Fab vid trAybaby!!
Mei I didn't have an episiotomy but did have a borderline 3rd degree tear and I am so scared of it happening again! I was taken into theatre to be stitched right after she was bornI had all sorts of problems with the healing then when Holly was 8 months old I had to go and have an operation to have where I was stitched repaired as I had excess scar tissue that was sooo painful! So I DO NOT want to tear again, although I most probably will!
We are going to find out the sex. We loved knowing with Holly and picking a name and clothes and things![]()
Giggles, when Holly came out, it took an age to get her head out then the rest of her came flying out afterwards on a tidal wave! My hind waters hadn't broken, so they gushed out over the end of the bed and all over the midwives! They jumped out of the way! Holly also had the cord wrapped around her ankle and OH joked that it was a bungee rope in case she didn't like the outside world! lol
Dug out my mothercare sleep bras tonight, sooo good for heavy sore boobies! Highly recommended! They are these, but mine are pink and white:
Haha emzy - they are very funny!!! I especially love the apron thing
I had been told I had to have an epidural with DS but when I got to hospital I was already 8cm dilated (I didnt beleive I was in labour)! They rushed to get the epidural in and told me to suck on the gas an air while they did it. I didnt realise they just meant during the contractions so I kept it in my mouth the whole time and was off my face. There was a huge panic and people running all over the place when the anaethatist asked me if I felt okay when it had been positioned and I shouted "I CANT SEE"! They thought they had hit a nerve and made me go blind but as DH pointed out, I just had my eyes shut. I was that stoned him and the midwife had to open then with their hands...I just sat there laughing, dont think the anaethatist found it funny.
I asked the midwife at some point if you could buy gas and air in the shops cos it was 'good stuff'! Also as I pushed DS out, I stopped and told the midwife to go and look out of the window and check if it was raining. When she asked why, I didnt have a reason so just shouted "CAN YOU JUST DO IT PLEASE?"! I was full of apologies after - felt awful for shouting at her lol!
I am sure I have lots more, but that is all I can remember at the minute.
Edit: Oh actually - I had to have an episotomy and when they came in to sew me up, I delivered the placenta and the cord blood squirted all over the doctors nice new white shoes. At the time I found it hilarous that they had to sit there the whole time with their feet soaked in blood! Ah the things you remember!!!
Going to block the tearing stories out of my mind I think!
Went out for a meal last night with MIL, FIL and nan and grandpa-in law. I ate two slices of bread and some olives, my pizza arrived and I was too full to eat it! Pregnancy is bizarre, I wouldn't have though t twice about eating three courses a few weeks ago and now I can only manage a starter! What a wasteof perfectly good food!