I hope things move along really quickly for you now Britt!hey girls, lost my plug today and just feeling tired and off but no contractions yet. Had a few painless BH earlier but nothing now...agghh, come on baby.
I am so huge, I went to the mall (walking very slowly) and everyone is starring at me like I am a freak show.
ready to meet my little girl
Ahh, I feel for you ladies. Joseph was 10 days late and I was going mad. I had a few infuriating nights of contractions that came to nothing but now I can't believe he is over 2 weeks old already. Give your belly a good hug and enjoy these last few days if you possibly can - at the risk of being sentimental, babies don't stay babies for long so enjoy the closeness you have with them right now. *Puts away the world's smallest violin*