...makes it easier!! also, i now look for early signs she's hungry which i wasn't aware of before and it means she's now being fed before she gets stressed out which also makes for a much more pleasant feed without the octopus arms! the early hunger signs are moving head from one side to the other and peddling their arms and legs (like when you lay on floor and do cycle movements with legs in an exercise class). also sucking hand or licking the air. then the next sign is bobbing and rooting when being held and apparently the very last resort they have is crying so if they've gone to the crying stage it means you've missed the early signals

all this was explained to me by lactaction consultant and has made life easier...i'm meeting her again soon so will let you know of any more tips if you want them :)

if you've got cracked nipples from poor latches (like me!!) you can use lansinoh ointment to soothe and promote healing and don't need to wash it off prior to feeding (lactation consultant even said you can put it on prior to feeding). if you can't get hold of that you can use pure lanolin ointment instead

sorry if i'm telling you things you already know...i just know what a tough time i've been having and how it feels to feel really crap about various things :hugs:

and ditto with feeling awful about body...every time i have to BF i have to lift top and then i'm faced each time with my awful belly...oh the flippin joys!

I usually catch him when he's sucking on his hand; that's the problem. I can't get a correct latch because he'll pop his hand in his mouth as I'm trying to get him positioned correctly and mouth open enough for a correct latch. So then I have to let go of his head and get his arm down. And try again, and he does it again.

I've tried swaddling his arms down, but he always manages to get it out and into his mouth unless I'm holding the fabric (but then I can't hold his head to latch). I think I need a baby straight-jacket. Either that or another arm.

As far as not having to look at the stomach, I have a few nursing tanks that I pretty much wear all the time unless I'm leaving the house. They are very nice, and you can just unsnap the hook and fold the top part down instead of lifting the shirt, etc. I find them to be very handy.
Oh ladies I thought I was the only one who went through all of this!! at least you can be glad you got the milk to sustain them!! I never did, it happened with my first too so was kinda expecting it tho!!

WL - I would change over gradually as I did as formula can sometimes make them constipated and a little icky for the first 2 weeks!!

Blake is no fully over to formula and thriving!! i went and got him weighed today and he was 9lb 13oz!! that is nearly 1lb in a week!! Had a word with the health visitor tho and she thinks I should put him on the milk for hungrier babies as were he was once sleeping 4 hours between feeds he is now taking 7 ounces every 2 hours and still not settling!! have named him hungry horrace!!

godiva - I felt the same after my first child and was disgusted with the state of myself but you will gradually get some of your old self back and feel better!
Hello ladies!

Am just grabbing a few moments on the internets, am busy enjoying my little bundle and am down in Cornwall for the week so she can meet the grandparents :D

I'm bottle feeding simply as I didn't want to breastfeed. I was thoroughly feeling sorry for myself after my delivery as well so that cemented my decision. Caitlyn has a lovely routine because of it. I admire all the ladies that can and do breastfeed!

My MW told me to switch Caitlyn to hungrier baby milk as she was taking 5 - 6oz every 4 hours at 3 days old...but I made the change and had two days of awful sick afterwards and projectile vomits / poos so have put her back onto the first stage and she's been fine so far today...so am sticking to that!

One of my stitches is infected too :( only one though :wacko: am thinking its because the swelling went down etc. Really hope they start healing and disappear soon. Had enough of them! =[

I dont even look like I have been pregnant, my milk has gone, my belly has gone, am back in size 8s BUT I do have really bad posture in my back from carrying her.
twig u jammy bugger size 8 lol,
Im in a 12 now I was a 14 before I got pregs but I still have me mummy tummy hanging skin i tuck into me big ugly knikers hahaha
twiglet i'm no longer speaking to you!!! i've been lucky with my weightloss but not that lucky!!! :grr:

godiva - thanks will look into tops you mentioned cos its such a palava at the mo to keep lifting whole top plus seeing jelly belly each time!!
Thanks everyone. We're really lucky to have gotten those pics, esp for free as my friend is using them for her site.

What's Hungrier Baby Milk? (I realise it seeems to be for baby's who are eating more, but is it a particular brand? or does it just mean stepping up to the next level on the formular scale?)

OMG! Max just won't settle... After a feed or play time I try to put him down but he just fusses and wakes up, either immediately or after a few minutes. Driving me nuts! I have to wait till he exhausts himself, which is sometimes hours :(
Well I started doing half and half after my post yesterday and my decision is to put Harris on the bottle gradually over the next couple of weeks. He seems quite happy taking the EBM first (20z) then almost 2oz of Aptamil. The HV is out this morning and will no doubt make me feel guilty for doing this but I am sticking to my guns now and much happier in myself about it today.

Wishing- I also have jelly belly and my tummy still makes me look like I have a mini baby bump. I can however fit into my size 8 jeans but as for wearing tops that don't hide my bump- no way!!! I look ridiculous! My tummy is also a roadmap... I think it's because I am small normally and Harris was a biggish baby.

Am so tired. Harris went to bed last night at half 9 and slept til 1 then was up at 3, 5 and 6. He is asleep now but HV coming so I can't even go back to bed :( Might go for a shower now while he is sleeping! I haven't washed my hair since Saturday! xx

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