Morning Ladies
Keep some hope pumkin, they do get these things wrong. Sending
You hugs though, you must be going through hell.
Anyone else get the sharp pain after sneezing? I'm told its very nornal, but
Ouch it hurts!
I'm dreading this weekend, fireworks! My little dog hates them and my
Hubby isn't a dog person (had no choice she was here before he was!!)
and he thinks we should go out and leave her at home alone

I might play on the sickness and send him out with his frielnds while I stay in and curl up with the pooch!!
Hit 10 weeks! 2 week countdown now! Booking in appointment
next wednesday and scan the week after.
I'm ony working at lunch today, going to drag myself out in the rain for a long walk with the dpg,
Try and make her as tired as possible! Think fireworks should be only on bonfire night!