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July Mommies Club x

whitelilly - isabel was same birth weight as harris and we both seem similar with belly and road map!! mad!

hope the stupid HV didn't make you feel bad...your baby and your choice and you're doing nothing wrong :hugs:

hope you managed to sleep and wash hair...isabel kicked up two thirds of the way through my shower this morning so i forced myself to just carry on and sort her out once finished!!
Hungrier baby milk takes babies longer to digest so its longer between feeds and their tummy is full...utter rubbish at the moment though as Caitlyn took the same amount but was sicky and so ill on it.

On stage 1 she has 4oz - 5oz every 3 hours but I'd rather her have that and be happy than be ill on stupid hungrier baby.

Cant wait to see what her new weight is. Find out next week some time :happydance:

WL, hope the HV doesn't make you feel bad about YOUR choice...I had an arguement with a midwife at the hospital as she said I was lazy for not breastfeeding...this was 5 hours after she finally came so I was tired and a tad angry anyway :blush:
well the HV didn't turn up- I sat and waited. Turns out she called yesterday and left a message on my mobile asking if she could come tomorrow instead. Maybe I should check my voicemails more! I sat all tired for 2 hours when I could have been asleep.

On a scarier note, I noticed that Harris has a large soft bump at the back of his head. I am hoping it's nothing at all and just an after effect of the forceps. He is alert, not overly sleepy, bright eyed and feeding so I am assuming it's all ok but will get HV to check it out tomorrow.

Wishing- I am going to just get on with my routine from now on and get myself dressed. I am sure Harris will learn to settle himself too.

Twig- can't believe she said you were lazy! If anything, FF is more annoying/ time consuming, prepping bottles etc!!! xx
Hi all

WL wat ur like on ur HV bless ya, i think formula feeding is more time consuming if u ask me i just wolup it out when she is hungry.

aaliyah feeds mostly every 2 hours but at the min seems 2 be more WOS do u breast feed on demand as in when she wants it, its just me mum was saaying i should try extend her feeds but its a bit hard when she si screaming for a feed not sure if i should feed or leave her 2 cry ::( dont really want her 2 do that cos she is only 3 weeks

I do get my self ready first in morning bu we had a bath 2day together :cloud9:
cheers hun, I cant over feed her can I cos she is a big baby I think thats why me mums saying something eg u dont want her getting 2 big do u she 3 weeks already got me worrying bout her weight jeez
No I don't think so, they demand as much as they need
Hi girls!!

Sarah+ Blake has been the same with struggling to settle - I have taken to leaving him to cry more as it doesnt matter what I do he doesnt settle!!

I have put him on hungrier baby milk as he was taking 7oz every 2 hours and still moaning!! and I have also had to get some faster flowing teats for his bottles as he never seems to be getting enough and taking forever to feed.

If anyones HV tries to make them feel bad about FF tell them to bugger off and its your baby and you will do as you feel right. My health visitor toldme not to bother putting Blake on hubgry baby milk as he may just be having a growth spurt and not need it in 3 weeks!! But as I said He needs it now tho!! unless your gonna come and settle him every half an hour through the night!! she soon changed her opinion!!
the HV was really great about me FF! :)

BUT i had to go to the GP this pm as my 'bump' on my tummy was more painful- turns out I have a hernia and I am being referred to a surgeon. I don't know how much more crap i can take... episiotomy, stitches, mastitis, hernia... :(

mb- love your pic! xx
Love the new sig MB :thumbup:

Hope you're feeling better WL.

Glad to hear I'm not the only one with settling probs Gem. Does letting him cry for a while seem to work? It's such a drama to need to spend sooooo long getting him to sleep each time.

Max weighed in at a healthy 5kg (11lbs) on Tuesday! Everyone keeps refering to him as 'the tank' (which his Daddy hates but I think is cute).

bye xx
getting aaliyah weighed today so I will update u all

aaliyah had a her first bottle of em bless her soo proud and mummy got 2 sleep
hey maybe...yeah BFing is on supply and demand basis...they demand and you supply!!! approx every 2 hours is normal and no you definately can't overfeed her on breastmilk!
aww whitelilly...not sure what to say hun other than big hug and it will get better soon :hugs:

congrats on the healthy weight gain sarah :yipee:
I had an appt today with a private consultant and I have a ventral hernia, which is so significant that it requires surgicl repair and...I need to have a tummy tuck too after it!!! Hey, at least I will get a nice washboard tummy! I was so upsetbut feel better now I know what is wrong.

Harris is now on the formula fulltime. I think my milk is stopping coming in although my boobs are a little bit sore!

Hope you are all fine :) xx
mmm tummy tuck every cloud babe :hugs: happy mummy=happy baby

tell ya aaliyah is not napping at all 2day lucky me mums here or i would get a little annoyed I expressed some milk again so looks like i will have another full night sleep whoo but saying that me boobs allitle sore expressing then aaliyah feeding then me boobs tarted leaking lol

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