June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!


Congratulations on your little man!! :hugs::happydance::happydance:


I've heard that tip about not pointing toes when getting a charlie horse, BUT I forgot because I was asleep and my instinct is always to point my toes. I have to remember that the next time. Ha! We'll see :haha:

I’m sure your glucose test will be fine. You didn’t have GD with Charlotte, did you?


Yah, dh kinda pissed me off with that comment :growlmad: I just ignored it. It just makes me more determined to prove him wrong. ALTHOUGH, the way I reacted with the mc and the cramping was pathetic. The pain was so bad that I kept throwing up. Not to mention the diarrhea and the cramping…In all fairness to dh, perhaps he was remembering that, and didn’t just make that comment due to the Charlie horse?

You’re right! I forgot about that part (that Holly had to be in touch and coordinate with Blake’s mom). It’s hard enough planning on your own, but to add someone else to the mix, and not even knowing them, yikes! That’s a recipe to give someone grey hair :haha:

Sorry you are so uncomfortable. Just try to hang in there :hugs:

And this is coming from someone who is so uncomfortable now when standing (even for brief periods!) or sitting for short spurts. I probably shouldn’t wear my flip flops (they’re padded but thin soled). It’s hard to wear any other type of shoe because my feet are swollen 24/7. I have a couple pairs of Nike sandals with memory foam, so they are definitely more comfortable to wear, but my feet get super swollen because the straps don't have alot of give. WTH am I going to do in the winter=closed toe shoes??! Idk….:nope:


This should be a nice weekend. We are getting a break from horrendous heat. Should be a max of 85 degrees tomorrow and Sunday. YAY!:thumbup:

I want to go to a catholic school carnival tomorrow to eat yummy carnival food. BUT we also want to treat ds as he got his midterm grades and he ROCKED IT!

AP Human Geography: B+ (this is really like an “A” since it’s an AP Class)
Biology: A-
English: A-
Spanish: A
Band: A
Geometry: B- .

He brought his English and Geometry grades up; both were C’s. MAN I love these online portals for grades. And am SO GLAD that this stuff wasn’t available when I was in school. Can you imagine? I was always a good student and always put pressure on myself, but if my parents knew all along what was going on, imagine the pressure then?? :wacko:
Hi ladies,

-urgent question. Anybody experience clear and yellow mucus when wiping after using the restroom? Not smelly, and no cramping, I feel lo moving around as normal. Trying to decide if I need to go into urgent care today, or if I can wait to go to my dr office tmo. Dh is freaking out and I am trying not to....
I have times of experiencing lots of mucus, some clear, ewcm, some creamier. They come and go and I never worried. It is probably nothing, but if you are worried, go.
I have times of experiencing lots of mucus, some clear, ewcm, some creamier. They come and go and I never worried. It is probably nothing, but if you are worried, go.

Thanks for sharing your experience. The dr on call finally checked in and said to call tomorrow and make a dr.appt. we feel a little better.
Meli: I've noticed an increase in discharge as well, mainly when I go to wipe. I don't think there is reason for concern, but you can usually speak to the triage nurse at your doctor's office and she'll let you know how they want you to proceed. Also, don't be alarmed if you start losing bits of mucus plug as it will regenerate. From what I've read, doctor's only want to see you if you are steadily leaking or have your bloody show.
Jen, I am happy to see you still being positive! Hopefully you are right, and this cycle is it!

Sweetmomma, Congrats again!

Vegas, I often wonder how I will cope at night too. I know we all will make it, just because we have to, but I am so grumpy without sleep and am the worst morning person.
That stinks that they wouldn't let you do it without paperwork! Good luck with it tomorrow!

Stef, that Ninja Turtle wedding sounds pretty cool actually:blush: I hope your brother moves out there with you, that would be awesome! My brother will never stay near us. He moved out to St. Louis area, then to Kansas City, now Chicago.
The shower looks like it turned out very cute! I love all the onsies!
I am having the same pains as you. She seems so high with her bottom into my ribs.

Melissa, I am an ABSOLUTE baby with leg cramps! You would think I was dying when having one. Slithering around on the bed moaning.:blush:
Oh yeah and with the miscarriage, I was in so much pain I got in the bath. Then I was in there writhing in pain moaning and crying. I actually made a thread about it wondering how in the world I would cope with labor, yet couldn't handle a 10 week miscarriage. I got many replies saying that the reward at the end drastically helps to cope.
Well done to your ds on that report card!! I too am glad they didn't have that when we were in school. I even changed my grades a few times on my report cards. I was such a good kid that my mom never questioned it.
Make sure you update us tomorrow with what the dr says.

AFM, the weekend was great. The weather was beautiful! Yesterday I ran errands with Cart until Jeff got off work. Then we went out for dinner and got everything else we needed for the baby. Now we have everything we need, we are just waiting on the breast pump from insurance and a few bits my mom picked up. Then today we went to another festival. We walked some and then listened to the band. Carter was so cute singing and pretending to play the guitar.
We also got a new shelf for the bathroom to hold Lo's towels and baby wash and stuff. We got our deep freeze out of storage and plan to start making freezer meals this week or next weekend. I have another growth scan on Wed and I am very excited to hear about her progress because I am certain she has grown. I cleared out a cabinet in the kitchen for bottles and breast milk storage stuff. I also went through all my old stuff to see what kind of period pads and stuff I had. I have plenty and even have a few mesh panties left from Carter.
I feel much more prepared now. I told Jeff that he had to wait until after 36 weeks to put together the swing and bassinet. I also need to recover our glider, but need some time to do it, where Carter won't be in my hair the whole time.
Meli: well done to your ds and his awesome report card! How are you feeling today?

Angel: sounds like you had a productive weekend. What pump are you getting? I want the Medela, but the other pregnant lady at work said they are out of stock. Hopefully they'll get them back in time for my LO, but free is free. I'm glad I'm not the only one concerned with lack of sleep. It's so hard in the beginning. Pretty sure my Christmas will be a blur.

Afm: I'm five minutes into my gd test. Someone here is either wearing too much perfume or there is pouporri (sp?) somewhere and it is making my eyes water! I didn't have gd with Charlotte so I don't expect I'll have it now, but who knows. The sugar must have just hit the baby because he/she is moving like crazy!

I spent the weekend cleaning out the room that will be the baby's. I also stocked it with all of the boxes of Charlotte's old baby clothes and toys. I shutter to think what I've spend on her stuff alone, though much of it was gifted or bought second hand. I still need to buy a new pack-n-play and get the old carseat out to wash it. I'm trying not too buy too much just yet, but at the very least I should get some diapers and wipes. I thought about making my own wipes as regular ones were too harsh on Charlotte as a newborn, but I hear they mold easily. Maybe there are better options out there now for sensitive newborn skin.

I really have nothing more to say, but I've got 45 minutes left. Tick tock....
My weekend was pretty productive. Then this morning already I have cleaned out Carter's closet and drawers to get rid of close that don't fit and to get summer tanks and future clothes out of the way. Nesting is in full swing!!!

Sounds like you got a lot done too! I also shutter to think of what we have spent on Carter. I also considered making some baby wipes of my own. I hadn't looked into it yet, so I hadn't heard they mold easy.
Good luck! Sorry it stinks there!
Oh yeah, and I am getting a Medela Pump In Style for $45! Should be getting it today!
Meli, my leg cramps usually start from pointing my toes, when I stretch mostly. Idk if it has anything to do with it, but it happens more on days when I forgot to take my vitamins (the prenatal, vitamin D, extra folic acid).

I know all about the shoe issue! All that fits right now is flip flops. I tried my sneakers the other day, but they are just too tight. My feet were sore after walking in them for less than 20 minutes. I'm not sure what to do for shoes, either!

As for the mucus, I'm sure it's nothing, but make sure to keep us updated if you see the dr!

Angel, now my brother is saying he can't move here because gay marriage / adoption isn't legal (they're in CT now). I'm still working on convincing.

I think my rib pains are from everything else pushing up there because LO is still pretty low. She stretches her legs out now and again and kicks higher, but she mostly stays curled up down low (based on the ultrasound she likes her feet near her head, it even looked like she kicked herself in the eye, lol).

I'm jealous that you have everything done! I get the feeling we won't even get it all done before she comes...

How did you manage such an awesome deal on the pump?!

Vegas, how'd the test go? I saw something about making wipes... let me find the link... https://www.ouroutofsynclife.com/2012/02/homemade-diaper-wipes.html

I think it was there that someone asked about molding and she said something like to just make one roll at a time so you get through them before they mold.

AFM, nursery is almost done being painted. We had a changing table we were supposed to go look at yesterday, but the woman flaked and never responded to me. I'd prefer a dresser for more storage, but we can't find one in our price range. This table it the kind with all drawers, so not as good as a dresser, but it'll help with storage. Still have so much to buy it isn't even funny...
Hi ladies,

So my work computer kicked me off and re-started me. The bnb website did that to me (and it’s not the first time) :nope: :growlmad:. I’m also not able to access it from my phone so I wont be able to respond personally to other posts atm, but hopefully can do so later when things are working correctly.

Angel and vegas,

Thanks for your responses regarding the discharge. It made me feel much better to wait until today to discuss an appt. I will be going to see my dr tomorrow afternoon.


This weekend was great, we had amazingly crisp weather on Saturday, overcast for most of the morning and a high of 77. I was in heaven!! ds and I ended up doing some gardening and that evening we all went to the carnival to eat. I even had a non-alcoholic pina colada (it was the slurpy type of mix, not the real kind with pineapple and coco lopez like vegas mentioned, BUT it was still nice). We then went to Target to create the baby registry. I didn’t expect it to be so much fun but it was :haha:

I don’t think I mentioned this before, but I came down with pink eye on Wednesday :growlmad: It’s been about 2 ½ years since I last had it. I have a disgusting habit of touching my face/eyes/and my dh has called me out on it many times. For the last few years I’ve been very careful not to do that, unless of course I’ve just washed my hands. Since getting pg I’ve been completely OCD about it. I hate to touch public things for fear that I will absentmindedly touch my face and pick up germs. You should see me trying to balance myself when walking on a moving train. It’s called shoulders and elbows, brace me!:wacko:

Anyways, last Saturday I went to Macy’s to buy mascara. Each year I buy 2 mascaras at the same time and they last me for a year. My mom taught me that mascara and face creams are the few things to not scrimp on--and I have been buying Lancome Definicils mascara since I was in high school (the other mascara I buy is Prescriptives and I alternate usage between those 2 and that’s how they last me 1 year). Well, when I went to the Lancome counter the saleswoman talked me into buying a new Lancome mascara. She offered for me to try it on, and since I happened to have bare eyelashes atm, I said, why not? She gave me a brand new disposable wand. I dipped it in the mascara and applied to my left eye. I then DIPPED IT IN AGAIN and applied to my right eye. Anybody see the problem?? The saleslady was standing by my side the whole time and didn’t say anything/stop me, so I failed to see the utter STUPIDITY in what I did until I woke up 4 days later with pink eye. I double dipped. She should have given me 2 dispensers and not let me double dip. I am sure that if I double dipped, so did other customers, thus where I got the pink eye from. So there I went to the dr for a lame 2 minute appt to get the rx to treat my pink eye. I feel so stupid. I went back to Macy’s this weekend to complain, return the mascara and get the Definicils. Because the irony is that after a couple of days of using the new mascara, I decided I didn’t like it and was going to go back to exchange it for Definicils! Idk why I try anything else. Nothing compares to Definicils and I need to accept that! :nope: I explained to Macy’s employees what happened and they were very apologetic. My point was, throw out ALL your makeup that you let the public sample and TRAIN all your employees in the proper and correct protocol. Transmitting communicable diseases/viruses is not cool :growlmad: Lesson learned! I mean, I know all about not sharing makeup with people, blah blah but never thought of it in that way until I got my pink eye. So thought I’d mention it to you ladies for the future. I have to say I am NOT one to get makeovers done or sample makeup on my face at the mall. I’ve had my makeup professionally applied a few times in the past for special occasions, but have always taken my own tools and makeup for that same reason :dohh:

Anyways, rant over!

Anybody getting the flu shot? Idk what to do?! I usually get the flu shot every winter but being pg and getting it scares me…

Also, did you follow the immunizations schedules for your LO’s? Or did you do any delayed vaccinations?
Meli: so sorry about the pink eye. The store really hadn't thought it through, had they? Well, I hope it clears up quickly for you. Hooray on the registry! Glad you had fun.

Yes, I am getting the flu vaccine and whopping cough. Seeing as I have a little germ factory already (Charlotte), I'd rather be safe than sorry. I was only about 20 weeks when I got the flu vaccine with Charlotte and she seems fine, so I'll do it again. Seeing as you ride the train you may want to go ahead too. As far as vaccines; yes I did them all on schedule. I didn't want to as I had read all the negative stuff, but I spoke to several friends in the medical profession who believe the benefit outweighs the non-proven risks (autism). Also, my doctor said I'd have to find a new doctor if I refused or delayed. Harsh, but as a FTM I needed the push. CA has one of the lowest vaccination rates in the nation and therefore children there are at the greatest risk of coming down with one of the diseases we vaccinate against. It's totally your choice, but make sure you look at the whole picture before making a decision.

Afm: I guess I'll get my GD test results Thursday at my doctor's appointment as the lab won't tell you anything. Hoping that's the last glucose test I'll have to do.
Wow, sorry you got pink eye. That really stinks.
As for vaccines, I don't ever get the flu vaccine. I got a whooping cough vaccine when Cart was a baby, so I am not sure I need a new one.
As for kid vaccines, I am very for vaccines. Carter got whooping cough at 4 months and it was awful for him. He had already had one dose of the vaccine, but maybe if people were getting their kids vaccinated, things like whooping cough wouldn't be making a come back. Sorry if anyone has differing views, I still fully respect them. It was just hard seeing Carter suffer.
Angel, I'm pretty sure the stuff I got from my doctor said you need a booster for whooping cough with each pregnancy. I'd ask at your next appointment just to be on the safe side. I don't think I was offered it with Charlotte, but I'm doing it this time after hearing that Carter got it. Scary stuff!
Omg ladies I am so freaked out right now. I just used the bathroom and there was lots of blood and mucus when I wiped. I called my dr and he's afraid I might be going into labor so wants me to meet him at the ER so they can monitor me. I am waiting for my mom to pick me up from work and take me. I am a wreck and don’t want to call dh to tell him what’s going on, until I know what’s going on. PLEASE PLEASE PRAY FOR ME AND MY BABY. I will update as soon as everything is figured out. Thank you!
Omg ladies I am so freaked out right now. I just used the bathroom and there was lots of blood and mucus when I wiped. I called my dr and he's afraid I might be going into labor so wants me to meet him at the ER so they can monitor me. I am waiting for my mom to pick me up from work and take me. I am a wreck and don’t want to call dh to tell him what’s going on, until I know what’s going on. PLEASE PLEASE PRAY FOR ME AND MY BABY. I will update as soon as everything is figured out. Thank you!

You're in my thoughts today! I hope everything is ok. Please do update ASAP!
Oh my goodness Melissa. I am so sorry you are going through this scare. I will be praying for you and your baby. I hope it turns out to be plug or something. :hugs: Please let us know what is happening, we will all be worried sick.
Meli: praying hard for you. Do what you can to stay calm. I am sure your doctor will be able to help and all will be fine. Please update us when you can. Again, I am sending prayers to God and St. Gerard to keep you and your baby safe and well.
Oh my gosh Meli, you're in my thoughts, I really hope that you and baby are okay my love x x
Getting worried. Any chance anyone has Meli's phone number?

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