So sorry to hear that Marshas - sending you
Hey Gemini - I have had SPD with both kids, the first time around I had brace, physio, crutches and a wheelchair!!! Yep it got REALLY bad and I got signed off work at 34 weeks and was in a wheelchair as couldnt walk at 35 weeks. As soon as DSs head engaged I had some relief. Apparently that is one of the reasons that I didnt realise I was in labour as I was already in so much pain.
However...I had it with DD and it wasnt AS bad. This time I knew I was more likely to get it so took precautions to ensure I didnt push things to far. There is a lot on the net about it - make sure when you get out of bed and out of the car you keep your legs together, try sleeping with a cushion between your knees, dont sit with your legs crossed, avoid climbing stairs, no heavy lifting etc etc. It can start this early - it did both times with me and I can feel it now...although for me it has never truly gone away. Between having DS and DD I had scans and x-rays and turns out I had some lasting pelvic damage hence why I had an elective c-section with DD - they were worried that I was going to cause too much damage with a natural delivery. I will be mostly under doctor led care this time - if SPD doesnt get too bad then I may be able to have bubs naturally, if not then it will be that I have to have another section. Either way bubs comes out so I dont mind!!
Make sure to take it easy - cool packs (in warm weather) and hot water bottles (in cold weather) helped with the pain a little but it does look a little odd when you are sitting with it between your legs lol!
Physio also told me that gaining too much weight can contribute to the severity and I did gain more weight first time around (I fell over and broke my arm and barely moved of the couch for 6 weeks other than to go to the fridge lol).
Should you want to, or any other ladies want to ask me anything about it please feel free to PM me