Hmm horny goats weed ? I'd be having to lock my hubby in a room by himself if I gave him that .
Glad signs are looking good Junebug , go get him
. I had my strongest pos opk last night so off we went again. If we don't manage it this cycle it certainly wont be for lack of dancing .
Some girlfriends are throwing me a farewell party tonight . It's tricky because I don't want to be a boring old party popper but at the same time I don't want to undo all the good we may have done. I'm not a big drinker anyway and hate the thought of Sunday being written off. These girls are lovely too . I'll see how we go I guess.
Good luck to all the testers this weekend

Glad signs are looking good Junebug , go get him

Good luck to all the testers this weekend