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June bugs 2012! 6x Boys 12x Girls 8x Team Yellow :)

Hi ladies!

I'm trying to read through everything and catch up...I'm due June 5, and found out super early this time! I'm still in the nervous pre-5 weeks phase. I have my first appt set up for Oct. 12, so I'm really, really, really nervous until then! I've just had the one m/c, but one was enough! And it took 6 months to get pg again. Hoping this goes well. Due on my DH's birthday at this point! I hope it's ok to hop in :)
Hi Cricket glad you found the thread!! We are due on the same day :happydance:
How have you been with retesting since you found out?
LOL Struth you are funny!
What youve said is very true however, my connection with the digis is that they were the reason i knew something wasnt right last time, so now they are my reassurance if you like....have a look at www.betabase.info the ranges are HUGE, really, the only thing they are useful for, are telling you if your levels are going down, or up. otherthan that, they are a pain in the butt.
I curse the day i ever touched one! xx

They are a blessing and a pain in the butt all in one, are't they?! I had beautiful progression last time but I think my hcg must have been slow to get going this time or something. Anyway, there are soooo many people on the web reporting weird things resulting in perfect babies.

I think they can be useful indicators and beaurtiful to see but we shouldn't rely too much on them :wacko:
Hi ladies!

I'm trying to read through everything and catch up...I'm due June 5, and found out super early this time! I'm still in the nervous pre-5 weeks phase. I have my first appt set up for Oct. 12, so I'm really, really, really nervous until then! I've just had the one m/c, but one was enough! And it took 6 months to get pg again. Hoping this goes well. Due on my DH's birthday at this point! I hope it's ok to hop in :)

Welcome and congrats!!! I hope that this one is super sticky for you x
Struth if you were wanting the reassurance of some progression would you buy a digi or a frer?
Oh and I booked my booking appointment with the mw. It is on the 17th October. I think I will be 7w5d by then which is a little early as they don't usually want to see you until 8 weeks. I guess if my beta comes back low then I might move it to the following week. I'm just glad it is in the diary!
i have to fill in a form and just WAIT for the MW to call me! last itme she called day after MC, as my docs felt it wasnt their job to notify her of my loss!
gemgem77, i prefer the FRER now ive seen 3+, as i can see the lines get physically darker, test line is wayyyy darker than control line now! :happydance: x
Struth if you were wanting the reassurance of some progression would you buy a digi or a frer?

I'm not sure. Up to a few days ago I would have said a digi but all my worry has stemmed from my digi being 1-2 rather than 2-3! I guess I would still say digi (in fact I have ordered some :haha:). However, both tests measure the concentration of hcg in urine and the problem is that there are so many factors that can alter that (how much you have drank, how much you have peed, etc). I guess I am just trying to talk myself (more than anything) into not relying on them toooo much if they don't come back as I expect them to.

Most people do seem to get progression on them - they just might not give you the exact result you are expecting on an exact day (does that makes sense)?
i have to fill in a form and just WAIT for the MW to call me! last itme she called day after MC, as my docs felt it wasnt their job to notify her of my loss!
gemgem77, i prefer the FRER now ive seen 3+, as i can see the lines get physically darker, test line is wayyyy darker than control line now! :happydance: x

:wacko::cry: Not good about the mw. It is funny how the systems differ so much. At our practice the mw does booking appointment every Monday. I guess it is probably a big practice and so it makes sense. Does she come to you?
Hi ladies! can I join? got my BFP today at 11DPO and will be due June 8th. Still cant believe it!
Thanks Laura, looks like I will have to buy both then as I want to see that on a digi too :haha:
I spoke to my mw yesterday and she has asked me along to an early bird session next week which is basically group sessions with the midwife. Then I have my first meeting on the 31st when I will around 9 weeks and then hopefully scan not long after that :happydance:
Thanks Laura, looks like I will have to buy both then as I want to see that on a digi too :haha:
I spoke to my mw yesterday and she has asked me along to an early bird session next week which is basically group sessions with the midwife. Then I have my first meeting on the 31st when I will around 9 weeks and then hopefully scan not long after that :happydance:


Groups sessions - a good idea! You will have to let us know what she says!
Thanks for the advice Struth, looks like I will armed with a lot of tests this afternoon!! :wacko:
Hi ladies! can I join? got my BFP today at 11DPO and will be due June 8th. Still cant believe it!

arghhh due date buddies!! both found on the same day too - Congratulations h&h 9 months to you xxxxx
i dread to think how much ive spent you know.... lol. weclome HLC2109. Im updating from page with our EDDS now. Today is a busy BFP day!!! x
Great thread Laura!! I will log back on after I have been to Boots :)

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