Yeah I often think that, I wish there was a little window so we can see inside! Although that would be weird lol
Just a thought (UK) ladies, have you all got your forms filled in from the gp/midwife for free prescriptions? And also don't know if you ladies with heartburn know that you can get gaviscon on prescription from your midwife or doctor, so it's freeGemini just reminded me by saying she's got bad heartburn on facebook! I just got my maternity exemption certificate thing through the other day, valid til June 2013 whoop! I'd only just started paying again after Holly as well lol And it includes dental work too x
little worried today... i woke up not feeling sick.. my boobs arent that sore.. just a little worried somethings wrong...
my sickness comes and goes at the moment but it didnt affect me last night or this morning
little worried today... i woke up not feeling sick.. my boobs arent that sore.. just a little worried somethings wrong...
my sickness comes and goes at the moment but it didnt affect me last night or this morning
Just popping in to say hi.
Will catch up later just on phone. Omg I am in love with professor green lol, I am blaming pregnancy hormones x
Just booked a gender scan for 29th December! Going to the same place I went with Holly and she recommended 17-18 weeks as the most accurate, so I will be 18 and a bit weeks!
I'm glad it's not just me then Gemini . I'm planning to go in April but will be 31 weeks hoping my bump will catch His attention. I presume he's good if you've been 3 times then xx
Just booked a gender scan for 29th December! Going to the same place I went with Holly and she recommended 17-18 weeks as the most accurate, so I will be 18 and a bit weeks!
hooray!!! mines 23rd, ill be 17+1, hoping its not too early!!! my friend went at 16, and they got hers right! they give you 4D pics included in the price at babybond too, is that where you are going? im wayyy excited already! a month!!! x