June bugs 2012! 6x Boys 12x Girls 8x Team Yellow :)

I had a 2nd degree tear and had no epidural I was just a gas and air girl :haha: for 25hours. And no I didnt feel no pain from the tear although was uncomfortable after I had been stitched was bearable. I would much rather have a tear than go through a c-section. And as babyd says we wouldnt be doing it again if it was that bad.
:blush:ok ladies, whilst we are on the subject, im hoping no one will mind if i ask a "proper first timer" question..... in your opinions, DOES birth effect what your "foo" fells like sex wise after? for you and your man?
just wondering, as i remember my OH saying that his ex having their LO made a difference, and its kinda worrying me....:blush:
Sorry Gemini!! I didn't even realise I tore until they told me! I think I am going to get that oil stuff this time to massage my perinium (sounds gross, but it's meant to work!)x

Ooooh please tell me more.....I would really like to reduce the risk of tearing (or whatever) so anything i can do to help would be good!
PS is the perinium that bit between ur fanny and ur bum?
One question for those with kids, my eldest is 5...if you have been in the position of your child asking 'how baby got in there' what was your answer? I have dealt with the question from kids aged 10 up but not sure what to say to a 5 year old lol!!! Your help would be most appreciated lol! Its really funny as I asked DS the other week if he would like another brother/sister and his answer was "No thanks Mum" - he thought I meant for his birthday lol! Then DD (age nearly 3) was telling me that she wants babies from santa - not a pretend one, a real one! Careful what you wish for darling lol! I think they may have a sixth sense!

Giggles, glad your scan went well!

I have no idea what to tell DS1 when it comes to stuff like this, and he's 6. He hasn't asked about how the babies were made. But we were walking home from the bus stop yesterday and he wanted me to run with him. I said, I can't run, I might shake the babies out. He said, you can't shake them out, there's no hole for them to fall out of! Hehe. He really thinks things through.

He found a box of tampons in the bathroom from my TTC days, and asked me what they were for. I had no idea what to say. I said they were for mommies. That wasn't good enough, so I said I'd tell him when he was older. Now, he keeps saying that I don't teach him stuff, I just say, "I'll tell you when you're older." Poor guy, he just wants answers!

Oh god....please stop! Both me and my brother were just under 10lbs, I'll be damnedif I'm asking her if she tore...argh! Even the word makes me feel sick!!! X

Hehe, I remember back before DS1 was born, feeling scared about childbirth. The ones who have been through this do get a small amount of pleasure from scaring you. But they're absolutely right, if it was a terrible experience, no one would have more than one!

OK people this is really scaring me too!!!

My friend who is due in Feb is adamant that she wants a c-section.....she does NOT want to give birth naturally and is worried she may not be able to have one. I am kinda curious as to why anyone would want to have major surgery (routine and common i know) but major all the same and then be sofa ridden for 6 weeks minimum out of choice!

I had two c-sections. The first one was because of failure to progress. I never got past 1cm. Since my water broke at home, I was on a timeline. For DS2, the doctor said they want VBAC to go quickly, and it didn't look like I was capable of that. Now, with the twins, and having two c-sections already, I'll be having another scheduled c-section. Then I'll be done having kids. I admit, there are scary things to delivering either way. It also scares me when ladies start talking about tearing and everything else that happens.

:blush:ok ladies, whilst we are on the subject, im hoping no one will mind if i ask a "proper first timer" question..... in your opinions, DOES birth effect what your "foo" fells like sex wise after? for you and your man?
just wondering, as i remember my OH saying that his ex having their LO made a difference, and its kinda worrying me....:blush:

I have had a couple of friends who had both types of deliveries, and some prefer c-section, some prefer vaginal. One said that her vaginal delivery did change sex afterwards. That's one of the things I appreciate about my c-sections. Another friend's mom said, "I have the vagina of an 18-year-old." Hehe.

So, all the ladies who are saying they are scared of c-sections, you don't always get to choose how you will deliver. And I think there are benefits to each. If you do have a c-section, it IS major surgery, but it isn't the worst thing in the world. I have a friend who was a little depressed about her c-section delivery, because she hoped to have a vaginal birth. That's so sad! No matter what happens, as long as you and the baby are healthy afterwards, that's reason to celebrate!
i hope to not have a c section mainly because we would like a few kids and i know you can be limited if you have a c section.

as this is my first baby to be born im terrified for the birth.. all this talk of tearing is scary :haha:
:blush:ok ladies, whilst we are on the subject, im hoping no one will mind if i ask a "proper first timer" question..... in your opinions, DOES birth effect what your "foo" fells like sex wise after? for you and your man?
just wondering, as i remember my OH saying that his ex having their LO made a difference, and its kinda worrying me....:blush:

I had a 2nd degree tear so had to be stitched. I didnt feel comfortable or ready to DTD until about 3 months after I had had Ollie and it was a bit sore at first but after a few times it was fine and feels like it did before. OH says everything is the same but just a bit tighter :haha::blush: after having the stitches.
Gemini I'm no different now than before. took a long time to have sex again coz of the problems I had made it really sore, but now it feels no different to me or Dh!
I think we waited about 6-8 weeks until dtd again, and that was after a 3rd degree tear. It was abit frightening at first and took a while to get back to normal, but everything feels as it should do now!x
I am really scared too but the weird thing is i just can't picture myself actually having a big bump, going into labour and then actually giving birth and having a person...like a real life wiggly slimy person after actually giving birth. I know i will have to do it but i just can't picture it!

I think of all the people i know who have had babies and sometimes it's like its this weird mystical club that you only know what it feels like once you've been through it....i know thats a really obvious thing to say and i know girls just have to get on with it but when it's you in that room with DH and the midwives there's just you and you alone who has to get the baby out....THAT is what scares me! Doesn't matter what anyone says, as the pregnant person you are the only person that can get that baby out and it's scary and i know there's people there to comfort and reassure but i still can't get my head round how alone we will be!!! I'm really fucking scared of that!

I am getting a hypnobirthing book from my friend as she swore by it and i think i will need that in my life.

She had no issues at all and actually enjoyed labour.....it was the following 3-4 months of her life which were a living hell for her and i am also scared i will end up going down that route. She had a history of anxiety and depression (just like me) and was on anti-d's (just like me) and she had the most amazing birth experience and the next 3 days were just perfect. Then on day 4 it hit her and in the first 4 weeks she was hospitalised 3 times.

So......thats what makes me so scared :-(
OMG i don't half waffle sometimes...............

Soz peeps !
Mei....forgot to say so happy for you that bean is getting on so well....so chuffed for you chick! xxx
Abi I felt just like that before having Holly. I just could not imagine having a bump/giving birth/looking after a baby and I felt like it was a whole load of pressure that I had to give birth to this baby, JUST ME!!! But you know what, when it comes to it, something happens and you are just not scared and it all just kind of makes sense. It's really hard to explain, but prob in the last couple of weeks before I had her, I just got this "lets do this" attitude about it all, like I was ready. I think pregnancy hormones just do that to you at the right time. I was so calm when in labour. I didn't panic, it just felt like something I had to do and I did. Afterwards it hit me what I'd just done so calmly and I felt so weird! (that was probably all the gas and air!). It was the same once I was up on the ward with her. When I think about it now, it's strange how normal it felt and how calm I was and how much I took it in my stride, but I bet everyone who has a baby does that. It's one of those things where the anticipation is worse than the event. Yes it's painful, probably one of the most painful things you'll ever do, but it's not the type of pain you are used to dealing with, I suppose because it's gradual and it builds and you just do it! You will do great when it comes down to it, all of us will! It is what our bodies are designed to do after all, so don't be afraid :)

I also have a history of depression (not been depressed for about 5 years now) but I didn't get PND. I was worried as I got the 'baby blues' on day 3, like most do as your hormones go wild, but I felt so so level after my hormones settled down. Probably the most level and settled I've ever felt!
ladies.. i need abit of fashion help, my oh is having a uni ball thing, and since its his last year he wants to go and is bringing me with him, im gonna be 19 weeks by then and i already have a bit of a bump forming so know i def will be by then.. its usually a formal thing with suites and dresses etc.. what the hell can i wear being so preggy i bet i will look like a whale next to all the skinny's :( do any of the shops do nice maternity dresses? i rarely go cloth shopping but i def will shop for this as i dont wanna look silly
Mei....forgot to say so happy for you that bean is getting on so well....so chuffed for you chick! xxx

Thank you!! :happydance:

Everyone talking about birth already? We have a loong while yet.
Actually with Nathaniel, I didn't worry one bit. I just let things come as they did. I ended up having an epidural after realising it was going to be a long labor (22 hours established labor, 3 days early labor). Which gladly midwife said should be at least halved in time, this pregnancy. Which has me completely delighted! I had an episiotomy as well, it was sore afterwards and sometimes still feels a little sore in the area where the stitches were, but nothing more than that.

Lots of places sell maternity wear, not only the mother+baby shops (mamas and papas have quite a nice collection though) but also new look even topshop have a little selection of maternity goods. These were the places I shopped at last time.
Yes new look has some nice bits, I just bought a nice little black maternity dress today to wear to my work christmas do! Dorothy perkins, peacocks, Debenhams... all have some nice stuff!

What about something like this: https://www.newlook.com/shop/womens/maternity/heavenly-bump-strapless-maxi-dress_233568146

Also Asos is really good for maternity party wear:



This is the dress I bought today:

i suppose it doesnt help im quite short too :haha:

thats a lovely dress emily, i love some of the dresses in that, my oh says we have to go dressed well or they dont allow you in.. im worried they wont let me in anyway cuz of being preg..
Ah no you'll look lovely!! And why wouldn't they let you in coz your preg?? Pregnant ladies look very glamorous all dressed up!
thanks hun, i hope i have that "glow" by then lol as long as people can see im preg not just a big girl lol if you get what i mean ill feel abit better..

also ladies im 80% sure i can feel baby :shock: i am sure from day one baby is on my left side really tucked into the side of my uterus even on the scan it was obvious baby was on that side, so when i was getting cramps i felt them mostly on that side and i think the baby must still be tucked into the side cuz i feel a lot of pressure on my left side and little twitching and tickling feeling on my left side :happydance: im sure its not wind as if it was it would be centeral.. wouldnt it?

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