Congrats tianasmith that's wonderful news!!
Lisa my OPK's were not quite as dark but the outside line was darker but I know I Ov'd cuz of my temp spike. Are you BBT'ing? You'll know if you ov'd if your BBT'ing cuz your temps will spike have a look at my chart if you can still see it you'll see that u ov'd around cd14
Yep, I am temping, I'm just being impatient, LOL! And after taking OPKs 3 times a day I'm just really ready to see a dark positive. I'm starting to think I may be one of the women for whom OPKs just don't work well.
Either way, I find using them makes me pay closer attention to everything else (cm, cp, etc.)
My temp dipped a little this morning and I always dip at O, so it'll prob happen today or tomorrow based on my previous cycles, if I had to guess. There's a link to my chart below