***June Buds***Come on in. 39 Babies!

I just came back from my NT scan and apparently because of my age I am at high risk for the baby to be born with down syndrome - I have a 3% chance of this happening. I now need to schedule an amnio which scares the heck out of me because of some of the complications that can happen.

the good news is that when they did the ultrasound they decided that I was not 12 weeks 2 days, but rather 13 weeks 1 day. Therefore my new due date is June 13th. Also, the baby was a little jumping bean! The feet were kicking and the baby kept rolling over :). The technician pressed on it to make turn over and the baby pushed its hand out where it was being pressed! That was funny. At least I got some really good pics of my little one
hey girls, i really struggle everytime to find this group im so thick lol i come looking for it and it take me half hour lol
well i had my scan i am now 12 weeks 1 day and my edd is 21st june 2010 i will add my scan pics now, they did the NT scan on me too, my measurements was 1.5 which i have no idea if high or low, they did my bloods too so shall just wait for results!
looks like everyone doing really well, i feel bit more preg this past too days belly feels more rounded at the bottom, and bigger but still just looks like lots of fat lol

babybugalugs number 2

ETA sorry u can see my reflection in my scan i couldnt get scanner to work so took a pic on camera of the pic hahaha!
Just got home from my sonogram. I got to see the baby jump and wiggle its arms and legs, but for the most part it didn't want to move for the technician to measure everything. She told us its body measures at 11 weeks 3 days (exactly where I'm at), and its head is at 12 weeks. My next OB appointment is a week from today.

Guess I better get to buying more maternity stuff, but I'll have to rush to do it before I leave for Christmas. Fun times at the mall indeed.


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I had another NT scan today. After about an hour, baby finally got in the correct position. Everything look great. Then I came home and gave my doppler a whirl and finally found the HB! So all and all a good day.:happydance:
hey girls, i really struggle everytime to find this group im so thick lol i come looking for it and it take me half hour lol
well i had my scan i am now 12 weeks 1 day and my edd is 21st june 2010 i will add my scan pics now, they did the NT scan on me too, my measurements was 1.5 which i have no idea if high or low, they did my bloods too so shall just wait for results!
looks like everyone doing really well, i feel bit more preg this past too days belly feels more rounded at the bottom, and bigger but still just looks like lots of fat lol

babybugalugs number 2

ETA sorry u can see my reflection in my scan i couldnt get scanner to work so took a pic on camera of the pic hahaha!

Hey wow, great picture! What kind of machine was used for that? My picture looks terrible in comparison...

So are you wanting to find out the sex? I'm sure I see what it is! :)
Oh and if mine is a girl she's also going to be called Annabelle:) Pretty name!
Have any of you mothers used reusable diapers? I hate the massive waste caused by disposables and the ever-increasing mountains of them strewn about the place so am thinking of using these: https://www.earthbabies.co.za/index...ategory_id=18&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=91
Though I've heard mixed reviews so far. One lady said she's used hers for 4 years, 2 kids and they're still fine though the velcro is starting to lose its grip. Another lady said they never get clean properly. I'm sure I could work around the cleaning thing (bleach and boil wash every few months!) but are there any other factors I should know about? I wouldn't use them for a newborn, but once past 1/2 months then I hope to give it a go.
If I buy 24 of them (the recommended number) that'll cost £240 which is only about 2/3 months worth of diapers anyway so a lot to spend in one go but massive savings over time.
I know it's early to be thinking about this but I'm just so excited I want to get everything NOW! :D
hey girls, i really struggle everytime to find this group im so thick lol i come looking for it and it take me half hour lol

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MissMuffet GL with the next test. I might be being a bit dim but a 3% chance sounds quite low. My results came back in numbers not percentage so have no idea what the "normal" % would be. How are you feeling about it all?

Scan piccies are all lovely though :thumbup:.
I just came back from my NT scan and apparently because of my age I am at high risk for the baby to be born with down syndrome - I have a 3% chance of this happening. I now need to schedule an amnio which scares the heck out of me because of some of the complications that can happen.

the good news is that when they did the ultrasound they decided that I was not 12 weeks 2 days, but rather 13 weeks 1 day. Therefore my new due date is June 13th. Also, the baby was a little jumping bean! The feet were kicking and the baby kept rolling over :). The technician pressed on it to make turn over and the baby pushed its hand out where it was being pressed! That was funny. At least I got some really good pics of my little one

Hey, I just want to say Please don't worry about going for the test even if it comes back positive - a friend of mine was told her son had downs and was severely affected, he'd have no chance of living a normal life and she should terminate. She decided not to and just trust that everything would be alright - and he came out perfect! He is able to do everything a normal 4 year old can do and is actually quite advanced for his age. I'm not saying results are always wrong or that doctors don't know what they're talking about - clearly they do! But mistakes can happen so it's really not good to worry unnecessarily. I'll pray your little bean is fit and healthy and there will be absolutely no complications!
Oh and the whole pushing thing is so cool!! Can you feel it at all?
When my sister went for a scan apparently her boy cupped his hands round his face and had a good look at them looking at him:) haha soo cute!
I'm so jealous of everyone's beautiful scan pictures! I still have another week until I get mine! I can't wait to see our little bean moving around :happydance:. Last time I saw him/her (at 8+5 weeks) he/she only had limb buds but was still waving them around. So wonderful!

I thought I was in the clear as far as MS goes as I've been feeling better from weeks 9-10 but this week it seems to have come back with a vengeance. The 24/7 queasiness is back :sick: as well as terrible headaches. I'll be 12 weeks on Sunday and according to my baby book my symptoms are supposed to be fading :haha:. I hope they start to go away soon!
I have a week to wait too :(

My doppler arrived this morning and I've been able to hear the HB which is fantastic, it's really reassured me.

Does anyone ever feel sharp pains in their vagina? I'm getting these atm, not sure if it's due to having sex last night or not though.
I have a week to wait too :(

My doppler arrived this morning and I've been able to hear the HB which is fantastic, it's really reassured me.

Does anyone ever feel sharp pains in their vagina? I'm getting these atm, not sure if it's due to having sex last night or not though.

I get these occassionally, I read it's because there's extra blood flow to that area and it can cause pain.
I just came back from my NT scan and apparently because of my age I am at high risk for the baby to be born with down syndrome - I have a 3% chance of this happening. I now need to schedule an amnio which scares the heck out of me because of some of the complications that can happen.

the good news is that when they did the ultrasound they decided that I was not 12 weeks 2 days, but rather 13 weeks 1 day. Therefore my new due date is June 13th. Also, the baby was a little jumping bean! The feet were kicking and the baby kept rolling over :). The technician pressed on it to make turn over and the baby pushed its hand out where it was being pressed! That was funny. At least I got some really good pics of my little one

Hey, I just want to say Please don't worry about going for the test even if it comes back positive - a friend of mine was told her son had downs and was severely affected, he'd have no chance of living a normal life and she should terminate. She decided not to and just trust that everything would be alright - and he came out perfect! He is able to do everything a normal 4 year old can do and is actually quite advanced for his age. I'm not saying results are always wrong or that doctors don't know what they're talking about - clearly they do! But mistakes can happen so it's really not good to worry unnecessarily. I'll pray your little bean is fit and healthy and there will be absolutely no complications!

Thanks for the reassuring message cdntluvumore. I did go ahead and schedule my amnio for January 6th. That way, I won't continue to stress during the rest of the pregnancy. Though, no matter what I am trusting God that everything will be ok :thumbup: Thank you for your prayers as well :hugs:
I just came back from my NT scan and apparently because of my age I am at high risk for the baby to be born with down syndrome - I have a 3% chance of this happening. I now need to schedule an amnio which scares the heck out of me because of some of the complications that can happen.

the good news is that when they did the ultrasound they decided that I was not 12 weeks 2 days, but rather 13 weeks 1 day. Therefore my new due date is June 13th. Also, the baby was a little jumping bean! The feet were kicking and the baby kept rolling over :). The technician pressed on it to make turn over and the baby pushed its hand out where it was being pressed! That was funny. At least I got some really good pics of my little one

Hey, I just want to say Please don't worry about going for the test even if it comes back positive - a friend of mine was told her son had downs and was severely affected, he'd have no chance of living a normal life and she should terminate. She decided not to and just trust that everything would be alright - and he came out perfect! He is able to do everything a normal 4 year old can do and is actually quite advanced for his age. I'm not saying results are always wrong or that doctors don't know what they're talking about - clearly they do! But mistakes can happen so it's really not good to worry unnecessarily. I'll pray your little bean is fit and healthy and there will be absolutely no complications!

Thanks for the reassuring message cdntluvumore. I did go ahead and schedule my amnio for January 6th. That way, I won't continue to stress during the rest of the pregnancy. Though, no matter what I am trusting God that everything will be ok :thumbup: Thank you for your prayers as well :hugs:

Hope everything works out for you. :hugs:
Missmuffet, I really do wish you all the best :hugs:.

Sooz I can't believe your baby's the size of an orange! Sorry but every week I pester my DH by what fruit our's is and normally whichever it is he ends up having it everyday for his packup at work :haha:. I think we're to have a lemon come Saturday so I doubt he'll have that though. Maybe I'll get some lemon yoghurts or lemon slices instead.
I bought my first baby outfit yesterday :happydance: , have it hanging in my bedroom so can look at it every day to remind me whats coming, could not help myself. Going to hold off buying any more until after I find out the sex. Have a gender scan on 19 December, will only be 15+4 but they said they would see what they can see and I can go back a couple of weeks later to get it confirmed. Here is a pic of the little baby grow, I forgot how tiny my son used to be! Although I did go straight for 0-3 months instead on new baby size as new baby only went up to 10lb and 58cm and my son was 9lb6 and 61cm at birth so no new baby fitted him so not going to waste my money on it this time around.


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Aaahh Debbie that is so flippin cute! I love it:)
Friends of ours were so excited they sent us an outfit 2 weeks ago - even I've been able to hold out longer! haha:)
I can't believe your first child was over 9lb. I was 6lb something and my brother was only 8. I hear they only get bigger from there!
You must be a trooper...
Does anyone else get intense shooting pains in both sides of ovaries? uterus? when coughing? Really hurts! Is a little better when I lean over but is still quite painful!
I had an asthma attack last Friday that was so bad I ended up in hospital. Despite my efforts to recover quickly they still gave me a dozen different drugs. Praying that's had no negative effect on the baby! No pain before that time but hopefully it's just coincidence...
I know I don't get how my son was so big, I was 7lb3 and my brother 8lb3 so and my oh was 7lb11 and he was a 2nd baby so not sure how I ended up with a 9lb6 baby lol. He didn't even look chubby he was just so long and again none of us are that tall. I did crave milk though and drank so much of it so this could be why he was so big.

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