June 2013 first time bump buddies wanted

Ok if I didn't mention it before, there's a book called Cherish the First Six Weeks, by Helen Moon. It's an awesome feeding/sleeping schedule system to get baby to stretch out night feedings.


We wake her to feed on schedule and she sleeps like a champ in between. What reinforced it for me was that it's the same span (2 1/2-3 hours) that the nurses in the hospital told me I should be working at. But I like that it gave me actual times. I feel a little more in control of the whole eating situation. It means being able to plan for visitors and walks etc and know more or less when she's going to be eating or not. She's only five days old today!!!

There are schedules for breast fed and bottle fed babies.

Also has some awesome tips- my favourite so far (due to the fact that I have "excessive engorgement" says my nurse) is to use a disposable diaper, pour hot water on it and use it as a compress prior to feeding.

Lexie is almost back to her birth weight already the little piggy!!
Ooo and it also means she's happy when she eats and she's not screaming herself sick first.
One more thing! I looked 20 weeks pregnant when I left the hospital, to give the pregnant mamas an idea of what to expect. My belly this morning looks about 16 weeks. So it's going down but slowly.
27, thanks for all the great tips! Virtue is currently working off of a 3-4 hour schedule and with me and the hubbs switching feedings we are able to accomplish a decent amount of sleep. It may be different when he goes back to work but hopefully I'll be back in a groove myself as far as sleep so it won't be too hard for me to keep up with more feedings.

I agree about the schedule being able to plan for visitors. Its nice cause you know if he'll be hungry, sleepy, or whatever. And some people want to feed the baby, change the baby etc.

Same thing with me about the belly. I even noticed in the hospital that I had hips still, lol. So slowly but surely its going down.
Ladies with new babies how did you fee the days before labor what symptoms were you having?
Also did you take birthing classes or any classes?
I am freaking out cuz i waited until to late (I called like a month ago) and there were none so now I am worried I wont do anthing
I just did the tour of tue hospital, but I plan on taking a cpr class. Hubbs has to be certified for his job so he already knows that. They will send out a lactation consultant for you so don't worry about that. The days before labor I had a lot of pressure and cramping that have me pause when walking. Felt nauseous too. That's really about it.
I just did the tour of tue hospital, but I plan on taking a cpr class. Hubbs has to be certified for his job so he already knows that. They will send out a lactation consultant for you so don't worry about that. The days before labor I had a lot of pressure and cramping that have me pause when walking. Felt nauseous too. That's really about it.

I felt literally the same way. Also did not do prenatal classes but took the tour of The hospital. Wife dispatches ambulance, was just recertified in CPR. I didn't retake mine but she taught me the baby basics again.

I had contractions for several days (started Tuesday, she was born Saturday). But they were 10-20 min apart and was more like "ugh there's a contraction- ok anyways.." Until Thursday night/Friday morning which were extremely painful and I was vomiting.

This is the link on how to safely drink while breast feeding.
I'm a bit bummed by I'm the fact that I'm not really making much milk. Im worried that I won't really be able to bf like I want. But im also a bit at peace with it as the formula method is working ok. I just want to make sure Virtue eats is all. That's obviously my main goal. But would really like him to get the benefits of breast milk. I put him to my breast and pump but I literally get maybe half an ounce total from both breast each feeding. Then yesterday I was sore I couldn't even pump after the fifth time. I just figure I'll give what I can as long as I can and hopefully that will help with all the good Virtue should get out of bf.
Asen, feeling the same thing!!! Can't wait to join!! I've been walking alooooooot! And I also had me some spicy food and other stuff too ;)

No doubt, ur baby is precious..

27, thanks for the tips!

Girls pray we go into labor soon! Ugh I feel so far behind lol I'm too excited to wait!!
LADIES OMG!! I went to the doctor today and nothing has changed in a week :((((
I havent gained any weight I am still only a fingertip dialated and I am measuring the same even a little less (he thinks she dropped a little so my measurments went down) I feel so depressed like I will be pregnant forever!!
I asked if he would just do a c-section then and there lol the stuff you say when desperate
but on a good note iwas reading some docs let you go 42 weeks he said if I still havent had her by Wednesday (40 weeks) he will schedule me to be induced and I wont go over 41 weeks so I will take that as a positive.
I am eating pineapple, walking, bouncing on a ball an DTD but nothing so discouraging
And he couldnt even strip my membranes cuz my cervix is still so high up :(
Asen, ur almost there!! Heheh
I'm having random period cramps... It's been going on since last week.. Haven't dilated at all.. So I don't know what they are...I know I'm only 38 weeks but I'm so ready for this baby! Due date is 14 days from now.. It's weird that feels alot eventhough we've waited alot longer before

Do u cramp randomly like me??
Catch I used to feel like you on my other forum. All the ladies were having their babies and I was just sitting around waiting on Virtue, lol. You're close though!

Ashley, don't worry when my water broke I was only 1cm so practically no dilation at all, lol. It can happen so fast. I'd had an appt must a few days before and I was completely closed. You girls will get there!
that makes me feel better..that it can just happen and the reassurance!!
I am just so impatient i feel like they gave me a due date and then its taken away..idk how to say it but I still have 5 days until my due date so hopefully she will change her mind and want to come out and meet everybody!!
and catch I will get those cramps every once in awhile they are false hope haha just teasing!! Hopefully we go soon time is dragging on
No doubt virtue is so adorable!!
I'm still pumping but there isn't much milk, I had a good amount for ten days or so but it's slowly decreasing, I'm happy giving him whatever I can get out!

27 thank you for the tips! My main issue is burping, he takes a long time to burp and sometimes doesn't then throws up a little which makes him really upset he starts crying and I have to pat his back to calm him down! This is why sleeping has become a challenge between feeds! I'm up an hour after he feeds to wait for all that to finish ;/

Ashley and Catch, I hope both you ladies pop soon and of you can manage to sleep without issues then by all means load up on sleep time haha babies are work! I shift with my mum at the moment but were both exausted, it's great having him of course don't get me wrong ;p the older they get the easier this gets! I'm better with diapers now, gosh he's peed on me 3 times already haha :D

Sleeping like an angel now :) I can't wait to play with him and take him out!
Pink I don't have a great milk supply either. I've had to supplement since the beginning seeing how I didn't have anything at all for the first couple days, not even colostrum. But like you I'm happy to give what I can, just don't know how long it will hold out. He's already eating more and more and I can't keep up though I try. But I guess it's ok. The doc said breast fee babies need a vit k supplement as that's just not something that gets passed down, but as long as he's getting about half and half he should be ok.
Same here no doubt! I give him 2-3 times a day now the rest is formula. The main thing I found better with breast milk is that it's lighter and he burps faster. I was loving the bonding when he was latching on but with pumping its no fun at all.
Ah well, happy baby happy mama ;)
Had a lovely mani/pedi pampering yesterday.. Feeling alot more patient this week for some reason lol

Breast feeding ladies, I want to ask u.. My nipples have gone super dry this week..I'm worried they crack later when i breastfeed i heard that's common ... Did any of u had this happen? What did u do?
Sorry Catch, can't help you with that one. A lot of people have tried lanolin, I think it's called. It's a breast cream. Don't know much about it so look it up and see if that can help.

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