Wow. So, started getting some gas pains tonight, then had a complete poonami. Over an hour of hot flashes, accompanied by vomiting and loose stools. So uncomfortable, although clearly stored up for a long time given how little I've eaten! I think I feel better now, but totally wiped out!
OMG, cricket, I'm sorry you were feeling sick last night, but I had to laugh at the term "poonami". I have felt that way for the past week! Actually, I'm starting to get a little worried because I think I'm losing too much fluid. I try to keep up, drinking water and juice and whatever I think might help, but I'm definitely starting to feel weak and dehydrated. The nanny mixed me some corn starch and water to drink and said that it helps with diarrhea. We'll see how that works out. Plus, I have eaten a banana and some applesauce in the hopes that something will cause my tummy to settle down!
Emma, sorry you're feeling stressed about the scan. I hope everything goes really well and you have some great pics to share with us soon!
Is anyone else having hip pains? I haven't had this before, and it seems it would be too early for this kind of thing.
I have been feeling like my leg is getting out of joint right at the top. I will have to stop what I'm doing and pop it back into place because it really hurts. I remember stuff like this happening with my last pregnancies, so I'm not too worried but it is annoying!
omg ladies i just got a phone call about a job i applied for just yesterday she asked was 15 hours ok i said perfect ( as im preg but didnt tell her that yet) this job is to cover a maternity leave for 6 months this job would be perfect.. i hope so much i get it!! please send me some luck ladies!!
RedRose, amazing how things work out sometimes! I hope you get the job and it is a great place to work!
....still can't decide whether to get the flu jab...
MIL says i should get it but my mum says i should think about what is best for me and baby!!
What's the right answer??
PS still don't know if it's safe to highlight hair but i have gone about 3 months now without any bleach and my roots are awful (and quite grey unfortunately!!!)
Abic, I just had my flu shot about a week ago. My arm was sore for a couple of days, but no other symptoms besides that. I specifically asked the FS if they recommended it, since I am treating this pregnancy differently than my others. I figured if there was a risk of miscarriage or something like that, I'd rather talk to my FS about it instead of relying on the family doctor.
I have had highlights done throughout all my pregnancies, and I would say that it's safer than a full color. I have had the conversation with my OB/GYN and my hairdresser and there is nothing wrong with doing it, as long as you feel comfortable. I guess I'm saying, no judgement either way!
why did i now see this thread before? ha!
Im due june 1, 2012! woohoooo!
Welcome, jocie! Congratulations!
I'm getting the flu jab on 21st Nov. My Mum always feels fluey when she's had the jab but I've had it before and I didn't feel anything. It's not a live virus they inject into you, so it's not supposed to give you flu symptoms, but it seems to in quite a few people. I did my research on it's safety and stuff and I have decided that getting the flu in pregnancy is far more dangerous than any potential problems the jab 'might' cause, so I've decided to go for it. I've had the proper flu twice in my life and I don't want it ever again!!
I agree, getting sick when pregnant sucks! When I was pregnant with DS2, I got a cold, and it lasted for 5 weeks. I'd hate to see what damage would be done by the flu!
Can I join? My EDD is 30/06/2012
I need this time to go a little faster *paces*
Congratulations, Fliss! Glad you found us! If you need something to help the time go by, this thread will definitely help. You'll spend so much time trying to keep up, you'll be in the 3rd tri. before you realize it!
is anyone else starting to get super emotional? mine started this week.. holy cow! i'm pissed, then i'm crying, then i'm happy.. what the heck!
Touch, I have learned that I'm a grumpy pregnant lady. I know DH notices a difference, for sure! I was talking to Grandma on the phone last night and she said that Grandpa used to say the same about her. She said, "I'll be better after the baby is born." He would tell people he thought she was always pregnant. My grandparents were so cute together!
Is anyone else turning into a slob at home? Just no energy to do anything and the house looks like a bombsite!
Um, yes, my house is definitely a mess. I have a nanny who takes care of the boys and she also does laundry and dishes and grocery shopping once a week. I am sitting here, rolled up in bed, stomach pains and chills. I appreciate everything she does for us, and it really leaves a lot less for DH and I to do. But we still end up fighting about who's going to put the leftovers in the fridge.
OK, I think I'm all caught up, but I have to go and have a little poonami of my own.