June bugs 2012! 6x Boys 12x Girls 8x Team Yellow :)

hi girls im still here lol. been working this weekennd. I actually love where I work but stay clear of the flu people and children with suspected chicken pox.
I am telling work next week so it wont be as bad and they will look out for me to.
Emzy- i am so happy sickness is easing, i know I didnt have it as bad but the feeling of not being sick is so nice isnt it.
Not to long till my 12 week scan and I cant wait. Im sure i have been feeling flutters and its so wierd , but cant wait for actual kicks lol xx
must of been typing at same time emzy- really hope you dont get gd xx
my diabetes is actually doing quite well at mo xx
Ooh yes cliqmo that's exactly what it feels like! That's how I described it to Dh, like a little fish swimming! And I get a weird fizzy feeling as well!
im sooooooo excited girls.

While im waiting for my OH to get over his hangover a bit (as he was stinking drunk last night, out for his best friends birthday & he just got engaged). Im going to pop to work for a few hours again. I know im still on holidays but i cant help it. Anyway in a few hours after he finishes throwing up...................... he is taking me................................................ to see the ............................................................COCA COLA TRUCK eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. Im such a child, i love christmas and this is the ultimate christmas symbol, next to santa of course, but i guess we have coke to thank for that too. Gonna be a fun afternoon :happydance:

hey we went to see the coca cola truck too today!went with some friends and their wee boy he was sooo excited to get his photo taken!whereabouts in scotland are you,i know there were a few trucks out today!x
So much for not being sick...at least I had a few days to remind me what I used to feel like! Rough, rough night. Awkward with the PIL here, but no real choice.
So much for not being sick...at least I had a few days to remind me what I used to feel like! Rough, rough night. Awkward with the PIL here, but no real choice.

That sucks cricket, what a nightmare, my sickness has been much better, I feel for those still suffering!

Has anyone else started to experience really poo sleep but only at night? My legs feel so restless, I spend the whole time tossing and turning!!! X
Morning everyone! Hope you are all well and had a good weekend. Can't believe it is monday already! I am a lime today :happydance: one week till my NT scan. I have definitely been feeling movements over the weekend, can't believe I am feeling it so early, I would describe it as a little fish aswell! I have my booking in appointment later on, cant really remember what happened last time xx
im sooooooo excited girls.

While im waiting for my OH to get over his hangover a bit (as he was stinking drunk last night, out for his best friends birthday & he just got engaged). Im going to pop to work for a few hours again. I know im still on holidays but i cant help it. Anyway in a few hours after he finishes throwing up...................... he is taking me................................................ to see the ............................................................COCA COLA TRUCK eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. Im such a child, i love christmas and this is the ultimate christmas symbol, next to santa of course, but i guess we have coke to thank for that too. Gonna be a fun afternoon :happydance:

hey we went to see the coca cola truck too today!went with some friends and their wee boy he was sooo excited to get his photo taken!whereabouts in scotland are you,i know there were a few trucks out today!x

Im in Aberdeen. I was so excited too and i got my picture taken. I felt like such a bg kid but i don't care :haha: Where abouts in Scotland are you????

There is definetly something happening down there. Maybe im about to pop! Last night i kept having pressure on my left side of my uterus, this is where my bubba is, i know from all the scans and using my doppler. But i also had to pee like every 45 mins last night, so something was definetly moving or putting pressure on me. I made OH take a photo so i could compare it with my 12 week photo from last week and i do look a lot bigger. However my 12 week photo was taken first thing in the morning and my 13 week photo was taken at night after i had just eaten a CHIPPER supper!!!! If im brave enough i might post pics later.

Happy Monday everyone oh and good luck with your scan today Mei
Morning everyone,

Hope you are all okay!

Anyone else think time is flying past?
I do Emma! Last time time went soooo slowly, but I can't believe I'm 14 weeks already. I think for me it's because this time I already have a LO to run around after and so the new baby isn't all I think about, if you know what I mean?

I went to babies r us yesterday and was looking at all the cot bedding and sets they have. If I have another girl this is what I will get:


It's so lovely :) Couldn't find any I liked for a boy yet.

Cricket I'm with you, I was sick again this morning after not being for 2 days. Still, lots better than I was!

Gemini I'm sleeping ok at the mo but when I was lying in bed last night I was thinking about last time when I was further on and with bad spd and I could never get comfortable! I slept so badly for the last 8 weeks or so. So far I am sleeping ok, but getting up a couple of times for a wee.
This is lovely too!! https://www.lollipoplane.co.uk/uk/c...s-and-two/prickles-and-twoo-bedding-bale.html

I can only find girls stuff I like!!!
im gonna ring the maternity hospital today as ive still not got my scan date :growlmad: im 11 weeks 2mor like that so takes the piss, i feel they dont care about me and are judging me cuz of my age so im not important.. i dunno stupid but my docs lost my bloods too :cry:
Red rose defo ring them!! I bet they've lost your referral or something. That happened to me last time, except with my booking in appointment. I got my scan appointment but never got a booking appointment, so went for my scan and they were like, errr you haven't even booked in! Turns out my GP sent the referral incorrectly!
like ive been once already for a scan cuz of my last mc's but ive not heard from them since :( def calling them today, i hate having to ring up and sounding like your complaining even tho i wont be i just want my scan

anyway on to good things i can feel like butterfly feeling.. its great it feels so much different to gas.. i hope its baby
Morning Ladies,

I'm still here lol Had a really busy weekend down in Deal with friends and didn't get a chance to log on.
Emzy glad your feeling better and not being sick as much

Cliqmo that sounds amazing and I cannot wait to start feeling my baby move!

Redrose if I didn't have a date for my scan I would be fuming!! I bet they have lost or not recieved your referral.

I am not sleeping too well at the moment. I am up around 4 times a night for a wee and then around 3am I really struggle to get back to sleep :(
Poor dh last night I apparently screamed and shouted at him in my sleep for god knows what!!! Anyone else doing this?

On a lighter note I have my scan tomorrow at last yayyyyy!!!!!! xx
im sooooooo excited girls.

While im waiting for my OH to get over his hangover a bit (as he was stinking drunk last night, out for his best friends birthday & he just got engaged). Im going to pop to work for a few hours again. I know im still on holidays but i cant help it. Anyway in a few hours after he finishes throwing up...................... he is taking me................................................ to see the ............................................................COCA COLA TRUCK eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. Im such a child, i love christmas and this is the ultimate christmas symbol, next to santa of course, but i guess we have coke to thank for that too. Gonna be a fun afternoon :happydance:

ooo how exciting! its not come to lincoln and i couldnt be doing with travelling all the way to leeds for it last week. ive still not seen the advert yet although.

I am still lurking here girls. Just waiting for my scan day tomorrow so I can give you all a good report!

hope it all goes well mei, im sure your little bean is still hanging on in there and getting stronger by the day.

Morning girls.

I'm okay today, except developed a weird taste in my mouth and throat, its yucky and won't go away.
We went out with friends last night, my friend kirstie is due on Friday and she is massive, all bump though, really neat and tidy! I cannot wait to be 39 weeks!
We all have so much to look forward to inbetween, xmas, new year, easter. My birthday is 8th jan and we have a few wknds away booked, hubbys bday in march and our anniversary in May, so I'm trying to focus on the next event or appointment rather than thinking about getting to the end.

I'm getting excited now, my belly is starting to pop, hubby was sooo giddy at the scan, bless him, he sleeps with his hands on my belly all night, which can be uncomfy, but is also very sweet.

What you all doing today? Were going to go for a ride out and a walk somewhere, enjoy some time just us, its not something we get very often.

i had that weird taste thing a few weeks ago, made everything taste awful. thankfully its gone now.
thats nice you have milestones in between to break up the wait. we have a few things like that, hubsters birthday in feb, mine in april, hubster doing the london marathon, then the home renovation show in march and a couple of other things. my friends wedding is the 9th june, so just praying baby makes an early appearance or at least comes on time so i can make it.

heyyyy! soz, been sleeping mostly! woke up at 4AM this morning with the runs (soz TMI) and was then up with it every half hour! anyone else still struggling with tiredness? i got up at 9am yesterday, went and did a shop at ASDA, then was meant to be watching OH play football from 1, ended up sleeping through the entire thing in the car! lol, then was knackered still at 10 last night! driving me nuts! still feel so completely heavy allll over! cant wait to start feeling better! x

hope you are feeling better now.
yes been proper struggling with tiredness, especially doing full days at work, i just crash when i get home. this weekend i didnt do a huge amount, i went shopping in town for a few hours and was knackered when i got back home.

Hey, sorry I've been quiet. Have checked in, but too tired to even bother typing! I had my 12 wk appt last Tuesday, heard the heartbeat again. Then NT scan on Wed...got to see the little bugger. Already an adolescent - wouldn't turn the way the tech wanted him to for a long time, then finally snapped the nasal bone pic and baby rolled over and put her back to us. Pretty funny. All sorts of wriggling and waving...pretty amazing to see! I survived the Thanksgiving feast at my house, cried a lot when my mom left, and am now trying to relax while PILs are out at a christening. They leave tomorrow, I think. As for the tum, finally had a few days of minimal sickness (like Emzy...yay!!) so have managed to eat a bit more, but still stopped up. Quite uncomfortable now...just took a pill that should help clear me out - it's been days!

Hope all are doing well and enjoying their weekends and holidays!

glad the scan went well, they can be awkward buggers cant they lol. mine kept moving around too much so took her ages to get a decent shot to check the nt.
glad thanksgiving went well and you have had a reduction in the sickness, hope you manage to go very soon. defo not a comfortable thing to have.

No sick for 2 days!!! And I feel human again! Full of energy and back to myself. Thank you placenta!! Still signed off this week then will be back to work a week tomorrow. Just the same as with holly at 14 weeks.

Speaking of which 14 weeks today!! 26 (hopefully a bit less!) To go!

yey! glad you are still feeling better.

Happy 14 weeks, emzy!

I'm still around, but I haven't been typing much. Still feel like crap. I am hoping it will ease up soon. I'm not throwing up, just feeling nauseous all day long. At least my tummy is acting more normal. I had two days of regular bowel movements. I'm not sure what happened to my runs! :)

glad you are getting back to more normal.

Congrats on lemon Emzy how exciting :D I'm still a peach hehehe
That's wonderful news that most of you girls who have been sick are starting to feel better :D and for those who aren't I hope it fades away for you soon :) I've been soooo lucky I didnt get any sickness at all, I followed my mums genes with that as she didn't get sick with either me or my sister :)

Has anyone had any trouble with dizziness? The past 2 mornings I have woken up feeling really light headed and had to have something sugary to make it go away... It worries me a lot as my mum had gestational diabetes with my sister and apparently you are at higher risk of getting it if you have someone in your family with type 2 diabetes and my Nanna (my mums mum) has that :/ I have a doctors appointment on Wednesday so going to get it checked then just incase, cause I know it generally doesn't start until you're about 22-24 weeks and I'm only 13 and a bit..... Eeek!

nope not had any problems with dizziness so far, although once baby gets bigger i more than likely will if i get up too fast or something as apparently gets very common then.

So much for not being sick...at least I had a few days to remind me what I used to feel like! Rough, rough night. Awkward with the PIL here, but no real choice.

That sucks cricket, what a nightmare, my sickness has been much better, I feel for those still suffering!

Has anyone else started to experience really poo sleep but only at night? My legs feel so restless, I spend the whole time tossing and turning!!! X

yep lots of rubbish nights sleeps, keep waking up uncomfortable or with my apnoea so knackered when it comes to the morning. then i really dont want to get out of bed but my bladder has other ideas.

Morning everyone! Hope you are all well and had a good weekend. Can't believe it is monday already! I am a lime today :happydance: one week till my NT scan. I have definitely been feeling movements over the weekend, can't believe I am feeling it so early, I would describe it as a little fish aswell! I have my booking in appointment later on, cant really remember what happened last time xx

ive had feelings like that too but wasnt sure what it was, thought maybe was just my tummy or something. thats amazing if it is the first feelings of baby moving around. how cool.

I do Emma! Last time time went soooo slowly, but I can't believe I'm 14 weeks already. I think for me it's because this time I already have a LO to run around after and so the new baby isn't all I think about, if you know what I mean?

I went to babies r us yesterday and was looking at all the cot bedding and sets they have. If I have another girl this is what I will get:


It's so lovely :) Couldn't find any I liked for a boy yet.

Cricket I'm with you, I was sick again this morning after not being for 2 days. Still, lots better than I was!

Gemini I'm sleeping ok at the mo but when I was lying in bed last night I was thinking about last time when I was further on and with bad spd and I could never get comfortable! I slept so badly for the last 8 weeks or so. So far I am sleeping ok, but getting up a couple of times for a wee.

thats a lovely set, i like the jungle one at babies r us, its the theme i think we are going to go for as it will suit both. then when they get a bit bigger i can change it to suit.

hope everyone is having a good morning. i put the xmas decorations up at work this morning and already getting negative comments, i only have 14 working days left and told them there will be no more pink xmas tree as im taking it with me (i brought it in initially a few years ago) so just to humour me for the last few weeks. does look fabulous though :D

i like this one for a boy, however as we are in a rental property and cant really decorate, we will prob end up with a nuteral beige type one, there is a bear one in mamas and papas thats lovely x

i like this one for a boy, however as we are in a rental property and cant really decorate, we will prob end up with a nuteral beige type one, there is a bear one in mamas and papas thats lovely x

we are the same with living in quarters, but i plan to stick a few pictures up or something, but having everything else colourful should hopefully distract from the mass of magnolia.
Lovely sets Emzy. I haven't even started looking yet! We live in a 2 bed place, so i'm not sure if we will even be here when the baby comes and if we are then we will prob move out once the baby is 6 months, so he/she might not even have it's own bedroom here :sad1: and our room isn't big enough for a cot. I do feel a little sad about it, because it was so lovely last time when we decorated graces room...I really love our house, so I don't want to move but then on the other hand would be lovely to have somewhere bigger before the baby comes x

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