Ladies... I have had an awful, awful night.
At around 5pm after the midwife appointment, I was just about to start dressing a salad


when I suddenly felt a hot gush between my legs.. Almost as if I'd wet myself. I ran to the toilet, and there was blood EVERYWHERE. I mean, everywhere. I'd bled all over the floor, all over my legs, it was literally GUSHING, bright red.. And clots, medium-large size ish. I was convinced it was all over and was even having some abdominal cramping.
I waited for 2 hours in the A&E for them to check my f**king blood pressure and then be referred to the maternity ward. After waiting yet another hour, convinced I was bleeding out my baby all over their horrible cold waiting room chairs, I was seen by a doctor.
The doctor was horrible, told me he needed to do an internal examination to see if the cervix was open or closed. We did one, he was awfully rough and it was terrible, and found the cervix was closed. (This, after he'd terrified me by telling me if there was still active bleeding and such they'd need to admit me and even give me a blood transfusion due to the amount of bleeding I was having). So he then took my bloods - leaving me with a MASSIVE bruise and feeling very sorry for myself.
That was it. They couldn't scan me because "slots for scans are like gold dust at the moment and you are already booked in for Friday"

and to just go home, and to come back if it got worse (!!).
I thought, no. This is bullshit. I didn't want to go home without a definite answer, and seeing as the hospital are ABSOLUTELY USELESS, I paid for yet another private scan, and the guy saw me immediately even though it was 10pm at night (he rushed in to the clinic to do it).
Guess what.
Baby is ABSOLUTELY fine in there, strong heartbeat which we heard again of 154bpm, measuring exactly right (or almost) at 7w+1d which means it finally caught up and had a little growth spurt.. And there seems to be no evidence of anything being wrong at all. Sac was healthy, baby looked great, everything was great.
I feel SO angry that I wasted all that time at the hospital for *nothing*. I got my results back at 31000 or something, which is up from the 12000 we had on Monday. I plan to go back to my mom's for the week until next Thursday and just rest (she is desperate to look after me!) but the hospital called back and said it is "imperative" I have another blood test on Sunday.
I don't think I'm going to go because then I won't be able to go back home. Frankly, I feel as if the hospital told me nothing, and another HCG blood result won't reassure me anywhere near as much as a scan would. I told them I was "considering" a private scan (I didn't tell them I'd already had one incase they disqualified me for the one on Friday), and the stupid receptionist proceeded to badmouth the clinic I went to and that they "often miss things". Yeah right! They just showed me my f**king baby and gave me more reassurance than ever!
So tomorrow I plan to call up and tell them that if they want another blood result, I will give them one on Friday. The bleeding is tailing off now, so it's not so bad. I feel so exhausted.
Attached a pic of my scan from tonight. You can see little eyes and even the start of little arms and legs - scary!!