I've been gone for too long... LOL. This thread moves so fast that I could never keep up, but just wanted to check in with everyone and let ya know I'm still here!
I'm 12w4d today. I have my NT scan on Friday at 13w. It amazes me that you guys get your second blood draws so soon. Through the California Prenatal Screening Program if you're going the Full Integrated Screening you have your first bloodwork done at 10w-13w6d. NT scan between 11w2d and 14w2d. And final bloodwork done between weeks 15 and 20. The first 2 alone are considered first trimester screening, and when the final blood test is completed it's considered the full integrated screening.
My spotting continued on (and sometimes continueS on). I had my first ultrasound at 7w6d and was measuring at 7w5d. At that point they did the ultrasound with my paperwork appointment to ease my mind and see if they could find a reason for the spotting. My next appointment was with a Nurse Practioner. She was supposed to confirm dating, send me for labs, etc. She found bean and showed me the heartbeat but the baby was SO active that they couldn't get a good measurement or picture. I was relieved that the baby has a strong heartbeat and was very active, but I was bummed that I didn't get to hear the heartbeat or take a photo to OH. I went to that appointment alone.

OH and I have different work schedules. Days that I can get off, he can't, and vice versa.
Not too long ago, we were getting ready to DTD... I had a GUSH of blood. A lot of blood. 3 wads of toilet paper were soaked. Toilet was full of blood and I passed a few small clots. I had an appointment 2 days later (again, I went alone) and everything was fine. The doctor showed me bean (although the picture was a blur...), still a very active baby. I got to hear the heartbeat. It was amazing. I had gotten used to the spotting, it was annoying, but I could handle it. Then that. It was heart wrenching seeing all of that blood. The doctor told me it doesn't look like anything is bothering that kid.

I was put on pelvic rest which really didn't do a thing for me. I was supposed to stay on it until week 13 or 14. I continued to have random spotting so we gave in and dtd anyway.
So, my NT scan is Friday. OH gets to go to this one. He switched days with someone to be able to go, which means the next couple of days for us are going to be early ones. The last Dr. I had seen after that big bleed had told me to mention to the Perinatologist (the one doing the scan) about the bleeding. They have better machines/technology and they can take a better look to see if there's anything in particular that has caused or is causing any bleeding/spotting. Then, on Tuesday I have a regular checkup with my ob/gyn (I haven't seen her yet since I've been pregnant). My blood pressure is always high when I first go in (white coat syndrome) so they're going to be keeping a closer eye on me (even though it goes down significantly in a couple minutes). To be honest I don't mind the more watchful eye.

Whatever it takes to make sure bean continues to thrive.
Next up is an early gender scan on 12/18 (@15w2d) we'll see if they can find it. If they can we're sending out pictures for Christmas.
My 20 week scan is actually at 18w and some odd days on 1/11.
Other than the bleeding pregnancy has treated me pretty well. I haven't been sick but once... I had gotten up early, taken the dog out on an empty stomach and then got nauseated.
The first picture was my first ultrasound to make sure everything was ok. Baby "bean" was measuring right on.
7w6d - 10/27/2011
This one was after my big bleed, the photo is blurred, bean was doing jumping-jacks or something.
10w6d - 11/17/2011