Ha ha that's okay lol
What kinds of questions did you ask? I'm so rubbish at this, I was just thinking I was looking forward to seeing my baby and didn't give any thought to questions!!
i asked all manner of questions including:
when would i get blood test results,
how many and what tests would i have,
when do i need to provide water samples,
okay for me to carry on with slimming world,
crohns and colitis run in the family so asked about testing for those before or after birth,
pre-eclampsia risks with mum having it when she gave birth to me (i was 3 months early and by c-section as she was seriously ill, they didnt spot it when she was admitted til she passed out),
exemption forms - she gave me mine at booking in appointment. i already now have my card,
antenatal classes and fam visit - how do i organise these and when,
and a few other things like about the flu jab etc
hey ladies, can i pop in and ask a quick question?
i woke up today with a bad cold, i have the worst sore throat, earache, headache, etc, also a bit nauseous.. do you guys know any rememdies for this? i'm drinking lots of tea w/honey, and i'm going to have an orange in a little bit. also, what temperature (fever wise), should i look out for? at what point do i call the dr?
i wouldnt know about temperatures but lots of rest and paracetamol might help you. the honey and lemon normally works a treat.
would say up the vit c if its not in your pre-natals
sorry im not much help, give your mw a call and ask her advice would be best.