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July Mommies Club x

HI all god iv had a few bad baby blue days have no idea where whey came from at all :( but im back 2 my normal self now :) didnt get aaliyah weighed this week gonna take her this one :) she was soo good yesterday was only up 2 times for a feed and change noticed the more protein and veg and water I eat the better she is in the day so its back 2 healthy food for mummy helps me waist line as well so I cant complain..

WL glad everything is going well with u as u have had a torid time FF was defo the way to go :)

WOW sarah thats great with the sleeping I feel human when I get 3 hours haha

Merv been ace he has been taking her then when I see he is goosed I take over, even with the feeding I expressed 6oz but didnt end up using it cos worked out it was easier getting up for 20 mins to feed her cos if I catch her before she screms she burps then goes back down so saves merv having to heat up her milk etc. he has her now chilling 2 oaisis can hear her cooing :cloud9: they say babies dont smile from 6 weeks but I swear aaliyah has been doin from at least 4, soo proud of me little cubba
sarah - well done on hisweight gain :happydance: max is on 95th centile for weight and isabel is on 91st centile for height! she's gonna tower over me!!! :shock:

whitelilly - that sucks to be away from harris so soon :( hope you escape sooner rather than later :hugs:

maybe - big hug :hugs: i have some days where i feel 'chirpier' than others too...glad you feel more yourself again :hugs: interesting to hear you say about diet cos i've noticed isabel has been a little grizzle monster recently and that coincides with me eating lots of junk!

isabel has also been smiling for a little while...she's just started answering back in a way when you talk to her which is too cute :cloud9:
lol its mad aint it u try ur best to eat healthy but some times u dont have time but its worth it cos the past few days I have done and she has been fab :)
hey girls,

:thumbup:, hope you are all well, sorry havent been on but I found yous :blush:, never seem to get a min, and our pc still playing up so more hassle than worth to try and log on :nope:,

anyway glad all is well, we are doing good, apart from the wee man has been constipated today, anyone any suggestions ? I am still BF'ing him ??

take care and talk soon xxx

ps.shely would you add me Elliott george kirkham 10/07/09 - 7lb 15.5 xx
Hi girls,

How si everyone? SJK nice to hear from you hun. No tips for constipationif BF. Water is the first place to satrt I guess. I give Lilah 5ml of gripe water in with a couple of oz's of cooled boiled water for her tummy, and its the only way she'll drink it.

I know giving extra water is differnt when BF'ing though..? Hows about a warm bath and a tummy massage? I know when I have a bad tummmy it helps me.

Good luck with it hun xxx

Hope everyone else is ok? We're still struggling with the feeding/sick/colic business. I have noo idea whats going on. Im hoping it'll settle down on its own.

Had a busy weekend. OH's mum got married - and he gave her away. It was a very busy but lovely day. Will try and post a pic or 2 in a little while.

hey sjk...best thing is doing somemassage on tummy
how long been constipated? BFing babies can safely andwithout worry go for a week without pooing, so long as he's still having wet nappies its ok :hugs:
sorry for typinggot isabel!
hi sjk strange i was thinking bout u yesterday :) i find the more water i drink the more she goes i drink at least 3 litres a day :)
Hey ladies, how are you all?

I am doing fine - feel good today as I finally came off my period!! after over two weeks of being on!! sooo got annoyed with it after only just stopping bleeding from the birth!!

Blakwe is doing wonderfully, he was 11lb 1 oz on Monday, which is about average for his age but he is also on the 91st percentile for his height!! gonna be tall and skinny I think!! obviously must get that from his dad's side!!

I went out to the pub on Saturday for the first time since Blake arrived. My mum had the boys for me and I spent the night on the phone to her making sure he was okay tho!! had a few drinks and didnt get drunk too easily - which was what I dreaded!!

Blake is now sleeping 7 hours a night without fail and is a really happy chirpy baby.

oh and by the way Blake has been smiling since about 4 weeks but once he hit 6 weeks you notice a massive change in how often he smiles and coo's too!!
We have just started to get the first proper smiles they definately aren't from wind :) it's so cute.

Ben is 1 month old on Saturday it's gone so bloody quick!

I'm starting to get really annoyed with the headaches am still getting as they are making my vision go all funny which is something i can't play with as i'm blind in my left eye so my right eye is all i have to rely on :-( so am off to the doctors at some point to get it all sorted.

On a positive note i am still desperate to try for number 2 right now i honestly can't wait even though i think we will be till Xmas at the latest :-( seems like so far away lol
Hi Girls :happydance:, thank for the replies, he went to the toilet the
next day, I went to the baby clinic on monday and the hv wasnt conerned, IguessI was cos it was such a change for him, got him weighed and he was 11lb 5, hes a giant compared to what Jack was !! :haha:

I cant believ hes 7 weeks 2moro, where has the time went :nope:, its gone far too quickly.

anyway hope all is well girls, talk soon xxx
I know what you mean SJK, Blake is 7 weeks old today and it seems like just yesterday we were all discussing my signs of labour!! Glad elliot is okay.

Elley, please stop talking about trying for another one!! you are making me terribly broody and I arent having any more!! or so he tells me!! lol!!
hi all didnt manage to get out 2day to get her weighed :doh: but spoke 2 a midwife last week said I can do it about once a month which is more than a month but I know she is over 11 as last time we weighed her she as 2oz off lol.

going to my mums on sat which means full weekend sleep hehe she dont no it yet its a supriise which im sure she will love lol
robert george born 10/07/09 weighed 7lb 8oz

hi all hope you are all keeping well
im breastfeeding my little one and all is going well had him weighed at his 6 week check-up 10lb 6oz i hated breast feeding my other 2 it really drained me so i was dreading trying it again but im more relaxed and i think thats helped
hes got such a wide smile he makes his sisters laugh when he starts trying to talk to them hes trying to giggle i think well he gives out a strange noise when he smiles lol
times passed so quickly cant belive hes nearly 7 weeks
welcome onboard pimplebum :howdy:
i'm joined up with the other july thread but i never go on it...as with the pregnancy one it was you girls on this thread i got to know best!!

okay...for those breastfeeding...i 100% recommend a v-shape pillow to rest LO on - i got one today and it's made it so much easier especially now isabels getting bigger and heavier!
and for those formula feeding i think a pillow would make it more comfy for you too...

elley - get checked woman!!! hope its nothing serious :hugs:
ohhhh geogem never say never about another one i said that after my 2 girls i was on the mini-pill when i got caught with my 3rd what a shock (but a good one)im so happy it did happen and my 2 girls adore there brother just wish i had been a little younger im 37 now but i must admit im more relaxed now .. thats my only advice to new mommies try to relax more dont worry about what your doing if your happy your babys happy
Sorry gem i'll shut up now and go back to my corner lol

We tries to BD lastnight but OMG!!! it killed i couldn't even let him put it in properly i gave up in the end after trying every way possible.

Ben is on baby gaviscon now as he has reflux and according to the doc's my headaches are side affects from my spinal as it happens sometimes :-(
Hi girls,

Oh elley thats crap hun. I am the headache queen after having a lot of them before and during pregnancy. I suffer migraines which are horrific. I had to have some blood tests today as ive been dizzy for the last few weeks. I had it beforre being PG then it went away, but every evening I get really dizzy. Its started in the day now too.Ive read up on silent migraines that can include virtigo that it might be but my gp is mega dismissive. Fongers crssed blood tests shows something, as my BP is high and its all stressing me out which cant be helping..

Has he said how long it could go on for, or given you anything? Sorry about the BD'ing too. Still, at least you were brave enough to try - we havent yet!!
Ive had Lilah on Gaviscon for a couple fo weeks now. If she diesnt have it shes really sick. Im pretty sure its reflux or another digestion problem. HV said she needs to go back to the docs again..

She was weighed today and is a mega 11lb 2oz!! Not bad for the 'tiny' baby they had me worrying over! Shes also the 98th centile on height coming in at 58cms -shes gonna be a tall one like daddy!

Welcome to July mummies Pimplebum - ive updated you on the front page...

Maybe - I am soooooo jealous of your full nights sleep over the wknd - I neeeeed one please! Lilah willsleep 6-7 hours, but cause of her tummy the timing is still a bit wonky and not in a pattern so the 7 hours can be from 9pm, not 12 like id hope!

Hope everyone is doing ok. I forgot how much of a zombie you turn into in the first couple of months! I am loving the new sounds baby is making though, and theres nothing like a killer smile at 5am to make you wanna squeeze them!

Roll on next week when big brother goes back to school. I need some peace!!

TTFN ladies xxxxx
No it was just a passing comment as it was Ben i was getting looked at at the time i'm going to go and get checked out next week now i have transferred back to my old doc's again. TBH though i'm getting all the same things you are including the being dizzy so i wonder what it could be?

11lb! She is bigger than Ben last time he got weighed he was only 9lb 13.3 lol! although he feels huge lately.

I workd out the other day that i only put on 1 stone 7 the entire time i was pregnant and after giving birth i lost way more than that as ben was 8lb12 double it for his placenta and then add a load more for all the water i had (there was a lot!) so i think i ost a load more than 1 stone 7 lol but am to scared to get weighed yet!
I havent even attempted having sex...nope! My stitches are still in the back and my internal ones are still in my woowoo so there's no way. Liam has a hand and he can get acquainted with that for the next 2 weeks :D

Caitlyn is lactose intolerant! Got her on a new milk and what a different baby :cloud9:

Am leaving her at my mums tomorrow as we have Liam's work ball :( boo! Gonna miss her so much!

I really want another one! Having to wait till 2011 though :( stupid moolah!

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