sw33- wow what a great story!!! im so glad u finally got ur

, me and Dh had been ttc for 2yrs and i always had iregg periods, at one point in time i thought maybe i had pcos so i finally got some blood work done to get it checked out & it came back as i didnt have it which i was happy about it in a way but then again im like WELL WHY EM i not getting pregnant:-/ so i started temping using opks preseed softcups prenatals doing handstands after we BD, you know i was just trying everything i could and i actually called a few fertiliy places but they didnt take my insurance and just some of the prices and payments were just WOW! so 9.18 was our 2yr wedding anniversary and i was like 10dpo on that day to so i told myself that i was gonna test but me and dh had talked about it and said that we were just gonna take a break if we got another

intill i was done school & then we'd go to the fertiliy clinic well it happen i got my Big FAT NO again so i put all my stuff up but still was taken my prenatals because my hair and nails never been so long and my skin never so clear

well after af was over i just relax as much as i could kept busy we still had sex like crazy and then i notice af hadnt come yet and i notices that i wasnt feeling so good neither so i took a hpt oct 21 BFN :,( so i told myself i wasnt going to go threw it again well on the 23rd still no af so i went and got one of those free test but u know sometimes they people dont wait how long they should for the test line to show up like WE do lol well idk but on the 25th something just told me ok take just ONE more JUST ONEMORE it cant hurt and lucky for me i had some internet cheapys so i took one and when i was about to trash it i look back down at it and thought i saw something I DID but i had a evap happen to me on these test a few months back so i thought it was that AGAIN! but idk i still had HOPE so i ran to cvs with my last $15 and got two ept digitals but just my luck they came up as error so lucky for me i live across the street from the health department where they do free test and thank god the nurse was in so i went over there and they set the timer for 10mins u know to make sure they read it right and the nurse there knew i been trying well she came in and said congrats nikki its positive i couldnt stop crying after two yrs my dream finally came true

and according to my LMP i was due june 28th but after all was said and done i come to find out im due july 8th lol so going by LMP doesnt always work i go see my midwife tomorrow and she will be sending me for a scan

i cant wait i probably wont have my scan tomorrow but hopefully fri or sat

cant wait good luck to u and H&H 9months