***June Buds***Come on in. 39 Babies!

just wondering how everyone appetite is doing?
my sikness has by tonnes and tonnes eases but i still dont feel hungry for much today i had a turkey salad roll with bag of crisps and that was it, then i just ate big choc bar cos it was there not cos i was hungry! was just wondering if my appetite should have picked up by now?
I wouldn't worry too much. My appetite has improved tonnes over the last few weeks but I'm still not back to my pre pregnancy face stuffing!
I've nearly got back to my pre pregnancy weight which is nice but I've become a picky eater, especially when I'm tired and my MS resurfaces. :wacko:
STILL waiting to get back to being a chocaholic - in fact fruit seems to be my thing at the moment! (not a bad thing I guess!)
just wondering how everyone appetite is doing?
my sikness has by tonnes and tonnes eases but i still dont feel hungry for much today i had a turkey salad roll with bag of crisps and that was it, then i just ate big choc bar cos it was there not cos i was hungry! was just wondering if my appetite should have picked up by now?

I'm not sure what is normal but my appetite is out of control. Need to eat about every 30 mins or so. It's a bit of a pain actually.
Ha im still always hungry but I think its because lo eats all my food. Im 1 pound lighter than pre pregnancy and I hardly had any ms. I have a dr appointment wed. if I dont get snowed in. Fingers crossed that my hemoglobin levels are up bc the meds they gave me are disgusting.
I feel a bit like an eating machine, all throughout so far I've had no problems with eating. Span I'm a bit like you though 'cos I'm loving my fruit. This week it's oranges (the big ones), mmmm. In fact I'm going to be having one for my brekkie this morning. Last week I just kept eating cherries but of course it's not just the good fruit that I've been eating, especially this time of year when there's just so much fabulous food in the shops. I have noticed though that chocolate doesn't seem to be my weakness atm, which it was before. I keep waiting to fancy a Terry's chocolate orange 'cos it's so Christmasy but I'm just not feeling it yet. Perhaps I will soon.
My appetite has recovered. I lost half a stone early on and am now the heaviest I have ever been. I'm eating fairly normally now but am still really picky and don't know what I'll want to eat at any time. If I don't eat I feel bad but when I do feel bad I can hardly eat! :dohh:

My appetite recovered around 14 weeks and I've eaten what I've wanted (within reason) ever since as I have half a stone to regain. Will find out Wednesday how I'm doing weight wise, as i refuse to own a set of scales.
Hi ladies, haven't been here for a while, since my dates got moved back at the early scan, but i just have to tell you all cos I'm soooo excited, I finally have my 12 week scan date through! 22nd December, so with some luck I might get moved forward a wee bit again and be a June Bud! :flower:
Aww Just in time for Christmas! :D
Aww Just in time for Christmas! :D

Yep, I'm so glad, as we're planning on telling my mum and family just before christmas, so I was worrying what we'd do if we didn't get the scan!
Totally meant to be getting that scan before Christmas. That'll be a lovely Christmas prezzie for everyone.
I've decided to go for my 12 week scan a week late as I only had 8 week scan 2 weeks ago! Also in time for Christmas and will hopefully have a little more to show people:)
Am quite excited I've found a place not too far from here that does a 3D scan for £18!! Definitely going to take advantage of that:D
I've decided to go for my 12 week scan a week late as I only had 8 week scan 2 weeks ago! Also in time for Christmas and will hopefully have a little more to show people:)
Am quite excited I've found a place not too far from here that does a 3D scan for £18!! Definitely going to take advantage of that:D

Thats cheap!!!!!!!!!!
I've decided to go for my 12 week scan a week late as I only had 8 week scan 2 weeks ago! Also in time for Christmas and will hopefully have a little more to show people:)
Am quite excited I've found a place not too far from here that does a 3D scan for £18!! Definitely going to take advantage of that:D

That's really cheap, ours was 99 pound last time and that was at a discount cos it was midweek
Did a naughty today at work and got one of my collegues to run the ultrasound over me. :blush: She doesn't really have the experience of the other vets so didn't get to see the whole baby in one go but that may have been a good thing in case we saw something obvious to suggest a boy! (staying team yellow)
Didn't bother printing off any pics as just wanted a quick 2 minute look. Baby started off with its back to us (as far as we could tell) then I wriggled around a bit and it started punching and kicking like crazy. Fiesty little devil! :happydance:

Finally got my 20 week scan date - after chasing it up and finding out they'd sent the letter to an address I lived at about 14 years ago!!! (despite the fact that previous letters have all come to my current address :shrug: )
13th Jan is the date - even though I'll be 21w3d.

My vomiting/nausea seems to have resurfaced again - I've now thrown up in 3 of the last 6 days. Last night was the worst. Went to a pub just up the road for my triathlon club christmas get-together. Had a couple of soft drinks and a bit of hot buffet food and felt fine if a little full.
Just after we left at 10pm I started belching then threw up 4 times along the high street including outside a restaurant (luckily it had high windows!) and next to a nightclub with bouncers at the door. I was so mortified I started crying.:cry:
Luckily DH was with me and he kept telling everyone "she's not pissed, she's pregnant" which made me feel a little better. :blush:

Hope you guys are all going ok. I keep looking at the December dreamers thread at all the new and imminent mummys - can't wait until it's our turn! :happydance:

Oooh and I'm an onion now! :thumbup:
:haha: Span!

Even though it's mean, I'm glad you're throwing up too as it means it's not just me! :shrug:

Luckily, I haven't done it in public yet and if it was me, I'd be glad hubby said what he did! :rofl:

:hugs: xXx
Span and Kerry - Sorry to hear that you are still or once again having MS
Rose, Brit, and Cdntluvumore -that will be a lovely Christmas present.

Well now that I am 14 weeks just about everyone knows about the pregnancy. I have been sick with horrible cold the past few days and haven't felt like doing ANYTHING. Saturday I could hardly breathe and I did end up taking some sudafed, but it didn't seem to work too well. I havent done any Christmas shopping and DH's birthday is Sunday and we are having a party for him on Saturday. I hope I am up for it.

I like all the pictures of the baby bumps. I have a bump, but it still just bloat I think. I am ready for it to be really baby bump :-(
Got to see baby and hear his heart-beating such a wonderful feeling! Anyway I told the tech I didnt want to know the sex but now im starting to change my mind. I have another scan scheduled for the 12th of Jan. I want to start shopping but then again I want to be surprised when I have lo. This is flipping hard.

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