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July Mommies Club x

mb- me is jealous! what's a full nights sleep again? i haven't had one of those since before i was pregnant!!! xx
hehe I love it lol sorry I dont like 2 show off but im soo happy lol we will all have full night sleep soon cos they should leave home at 21 hahaha
Hey girls,

Been quiet on the thread hasnt it? We all busy mummies???!!

I know I am. Lilah has been suffering with colic all week. I tell you now, its no fun. Literally screaming in agony from 6pm, till 12 last night. looks like its gonna be a bad one again tonight too.

Ive changed her milk to aptimil, spent a bomb on Dr Browns bottles (after having a stack of avent ones) brought every colic medicine under the sun but nothing works. Its so distressing. HV said she could have an intolerance to dairy which would mean swapping to soya based milk. Its a nightmare here atm. Will be off the the gp in if its no better in a day or so. gfingers crossed.

In other news she's gaining weight. She was 10lb Thursday! Thats double what she should have weighed by this week. She has her mums double chin and everything!!

I hope everyone is doing ok. WL - I can blieve what you're going through hun. Some people are just prone to bad luck! At least you geta nice tummy at the end though- can I have a hernia pls?!

TTFN xxxx
oh bless ya hun must be really hard im hoping aaliyah dont get it its really hot down here so she seems to be really wingy cant really complain cos me mum and sisters have been great but looking forward to going home and having our baby back lol, sleep was good but still wake up every 2 hours :dohh:
aww shelley :(
isabel suffers with wind in eve but its not quite as bad as colic...last night i burped her in different positions continuously between feeds and did baby massage on her stomach and it seemed to help as she was a bit calmer...maybe this tactic could help you guys...? :hugs:
maybe - make sure you keep aaliyah cool hun cos its hot where we are and isabel is covered in heat rash and dehydrated (i found this out cos her soft spot is sunken in and so have just got her checked at out of hours docs) gotta give her some water so have mixed some with expressed milk as apparently BF babies often refuse water!
Oh, Shelley :hugs: I hope she's doing better tonight.

I bought a DVD called 'The Happiest Baby on the Block'. It's all about how to stop babies crying (when they seem to cry for hours at a time and nothing will sooth them). You can google it, but basically - tightly swaddle, turn on side or stomach (while holding), loud shhhhh-ing or white noise, using a swing, and a dummy/pacifier.

You work your way through the 5 until they stop. They show lots of babies who seem to be in a lot of pain, completely carlming in just seconds. You're probably tried some of it but it's meant to work really well if you put it all together (in order). (Max is a real fusser, for hours, but not so much of a continuous cryer, so I haven't tried the method myself, except for the swaddling and shhhing at bedtime which is helping).

I just found this about it:

•Swaddling - Tight swaddling provides the continuous touching and support the fetus experienced while still in Mom's womb.

•Side/stomach position - You place your baby, while holding her, either on her left side to assist in digestion, or on her stomach to provide reassuring support. Once your baby is happily asleep, you can safely put her in her crib, on her back.

•Shushing Sounds - These sounds imitate the continual whooshing sound made by the blood flowing through arteries near the womb. This white noise can be in the form of a vacuum cleaner, a hair dryer, a fan and so on. The good news is that you can easily save the motors on your household appliances and get a white noise CD which can be played over and over again with no worries.

•Swinging - Newborns are used to the swinging motions that were present when they were still in Mom's womb. Every step mom took, every movement caused a swinging motion for your baby. After your baby is born, this calming motion, which was so comforting and familiar, is abruptly taken away. Your baby misses the motion and has a difficult time getting used to it not being there. "It's disorienting and unnatural," says Karp. Rocking, car rides, and other swinging movements all can help.

•Sucking - "Sucking has its effects deep within the nervous system," notes Karp, "and triggers the calming reflex and releases natural chemicals within the brain." This "S" can be accomplished with breast, bottle, pacifier or even a finger.
thanks sarah :) have just sent the info you posted to one of my friends whose baby has colic so cries continually as it may help her! :)
hey wos u jinxed me I have not bf since 11:30 last night and she had her last expressed milk bottle at 6 and my boobs started leacking they bloody kill lol thank god she is waking up now hahah,
Thanks for that Sarah and WOS.

Amazingly I do all of those things anyway! Seriously, without knowing I hold her on the side, and gentle sway her whilst shhhhhshing and give her a dummy. Its one of the only ways she gets some rest. Perhaps its just instinct to do that for your LO's? Now I know its right, Ill keep it up and tell OH too.

Its such a horrible thing girls. You feel so helpless. I have been so stressed this week. She was a bit beter last night, but only cause I managed to get her asleep. If she can sleep through it she only stirs when the pains come, not full blown screaming. Crikey William was such a quiet baby. I thought they were all the same till now, gues I was just lucky with him.

To top it all off, with still being so run down I have a constant sore throat and swollen glands and feel dizzy every evening. Could do with a night or two off girls!!

Right, baby waking for MORE milk the hungry little guzzler!

TTFN xxx
awww poor Lilah :(

How are the rest of you?

I am ok- my back ghas really started hurting which I am sure is because of my tummy and weak muscles.

Got a better sleep last night as Harris went to bed at 10pm, slept til 2am and then got up just after 6am! :)

Anyways better run- hubby home in 10 mins and I am supposed to be ready to go carpet shopping- not even showered!!! Ooops xx
ooh whitelilly you're gonna be in trouble!! :rofl:

ok girlies...i officially love moby wraps! got mine through today that i got off ebay and it means i now have isabel comfortably strapped to my front whilst leaving both hands free to do stuff! woohoo :yipee:
Caitlyn has thrush in her mouth! Boooo. Apparently there's nothing I could have done to prevent it but still tis sad :( she's on this horrid medicine and has an ointment too.

In other news in the last ten days she has put on 1lb and 5oz! She was 7lb 14 at birth. 7lb 5 at 5 days and now is 8lb 10!! HV was very happy with her and said I have a very happy and healthy baby :happydance:

Shelley hope the colic improves! Caitlyn had it all last week and I was at my wits end! Then decided to switch her tommee tippee teats to size 2 and anti colic plus on the advice of a MW and gave her infacoil in her evening feeds and she's been fine since! Fingers crossed it continues this way!
I was thinking of changing her teets too. I have spent a fortune of these bloody bottles. I wish Id have used my boobies after all!!!

I have tried infacol, dentinox, gripe water and these new bottles but nothing works. She is also on gaviscon for reflux too. She keeps bringing up curdled milk which isnt very nice. If she doesnt have the gaviscon shes sick. Ive read up a bit on reflux disease which the HV said she could have. Need to see the GP about it.

Just spoke to OH who said he's gonna be in late - leaving me holding the baby. Fongers crossed she doesnt start off on a bad note cause I cant handle all night on my own with the crying!!
Shelley - have you tried colief? you can get it from boots. it is expensive £10 for a tiny bottle but it helps digest the lactose in the milk. its amazing stuff and I have seen loads of babies get a lot better on it.

Blake has been really wittery this week, not sleeping too well and when he does it is very restless, getting quite annoying now as we have gone through every possible problem and nothing helps!! health visitor reckons he is just going through a growth spurt - said he is really long for his age too and this usually means they struggle more when having growth spurts. dont know how that works.

apart from that tho - we are both well, I got weighed the other day and I am officially 4lb lighter than when I fell pregnant!! went and gort some new clothes the other day as everything I had was falling off me!! and boobs are back to pre - preg size too, kinda wish they had shrunk a little as I have always been top heavy!!

anyway all is good here girls, Blake weighed 10lb 5oz today and has his six week check next week!! its gone soooo fast!!
oh and by the way, I am sooooo not happy!!

can you beleive that after going through childbirth, afterpains, sore bits, leaky boobs and weeks of bleeding I go and get my first period!! AAARGGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

seriously mardy!!
Hmmm not fun Gem!

I'm not looking forward to that myself...hate them at the best of times...best part of pregnancy = no periods for 10 months :happydance:
Hi All,

It seems something is setting all these babies off. Max isn't a big cryer usually but he had one hell of a good go at for three hours last night :cry: He vomits about 2-8 times after each feed too, so milk time is a messy business. We're having a lot more 'awake time', so it's nice to see him changing - smiling and putting his hands together etc. We're starting giving him some tummy time as well. He also got weighed yesterday, now 11lbs 10oz..... Petite my baby is not!

Wishing everyone a 'quiet' day and evening :hugs:

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