Hey everyone! Just done a huge catchup! After my scan yesterday we had a coop board interview for our new apartment, I think it went well, we'll find out on Monday I think. Then we went to two baby shops to look at stuff, it's so much more real to us now, it's amazing! I found out a few things at my appointment: apparently it's IS ok to dye your hair (which I totally won't be doing tomorrow because this is naturally red hair... Cough, cough!) and, urgh, I've put on 7lbs since my last visit, which in my Drs words is "a little more than what we'd like" Urgh. I explained I was in a state of pretty much constant dieting before TTC and that had something to do with it, but still that and the woman from work calling me fat this week has really got to me. Jeez, bigger things... why can't I let the weight thing go until June?! Oh also, my ovulation date (i know the date as I was on clomid and using OPKs) puts me at 7w3days today, I just kept it as the date based on my LMP because it gave me two extra days, so anyway, I thought they'd put me back, however the measurements showed I was actually a day AHEAD! Yup, big baby! They are keeping me at the date from my LMP now, still June 3rd!
Anyway, yeah, whoever mentioned coco pops the other day, you are my favourite person right now. It's just SO RIGHT! Loving it! What else? Oh yeah, Emma, I love the name Lily, it's my dog's name. And before getting pregnant, in my spare time I was a sideshow performer and did fire eating, hence Lilyfire!!
I *LOVE* Evie and Ava so much... But it seems so do a lot of people and I'm worried if I go with one of them she (if it's a she) will be one of many in her class.... Hmmmmm, not sure. Such gorgeous names though! I ran the name Brooke by my family as me and hubby really love it, my family laughed and said it was very American, we had to point out that our child will actually be American!!
And yeah, whoever posted about being nervous about the scan (sorry, I know I wanted to reply to you I got caught in my waffling reply and have now totally forgot who posted it) I spent my scan day almost puking from nerves and I was almost shaking when I was waiting, as soon as I got in there I was just excited. Its so amazing! And the internal ultrasound is nowhere near as uncomfortable as I thought it would be, it was fine. And I didn't spot after it-yey! It's actually given me and hubby some confidence that some sexy-time will be perfectly ok!!!
Ok, that's enough waffling from me I'm glad you ladies are all doing well, love seeing all the awesome scan pics