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July Mommies Club x

Well girls i'm finally on the mend after an infection in my arm spread to my c section cut and then i got an absess in my back! but the pain has all gone now so am a happy girly again who can finally look after her little man properly!

Right your all going to think i'm weird now BUT we are alread planning baby number 2 for very soon! I can't help it but something inside me clicked and it ust feels right and looking after Ben is 100x easier than i expected.
we were gonna do that as well elley but I have 2 graduate this time lol, so we are gonna start trying to bake a baby in july when aaliyah is one, but at the earlest march :) hey ya never no we cou7ld go for number 2 2gether lol xx
Had a difficult night with Caitlyn last night! She woke up for her night feed at 3:30...ate, burped, changed and fell asleep. Put her down. She cried. Liam had wok the next day and she was hen pecking so I gave her some more feed. This continued till 5:00 until I asked Liam if he minded me leaving her to cry for a bit as it was all attention seeking at this point and I dont want a clingy baby. After a 2 minute cry she slept till 11!!!

This has just been repeated again :hissy: but she is now asleep and I can finally get dressed and sorted. I think the thrush is making it sore for her to feed and she's not taking the amount she needs as a result so is taking it in bits.
:hugs: twig bless ya hope it gets better

gosh just read the thred and hope everyones babies gets better soon, now feel a little bad for moaning when aaliyah gets a bit greasly when she is tired. she is asleep now and should be up for about 3 unless she fancies getting up sooner lol xx
We are thinking more right now lol midwife says i should wait a few YEARS before getting pregnant again because i had a section but that's neve going to happen i wanna be pregnant by xmas at the latest :) i seriously think i've gone crazy lol
whoo lol that is crazy hahah yeh u will have 2 have a section again if u have one b4 2 years :)
Hy ladies - yes elley baby - you are indeed mental!

I am very broody at the minute too, and I hate not being pregnant anymore. Its so weird after wanting it to be over only a few weeks ago! I dont think we'll be trying any time soon. My stitches are on the mend nicely, but it still feels totally numb and weird down there.

Well Lilah must have been listening to everyone supportive words cause she was amazing ast night. Hardly any colic at all, and she slept her first 6 hours!!! Well it was over 6, more like 7 which was wonderful. Shame it was from 9:30pm, as it still meant I had to wake up at 4. She was in such a good mood too, smiling and being all happy. I couldnt help but be happy too - even if I was still shattered!!!!

Fingers crossed for another good night tonight. We're off to the GP now for advice on this sickness thing. Will update later, TTFN xxx
:lol: Elley I find myself wanting to have another asap but not go through pregnancy again :rofl: we're going to be TTC in March 2011 as our finances should be good by then and we should be married.

Caitlyn just got up for a feed, squirted her medicine into her mouth and she SPAT it at me...seriously quite funny :rofl: disgusting though and I can understand why she spat it out...its vile! She's now semi-dozng in her bouncer but isnt crying so I'm fine with that :thumbup:

MB moan away, dont feel bad! Until she got thrush Caitlyn has been the perfect baby...our neighbours didnt know we'd had her till they heard her yesterday and when they knocked the door to see her they were amazed she was 16 days old as they'd never heard her before!
I'd like to start trying for another now as well but unfortunately our finances won't allow it :-(

When I was changing Katie yesterday, she coughed & poo shot out all over me!!! :sick:
Ah ladies, I know how you feel - I would love another already but unfortunately Blake will be my last, which I think that is a shame since I'm sooo good at pregnancy and childbirth!!

Blake has settled really well again and is now in his own room and sleeping 7 hours per night without waking!! really didnt wanna put him in his own room but was really restless in ours and sleeps a dream in his own!! think ours gets too hot for him.

shelley - glad lilah had a good night - hope she gets steadily better for you!!

right better go finish tea so I can Bath Blake.

spk later

:lol: Elley I find myself wanting to have another asap but not go through pregnancy again :rofl:

Thats exactly how i feel :blush: but i've figured it's worth it in the end so i will do as i did this time and grin and bear it :happydance:
hehe Im feeling great today and even managed to get some off me mervy hahah needed cheerigng up after a really shit football result lol xx

aaliyah had consitpation all last night but we still managed to get her down an she managed to go and when she did shoul of seen the smile on her face she so happy now :happydance:
hehe Im feeling great today and even managed to get some off me mervy hahah needed cheerigng up after a really shit football result lol xx

Was that Burnley & Man U? My Dad supports Burnley so he was a happy chappy!
Ben got weighed yesterday he's 9lb 13oz! he was 9lb 2.5oz last week!!! and 8lb 12oz when he was born! My little chunk :)
Max is nearly 12lbs.... :wacko: 95th percentile for weight - no wonder, he never stops eating! Have been getting some better sleeps too. He did 5 hrs one night, 7 the next and 6 last night, so feeling a bit more human. Took him to the dr because of his runny eye and constant vomiting and got some medicine, which seems to be helping :) Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
My little man is a chunk too now! He slep last night from 8pm til 7.15am this morning, only waking at 10.30 and 4.15 for feeds! :) I think he is getting used to night and day.

My hernia is sooo painful. I am dreading getting the op as will have to leave Harris for a few nights. :(

Hubby is away on a stag do this weekend... I think Harris slept better last night cos Daddy wasn;t farting and waking us up :rofl: xx

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