June Baby Angels

Okay, just finished reading all the rest.
:hugs:I am sorry this weekend was what you planned. So if I read right, you bd Wed, Fri and Monday (with possibilities of pre-sperm Sat and Sun). I think you are certainly still in the game for Jan!!
I am really sorry about what he said about your uncle too.

Lucky for me, dh understands exactly how anal and control I like to be and doesn't mind when I say "okay, we are having sex on this day, this day, and this day". Like I said before, I am not using the opks this time, so I hope I do a good job at reading my body!

Hi Angel,
Well, at this point, we bd'd weds nite, fri nite, and sunday afternoon. I intend to bd again tonight (monday). Possibilities of pre sperm were Sunday morning and Sunday night.. so we'll see

You know, normally DH completely is ok with me being controlling in the bedroom...I think what set him off this time was that in addition to making him feel like a 'robot' with 'sex on demand', he asked me to take off my pj top. well, I was cold....so I didnt want to. He was like "I ask you to do one little thing and you can't even do that". He blew it way out of proportion and then dug in his heels! When we talked about it later, I was like, Geez! Had I known you were going to throw a hissy fit and stopped cooperating, I would have RIPPED it off right away! sheesh! Men! The stupid weird things that set them off LOL!
I added it to my sig too. Does anyone have a journal to follow? I think I may start writing again in my old ttc one.
Hey everyone. Sorry I haven't been on in several days. I guess I was kind of wallowing in self pity and didn't want to bring you guys down with me. I'm over it now (for the time being anyway).


I know a few of us had a really light first af, I wanted to let you all know that my second one was not light. Not bad or anything, but if you were worried about your linings, I wouldn't be. Although the cramps aren't bad, I am pretty sure it is actually heavier than normal. Nothing else going on here, waiting for af to stop and debating in my mind whether to buy some cheapie okps or try a more ntnp this cycle. If we don't try or get it this cycle, we will wait until April to try again. It sounds silly, but I really don't want a Thanksgiving or Christmas baby.[/QUOTE]

I'm actually wondering now if my periods were the problem with the first pregnancy. I had been on heavy duty birth control for so long and even when I got off everything, I had really light periods, much lighter than before I was on the Depo. So, hopefully it is a good sign that it was so heavy after m/c.

Some good news. I got a new job yesterday. I start Monday. Its part time but it is in my field. I was laid off back in June so I have been off for awhile. I am quite excited to get back to work. New year, new job, next step.....new baby!! I agree with Meli - 2013 will be our year!!

Congrats on the new job. It seems like everyone is getting new jobs, new house etc. I will hopefully be looking for a home and I think I have decided to go back to school. I have a degree in psychology now and I work with kids but the mental health field is declining. I have been thinking about getting my nursing license and go into psychiatric nursing. I just hope we will be able to afford it and it doesn't interfere too much with ttc nrxt month.

How is everyone doing? I have been pretty MIA lately. Waiting to test on Jan 31

Good luck on the test.

Hey everyone, I have put this in my siggy, if anyone wants to copy and paste feel free:

Praying for RAINBOWS for the 'June baby angels' girls including: angel2010, vegasbaby, Meli_H, StefNJunk, jenkb123, jennc, twilightgeek, Megan1986

I didn't think it was fair to include the names of the ladies in this thread that I haven't had conversations with but of course I am routing for them all when I say June baby angels girls. If anyone isn't happy with their names being here, please do let me know and I will remove immediately.

Thanks girls x x

I think it's awesome that you have included us. The more prayers, the better I think. Good luck everyone at TTC.

Soooooo, this was my weekend that was supposed to be full of BD’ing!

(BTW, this is the first time I’ve used the OPK’s 3x a day when testing for o. For those of you really serious about catching the o, I totally recommend testing 3x day once you catch the beginning of your LH surge. I tested Wednesday FMU, negative. Thursday FMU negative. Friday FMU, I saw a teeny tiny line….so then I tested again Friday mid-afternoon, and the line started getting darker..I tested again 10pm that Friday night, then FMU Saturday morning, then Saturday afternoon, and the Saturday afternoon OPK was the actual positive (where the 2nd line was darker than the control line). I still kept using the OPK’s Saturday 11pm, then Sunday FMU, then Sunday afternoon, then Sunday night. It was interesting watching the OPK progressively get lighter and lighter as my surge was ending. Finally this morning FMU (Monday) was the first opk that was completely negative-no hint at all of the surge. So, based on that, it seems that I O’d sometime Sunday (supposedly 24-36 hours after the first positive opk, which was on Saturday afternoon).

Sorry your weekend didn't go as planned but I have read that too much can be a bad thing. It doesn't give his boys enough time to reproduce the good stuff. I have read that it is best to do it every other day when you're not on your period. That gives enough time to reproduce high quality sperm without making them stale either. I have read a lot of conflicting stuff on how things should be after m/c. I am going to call my ob and get the facts from her since he will be trying again next month but other than that, I;m going to let it just work things out on it's own. I'm guessing that a lot of it just depends on the person. No two bodies are going to work identically. I have also decided to get an overall checkup to make sure that my body is good. I want to give it the best chance I can this time. Not that I was doing bad things before, but it never hurts to make sure you're healthy. Good wishes to everyone who is ttc this month and early prayers go out to those of us who will be trying next month. Something tells me love will be in the air :winkwink:
Meli: I agree with Angel, you are definitely in it. If dh and I dtd that much in such a small time frame I wouldn't be able to walk right.

Angel: I don't have a journal, but I might start one when I start to TTC. At this point it would be quite boring. If you start one, let me know so I can follow you.

Jenn: Anytime you feel crummy feel free to come on here and talk to us about it. That is exactly what we are here for!
Meli, that sucks about your weekend, but it does sound like you're still in it. Glad he came around and was kissing your ass! And that really sucks what he said about the donation. It sounds like if you decide you want to go through with it you may need to have a very serious talk with him.

Angel, I have a journal, I'd love to follow yours as well! https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/ttc-journals/1519939-no-more-losses-please.html

Jenn, vegas is right, we're happy to listen whenever you need to talk :)

Afm, if my mood yesterday says anything, it was that I was right about being wrong about my o (did that make sense? lol). I was sad and depressed yesterday, almost crying at the drop of a hat. That tends to only happen the day after o, so I'm hoping it means I did o late and not early as I originally thought.
So did you get a chance to :sex: with oh being sick, Stef?
Jenn, when you are feeling sad, tell us! We are here for you!
angel, that smiley always makes me giggle! We did, at 2am on Saturday morning, but not since then (having withdrawals!). It should be good, though, if I o'd on Sunday!
It seems like everyone I know that is pregnant has found out what they are having in the past two weeks. I would have been 20 weeks on Thursday and would have been finding out too. We had a strong feeling it was a girl and named her according to that feeling. My sil found out she is having a girl. I was devastated when she found out, but am pretty much okay about it now. For some reason I feel like that was our chance to have a girl and now it is gone.:cry: I know it isn't really logical, but I can't help feeling this way.
angel, don't feel bad about that feeling. I would have been 19 weeks this past Sunday and also would have been having the gender scan soon. We had a very strong feeling it was a boy, and I feel the same way you do! FX that the BFP I know you'll get soon is a girl!
Yes, please share your journal! I’m already following Stef’s journal, would love to follow yours too!
Sorry to hear that you’re kind of down in the dumps with your SIL’s news….Stef is right--FX that your future BFP will be a sweet baby girl…

Sorry to hear that you had a pity party yesterday. I had one yesterday, I’m sure it’s obvious by my rants lol. The ladies are right--next time you feel that way, vent with us! I felt so much better yesterday after all the ladies talked me off the ledge.

I agree, it certainly sounds like your heavy than usual af is a sign that your uterine lining is really building up and getting ready to support your rainbow baby!

Wow..a nursing degree would be awesome!! There is such a range of careers and flexibility that one can have with a nursing degree--obvs you know that . GO FOR IT! :thumbup: I know that going back to school comes with it’s own costs--and not just financial, BUT, the increased earning capacity and job satisfaction will so be worth it! It’s not ideal, but people go back to school all the time, while they are ttc, or planning a family, etc. And they deal with it and figure it out! It won’t be easy but it can be done…kind of like they say “there is never a ‘perfect’ time to start a family…there will always be expenses and if you wait for the ‘perfect’ time, it will never happen”~ DO IT DO IT DO IT!:thumbup:

I’ve read the same thing..that too much BD’ing can be a bad thing. You are right! I was just all crazy yesterday….the hormones and the pressure I put on myself to conceive just put me over the edge.
I think your plan to check in with your dr and make sure you are physically good to go all around is a good one. GL with that!

You are funny--I can picture me walking as if I went horseback riding! Sometimes I feel that way when I get out of bed in the morning…like all my bones are cracking lol! This getting old business sucks.

Denial is quit powerful, but I’ll share with y’all a couple of things that threw in my face (RUDE!) that I was getting older…I couldn’t deny it any longer…

1. When I was younger, I only needed shoe insoles in my really high heels and boots. Now I find myself using shoe insoles in ALL my shoes. Wedges, flats, high heels--doesn’t matter anymore. I need them in most of my shoes to be comfortable!

2. DH and I were listening to the radio. It was an awesome station--playing songs from the 80’s--songs that were popular during my elementary, junior high and high school years. This station is one that plays ‘oldies but goodies’. I thought to myself “this station’s been bought out and is no longer an ‘oldies but goodies’ station? I didn’t know that. Interesting”…HA! Yah right…It’s still an ‘oldies but goodies’ station, all that’s changed is that the music from my era is now considered ‘oldies’. WTH?? When did that happen??

Are you and Charlotte over your cold yet? My neighbor just came down with the flu yesterday--she couldn’t get out of bed, her back was aching so bad. Her DH had to take her to the dr’s office. My DH and I are freaking out-we went to dinner and a movie with them on Sat night--that was prob the peak of her infectious period! FX we don’t catch it!! I got the flu shot in Nov but it’s not 100% ….

Sorry to hear that you were sad and depressed yesterday, but glad if it’s due to you O’ing on Sunday, esp since you BD’d Sunday morning!! FX!!! :dust:
Yes, we do need to have a serious talk about the liver donation if I don’t get pg soon, I guess that’s another reason why I’m obsessed with ttc because if I’m pg, then I can’t donate, however much I want to..

How are you doing? How was the house you and DH went to see yesterday?

Thanks again ladies, for making me feel better yesterday. I went home and DH was kissing my butt, being super nice. I was also in a good mood, and he noticed. He asked me “why was I so happy? What was going on--such a different mood from yesterday?”? I just said “no reason”. To myself I said “because the wonderful BnB ladies knocked some sense into me”. I was in such a good place that I didn’t even want to BD last night! I was just so exhausted since we fought the night before, I was functioning on 3 hours of sleep and just wanted to go knock out. Had I still been all obsessed, I would have totally jumped on him to BD, but I just let it go..y’all helped me realize that I had given it my all this weekend, and if it’s meant to be this month, then it will be! And if not, well then, maybe next month will be my month.
https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/ttc-journals/1149081-after-2-years-waiting-loss-ttc-2-a.html Fair warning, I am pretty boring though.
Hello Ladies!!

My first day at my new job went really well. I am certainly glad to have something else to focus on as it is way too easy to get wrapped up (ok....lets be honest....obsessed) with ttc. I am just working Monday, Wed, Friday to start. The best of both worlds.

Vegas - It will be a big adjustment to start a new job with the extra routine of dealing with your dogs and getting your dd ready and out the door in the morning. I'm sure you guys will find your routine quickly. It will make work itself seem peaceful once you get there. Maybe you could do a few practice runs before the actual first day of work. It might help you get an idea of how long it will take (and how early you have to start).

Stef - Congrats on being in the ttw. I hope it goes quickly for you (and you come out of it with your bfp!!) It is really tough to wait. This ttc business is all about waiting, waiting to o, waiting to test, waiting to start waiting all over again. I hope your OH feels better quickly. It sounds like tough time for him. No wonder his immune system was down. I hope you don't catch it!!

Jasmine - Love your siggy!! Can't wait to start seeing some flashing bfp's in it!! I may steal it too.

Meli - So glad I found you all too!! It really has helped a lot. Seeing how far we have all come since we first had to join this thread makes me feel good.

I am so sorry to hear about your weekend. I can completely relate. It is so hard not to let the need to bd at the right time take over. It is so hard to be the one to worry about opk's and ovulation and cm, and signs and symptoms and testing and waiting and disappointment and waiting etc, etc. I know my husband really wants a baby but sometimes I am jealous that all he has to do is be ready to bd on demand at the times where I feel its the right time (and leave me be at the other points in my cycle where I am tired and sore and crampy). When it doesn't work out and we don't bd when I've deemed it an ideal time it is hard not to get mad at him. He likely isn't trying to wreck my plans or cause us to fail at getting a bfp. He just doesn't have to live in the body of the person trying to be pregnant and can't understand how that feels. It is so hard not to let the process take over your life. I really try not to get obsessed or to get my hopes up or read into everything but it is so hard!! I know it has had an effect on my relationship (especially when it comes to dtd.....it is really hard to be spontaneous and do it because we want to). Being able to vent and rant on here does make it easier to put things into perspective, to stay sane and to realize that it isn't crazy....other people feel the same way. Thank you for sharing your feelings on the subject. It really does help me to hear them just as much as it helps you to get them out!!

I also agree with the others and I think you still have an excellent chance this month!! Vegas said it really well, your body showed you that you can get pregnant it will happen again. Despite not getting in all the bd'ing you wanted I think your timing was good and you covered all the bases!! I really hope this is your month!! :) I am also so glad you are feeling better about things today!!

Angel - Its so good that you can read your body so well. Mine hasn`t cooperated with me and it is very hard to know what is going on. I hope this is your month too!!

jennc - It seems that 2013 is the year for fresh starts, new jobs (or career choices), new houses, soon to be new babies. Good luck and I hope you get all three this year!!

As for me....I am still waiting for af. Did another test today and still bfn. I am on cd 37 today. Keep expecting to see af every time I go to the bathroom. Not sure what is going on. Things seem to be going back to my old pattern of long cycles. I am unsure if I even o'd this month. It is still possible I could get a bfp (can't fully give up until af arrives). When I got my bfp before I wasn't able to test until 20dpo (because of the hcg trigger shot). It was only a light positive despite being so late....so I guess its still possible. I will test again Thursday if af stays away.

Hope everyone had a good Tuesday!! :)
Hi everyone,

Wowsers, things are moving quickly in our thread, I can't keep up! It's good that we're all busy though!

Stef, I have my fingers crossed for you, it sounds like you have timed perfectly this month! It sounds like you have some reliable signs, I can't wait till some of the girls here can start testing, eep!

Jenn, sorry to hear you have been feeling sad, hope you're okay now, everyone is right you don't have to stay away when you're down, we understand x

Angel, yes, I would have been 20 weeks now too and finding out the gender. I felt I was having a little boy, it saddens me I will never know. I hope you get to use your girl's name really soon. You still have a chance to have a girl. Your little boy is just the coolest, cutest looking little dude ever and I love the name Carter! I'm following your journal now as well as Stef's! Is your given name Angel, that's so beautiful! Good luck with waiting for ovulation, exciting! Can't wait till it's my turn in February!

Hey Jenkb, congrats on a successful first day at your new job! That's great news!

Meli, so glad you are feeling better now and that things are better with OH! You certainly have given it your best shot this month, you have at least given it the chance to happen if it is indeed meant to be! I think you did really well, I agree with Vegas if I did it that much I'd get an infection! hehe! Also, Meli I just wanted to say thank for the invite of meeting up if we're ever near you're hometown! That's so sweet and the same goes here if any of you ever takes a trip to the UK, do let me know, we'll go for tea with the queen! I wish, ha, but seriously!

Not that much to report here about ttc as we're out this month but we're concentrating on houses. We went to see one yesterday, it wasn't right, no white goods and quite scruffy. Then we went for a second viewing for the town house, we are totally in love with it, only problem is so is everyone else! It has two applications going through and they're turning down viewings! I could kick myself cos I was the first to see it when it had no other applicants but I wrote it off after speaking with DH, we thought the kitchen would be too small but it totally isn't (long story) Anyway, we're making an application tomorrow just have to keep everything crossed that the landlord finds us most desirable!

x x x

So glad to hear that you are loving your new job. M, W, F is an awesome schedule!

You make a good point….DH isn’t trying to wreck our plans to conceive…I know he wants a bfp just as much as I do. But you’re right--since we are the ones that choose to/have to do all the monitoring, testing, etc, it gets to be too much sometimes. I like how you put that--“he just doesn’t have to live in the body of the person trying to get pregnant and can’t understand how it feels”. SO TRUE!

FX FX FX FX FX that af STAYS AWAY!!! :dust::dust:

You are right--stay positive, because it’s not over until af comes! Are you using the sensitive tests (FRER’S)? I can't wait til you test again on Thursday!!!


Thank you. I certainly did mean that invitation. You never know, right? DH’s dream is to travel to Europe. He is dying to go to Italy. My thoughts are, well, if we’re going to go to Europe, we might as well kill 2 birds with one stone and hit up as much as we can of the EU, right? Let’s go to Spain, the UK, France, and Switzerland, too!! Ha ha…dreaming, right? Like I said, one never knows...If we ever cross the pond and make it there, will def let you know!

FX that the landlord finds you, DH and DD the most charming and the best fit as his tenants!
Good luck with the getting the house Jasmine! I know with oh gone, you didn't bd, but have you gotten af yet? And yes my real name is Angel. While it is a pretty name, I have always hated it. I could never have a nickname and it is a common stripper name.... We did name the baby, Charlotte Marie. If we were to have another girl, we will name her Kinsley Monroe.

Jenk, so happy to hear your first day went well! Fx you are still in it, or hurry up and get af.
Thanks Meli! Yes, you'll have to swing by the UK, I live around 20 minutes away from York which is just the most beautiful city, I'd love to meet any of you!

Angel, aww I love the name but i haven't had it all my life, I so wouldn't think of a stripper you know! I used to hate my name Jasmine because back in the 80s it was so unusual but I like it now because my dad named me and we were so close. I love your choice of girl's names, both of them, I named my angel 'Sorrow', he was going to be 'Flynn Stephen' my dad's name was Stephen.

My af should be due a week today! Of course it will be here as we didn't try, it's quite nice having a guilt free glass of wine!

x x x
Jasmine - Things really are moving quickly in this thread!! I love reading everyone's updates. Good luck with the townhouse application!! I hope that the landlord realizes you are the best choice!! Hope your af is right on time so you can move on to the next cycle as soon as possible!! I have a good feeling about February!! Enjoy the wine while you can :)

Meli - I used a FRER test last week on Wed and Saturday. Those were both bfn. The one I used today was just a ic. I may break down and get more FRER if af stays away until Thursday.

If anyone ever makes it out to Saskatchewan my door is always open as well!! Not really a big tourist destination.....but Saskatoon is a lovely city!!

Angel - I totally agree. If its not going to be a bfp I just wish that af would hurry up so I can move on to the next cycle.
Hi everyone. I know it has been a very long time since I have been on this site but it was just getting too hard to have the constant reminder. It was very hard to go through it I tried really hard to put on a smile and say everything is fine... it wasn't. I went through some major depression and then finding out many of my close friends were pregnant and due just after me was hard. Really hard, more than I would like to admit. I would have been going in for my "sex" ultrasound anytime now. My husband and I were going to start trying this month but the Lord had another time in mind. I started buying pregnancy test just for the heck of it this month. I decided to just take one for fun and knew it would turn up negative and to my SHOCK I am pregnant! I am so scared! I found out yesterday morning at 9 am and it is now 815pm and I am still in shock!!! My husband and I were using precautions considering my dr wanted us to wait til feb. to try and she said it would be ok to start this month... not last month... We have only told my husband of course, my boss, my cousin and our 2 daughters. I am NOT making the same mistake on telling people again til later in the pregnancy.. I am sooo scared! We were truely not trying last month... I drank (less than a half glass of a lightly mixed drink) but still I drank... I have not been taking my vitamins regulary... I am not prepared like I was last time... I have taken ibprophen... I am SCARED!!!! I hope everything will be ok...

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