jjsmom- i feel alittle bad but at the same time i do believe that i deserve everything that he is doing for me because you know i take care of everything i wash the clothes/ clean the house/ take care of the kids/cook dinner/& the list indeed goes on & on so having him run around for me for once made me feel so0o good

I think he starting to realize how much this baby is kicking my butt, you know he was even getting mad at how many time i was getting up at night either to PEE PEE or get sick but im glad he is seeing now that i don't mean it at all and that i really try not to wake him up, he told me this morning that he was getting used to it lol poor thing.
just wait till the baby get here though because i will not be the only one waking up well actually i probably will just let him sleep cause he does work long hours,not to mention his job is dangerous so i don't want him to get tired fall asleep and get hurt

cause idk what id do without him.
mMm wanting to eat pickles huh!?!? sounds like you might be cooking alittle boy in that oven of yours, i know that i dont feel nothing like i did when i was pregnant with my son!
does your mom not wanting u to get pickles because of ur blood pressure? sucks dont it,i tend to have high blood pressure too but its actually been good which is very suprising, well good luck at ur doctors & have fun shopping pick me up something nice ok lol i think maybe i might go looking around at this place called burlington coat factory they have a big big big big big biiigggg baby department:-D i look window shopping but i cant wait to find out whats cooking in my belly so i can really start shopping and looking or atleast getting a better ideal of what i want.
sandoval- yes he is great!! best of luck with your hubby im sure he will do the same for you especially since this is your first baby or babys

you know i was thinking it be cool too when i go for my sonogram on monday & they seen two but then yet again idk but then yet again me & dh wouldnt have to wait till this baby got older and have to try again because with this one it took us two years but im telling u one thing that after this im getting the shot or something because i atleast wanna wait till this baby is potty train out of dipars in pre*k you know anywhere from 3-5yrs old and hopefully it wont take us 2yrs again:-/ how long were u ttc for?!?
ok ladies so i took a belly pic lol i swear i already look a few months but thats just because im a bigger woman anyway and this is my 2nd one but i think im starting to look pregnant what do yall think cute?! or JUST FAT lol
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