Hi girls
I've just got back from the docs and I'm so worried now

I told him about my positive HPTs last week and about the cramps I've been having. He did a pregnancy test there and it came up with a very faint line... he said it should be darker by now, so he's ordered a blood test for tomorrow to confirm

With regards to the cramps, he is ringing the EPU to see if they want to see me and will ring me later today to let me know. They did with my first and I had bloods and scans and everything was fine. So I came out of the docs and felt like crying, like something was wrong as the line was so faint, so I went and bought ANOTHER test, just another Sainsbury's blue dye to see if it was darker than last week. And it is! I don't understand... how can the doctors one be so faint when I got LOADS of darker lines last week, a 2-3 on a digi on Friday and now a darker line on a Sainsbury's test??
First pic- Friday's 14dpo test
Second pic- Today's 18dpo test
Do you think I should be worried?