~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

proud, jarring yourself def won't have helped! I had to run after DS a few wks ago as the little monkey let himself out of the swimming changing rooms and headed for the road!! (yes I was only in a towel :blush:), paid for it for days after!!

tlh, how scary!! glad she is ok!!

wow sue, apart from her nose I think she's going to be the spitting image of you!! :D. My DS looks a lot like his daddy, esp when he was first born (it was kinda scary actually the resumbulance then!) but gradually now my genes are kicking in a little. I'm kinda hoping this one is a bit more like me, however not skin colour wise as I burn at the slightest hint of sun!
She's definitely got my cupids bow lips! Mine has just got more prominent as I've got older, and she's got my pout !! Haha love it

My dad did say she looks just like me when he first saw the pic <3
wow sue what a likeness! That is amazing! Glad I am not the only one in here with SPD or I'd feel like a paranoid hypochondriac. I tried to explain the pain to my husband but he doesn't seem to understand. I said imagine someone pinching your private parts every time you took a step or tried to stand up. He still doesnt seem very empathetic.
Tlh omgosh kids are sure scary...what a stunt! Glad she is okay. Sounds a bit like your DD and mine would be good friends...not shy at risk taking!
I wish I had a cleaner...my house looks like a cyclone hit it. DH doesn't seem to notice unless he trips on a toy then it's like the end of the world.
Sue, Millie is your double! Especially her lips. Will be interesting to do the picture again once she's born!

My spd is still bad, I've been over doing it at work and really pay for it that night and the next day. I can hardly walk, get dressed and roll over in bed. So so painful!
We haven't got long to go now!

Jwandbump, I'm sure you can still stick around here, you are still an original July sunbeam it's just your LO will be born In June :haha: doesn't matter! Come to think of it any of our babies here could be born in June!!!
Sue, great picture! I was just going through our baby pictures to see if there were any similarities and then I saw your post :) So cute!

SPD sounds no fun! I have aches and pains but they seem to just be the typical pregnancy issues. That is bad enough for me :haha:

It has been a lazy day off for me. My husband had to work but the day went quickly, so that's nice! I remembered to weigh myself and take my picture...I am up 30 pounds so far! I want to stay around 35 but anything under 40 is good with me!

Here is my 34 week picture...

Anyone else doing birth or breastfeeding classes? I have a breastfeeding class Wednesday night and birthing classes start Thursday night (they go for four weeks). I'm really excited!

I hope everyone had a great weekend!
Breadsticks lovely bump!

I have a breast feeding class coming up but it's just a one hour thing. That's all I'm taking however with my first I def had wished I would have taken the birthing classes because strangely I didn't know how to breathe through my contraction :dohh: I spent the first 4 hours of labor holding my breath while contracting :haha: as you can imagine contractions being 1-2 mins apart it got exhausting.

Gotta upload my 35 weeks pic sometime. I think I am def starting to drop. Wanna see what some of you ladies think though :)
Breadsticks lovely bump!

I have a breast feeding class coming up but it's just a one hour thing. That's all I'm taking however with my first I def had wished I would have taken the birthing classes because strangely I didn't know how to breathe through my contraction :dohh: I spent the first 4 hours of labor holding my breath while contracting :haha: as you can imagine contractions being 1-2 mins apart it got exhausting.

Gotta upload my 35 weeks pic sometime. I think I am def starting to drop. Wanna see what some of you ladies think though :)

I wish I had classes! A friend was going to loan me a lamaze dvd but she keeps forgetting to bring it. Had a horrible night my emotions were running high and I basically felt like nobody cared about this pregnancy or baby!:cry:
I basically accused my DH of trying to kill the baby with overheating me with the electric blanket...insanity right?
hey ladies!! well apparently my daughters fall down the stairs caused an injury to me! All day i was having pelvic pressure that was getting worse and worse throughout the day and finally i couldn't stand or walk to the bathroom or anything so i went to the hospital. they were consider of placental abruption or something from me catching my daughter and her hitting my stomach on her landing (which protected her thankfully) they did an ultrasound and the baby looked great and my placenta was intact thank god! they said i strained my pubic bone and told me to take vicodin to get me through the pain. Taking anything scares me to death during pregnancy..today i was able to walk better without as much pain but i didnt sleep at all last night because i hurt so bad so i decided to take one vicodin before bed tonight. It makes me nervous since its a category C drug but im hoping if i dont take it every 4 hours like they prescribed it i'll be ok!

libbysmum thats hilarious that you accused your DH of that..our emotions during pregnancy especially now are kind of funny to look at afterwards :haha:
Yes, it wasnt funny at the time...thankfully he didn't take it too personally and let me cry it out. I think partially I am so worried about loosing this baby cause we had the earlier mc...amazing how these emotions surface. I have nothing to worry about I feel this baby kicking, rolling around etc so know he is ok in there it's just the crazy pregnant lady hormones!
MissFox :hugs:! hope everything works out for you and your DH!

Myra, I'm so glad Connor is doing well!! Not much longer now and you'll all be at home together where you should be!

tlh, hope you feel better soon!! Very scary situation there!!

Update on me, I got married on Saturday the 25th!! So now OH is my DH!! :) So exciting!! I had a doc appt on Friday for my BPP and NST. They took my blood pressure when I first went in and it was slightly elevated but nothing too bad. Then they had me lay on my back for 20 mins to do the NST and the doc said take her blood pressure again. When they did, it showed 150/100. They said I'm not going anywhere until she talked to the doc. I had to hurry as I had stuff to get from my house and what not and head back 1 1/2 hrs to where I was staying at our hotel and have our wedding rehearsal. Well, doc had other plans for me. She said sorry you're not going anywhere! You're going to the hospital to be monitored. GREAT! Got me over to the hospital and into their gown and strapped me up to all the monitors and took my blood pressure every 15 mins. I sent DH off to get the rental tuxes and my DS1's hair cut. I took a nap and doc finally came in 2 1/2 hrs later and said I was good to go as my blood pressure went back to normal shortly after I got to the hospital and that it was the doc office raising my BP.

Finally got out of there and rushed to get stuff done and out of there so I could get back in time for my rehearsal. My wedding was perfect! I've been having braxton hicks which I didn't know until the doc asked if I could feel the contractions. Then I watched the monitor and felt my stomach tightening and I realized that what I thought was Coltyn rolling is actually braxton hicks. I've had a lot of swelling in my ankles. I am hoping everything will be good at this next appt next week. I'm supposed to go in this week but we are on our honeymoon so I told them I'll be back next week. Having lots of heartburn too!! I can barely eat anymore. DH keeps asking if I'm hungry, all I say is, are you? Because I can never tell anymore and it seems like I'm getting a ton of heartburn. Even drinking water will give it to me which is strange. I also feel like I'm going back to first trimester where if I don't eat as soon as I get up, I feel like I'm going to get sick! Sorry for the long update, it's been a bit since I've been on and probably wont be able to again unless DH falls asleep before I do again during the honeymoon! LOL!
Congrats on getting married jj that's awesome news :)

I hear you about the heartburn and reverting to first tri symptoms. I'm back to being queasy with eating dairy and feeling generally nauseated and blah most days. We are so close now and yet it still seems so far away :haha:
Congrats on the wedding JJ's...will you post any photos? How annoying about the bp! I totally understand that can be awful. Rest your legs as much as you can and enjoy the honeymoon :) like you need to be told that hahahaaa
gorgeous bump breadsticks!

tlh, ouch!! hopefully it'll settle down asap!

oooh I have the day to myself today :D, DS is at nursery and DH is away on a business trip. Going to get on with painting DS's mural :D xx
Getting so big...had Libby in the background she put the dress over her pjamas. I am so tired:sleep: Another five weeks of this...great!


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Thank you all for your support. Dh and I got a chance to talk yesterday and he wants to work things out after all. He went drinking with his brothers and said it was good to let loose and think about things. I've got counseling set up for friday and he said he will call today to set some up for himself.
Congrats on your wedding JJs. And that your BP came down so you could finish getting everything for the wedding together.
Hope those that aren't feeling well start to feel better and heal! DD is being a stinker so I can't go through and reply to everyone.
I'm heading to my moms house for a couple days. Today is her birthday.
That is good to hear Miss Fox, sounds like he just experienced a bump in the road. Wishing you the best for the counselling :flower:

YAY JJ !!! You got married! :) fabulous, happy honeymoon!!!

I also feel like I am back in 3rd tri, I have been sick TWICE in the past week - just in the morning so just stomach juice but still BLEUGH totally took me back!!

Hope you've had a nice day Caro!

I had my 34 wk appointment today - we spent 40 minutes chatting!!! OOPSS!!!! Sorry to the lady who was supposed to be booked in after me. lol.

Millie is still bum down!!! But midwives are really confident she will turn, so confident I am still booked for my homebirth and the kit will be dropped off on Monday 10th. I have invited my mum to that appointment as she is nervous about homebirth so I have said to her why doesn't she come along so she can then meet them, see all the kit and ask any questions she's got. She gladly accepted - just hope she can now get the day off work - should be ok, she only works a few hours each morning just to pass the time. lol.

I was having some painful and quite regular BH last night - I had to phone the labour ward. They reassured me though and soon enough after ending the phone call they eased off, I have been having a few sporadic ones last night and today but nothing major just a little uncomfortable.

Mentioned my pelvis pain too to my midwife and she's written in my notes SPD symptoms, and told me not to stretch my legs too far apart and just be gentle when getting up and down and slowly walking.

Hope everyone is well.....me and bunny have been to the vets tonight for Rabbit Week so he is loving his free goodie bag and having a whale of a time with his new toys!! (1 has been destroyed already! lol)
Evening all, hope every one is well.

Had my 34 week check up today and everything seemed to be fine. There were some traces of glucose in my sample, but as its the first time, and it was such a small amount, hopefully it will prove to be a one off. MW said would need to wait & see what happens at the appointment.

Bean is measuring fine, and his HB is good & strong. I always like hearing the HB, to get the reassurance he is still there & doing well.

we also have our first NHS class on Thursday. Will be interesting to compare it with the NCT class. I am taking the view that if nothing else, it gives me an afternoon out of the office. Hopefully will be a helpful class too.

In non-bean news, the builders have confirmed it will take an extra 3 weeks to complete the works to our house. Great news, that they will be working right up to my due date! Fingers crossed that he continues to be co-operative and stays put for as long as possible!

sue_88 - Heres hoping Milly starts co-operating and turns round soon. Fingers crossed you are able to get your home birth. I have finally given up on the idea, as it now looks like we will have builders around up to the due date.

libbysmum - Hope your spd gets better soon. I sympathise with the housework - we are in the middle of building works, and the place is just full of dust & muck. Cant wait to get this finished. Cute bump pix x

kaths101 - Hope your spd gets better soon too.

breadsticks - cute bump pix, glad you had a good day off. I am doing a NCT course which covers birth, breastfeeding and the early days which has been good so far. I am also doing some NHS classes too, and have my first one this week.

tlh97990 - Sorry to hear about your injury hope you are feeling better soon

JJsmom - Congratulations on your wedding! Glad you were able to make it and hope you have a wonderful honeymoon. xx

proud army wife - Hope your symptoms get better soon. It does seem we are scarily close now, but it still seems a bit surreal!

caro103 - Hope you enjoyed your day off and got your painting done.

Missfox - So pleased to hear your OH wants to work things out, sending you best wishes & hope things can be resolved. Hope a few days at your mum's will give you a good break too.
miss bellum, how annoying they're taking even longer, but at least the end is in sight now! will be worth it in the long run :D. I'm still chasing my landscape gardener for a start date :/, I've told him if he's not done by July he can bugger off and come back after I've had the baby but really I want it sorted before then as we have a giant fish pond and it'd be sooo much better to have it filled in and sorted before this new baby so it's safe for my DS to run around while I'm tending to the newborn!

Sue, sorry bubba is still bum down :/, silly lady!! get scrubbing the floors! presume you've been on the spinning babies website? yay the midwifes are optimistic she'll turn though!

Sam, So glad you and DH had a chat, fx'ed you'll work through this! you sound much happier already :thumbup: xx

libbys- gorgeous bump hun! sorry you're so tired though hun :hugs:

I nearly finished Alex's mural today! get sooo much more done without him around :haha:, just gotta do final touches tomorrow then will take a pic, it's not turned out too bad! xx

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