One question for those with kids, my eldest is 5...if you have been in the position of your child asking 'how baby got in there' what was your answer? I have dealt with the question from kids aged 10 up but not sure what to say to a 5 year old lol!!! Your help would be most appreciated lol! Its really funny as I asked DS the other week if he would like another brother/sister and his answer was "No thanks Mum" - he thought I meant for his birthday lol! Then DD (age nearly 3) was telling me that she wants babies from santa - not a pretend one, a real one! Careful what you wish for darling lol! I think they may have a sixth sense!
Giggles, glad your scan went well!
I have no idea what to tell DS1 when it comes to stuff like this, and he's 6. He hasn't asked about how the babies were made. But we were walking home from the bus stop yesterday and he wanted me to run with him. I said, I can't run, I might shake the babies out. He said, you can't shake them out, there's no hole for them to fall out of! Hehe. He really thinks things through.
He found a box of tampons in the bathroom from my TTC days, and asked me what they were for. I had no idea what to say. I said they were for mommies. That wasn't good enough, so I said I'd tell him when he was older. Now, he keeps saying that I don't teach him stuff, I just say, "I'll tell you when you're older." Poor guy, he just wants answers!
Oh god....please stop! Both me and my brother were just under 10lbs, I'll be damnedif I'm asking her if she tore...argh! Even the word makes me feel sick!!! X
Hehe, I remember back before DS1 was born, feeling scared about childbirth. The ones who have been through this do get a small amount of pleasure from scaring you. But they're absolutely right, if it was a terrible experience, no one would have more than one!
OK people this is really scaring me too!!!
My friend who is due in Feb is adamant that she wants a c-section.....she does NOT want to give birth naturally and is worried she may not be able to have one. I am kinda curious as to why anyone would want to have major surgery (routine and common i know) but major all the same and then be sofa ridden for 6 weeks minimum out of choice!
I had two c-sections. The first one was because of failure to progress. I never got past 1cm. Since my water broke at home, I was on a timeline. For DS2, the doctor said they want VBAC to go quickly, and it didn't look like I was capable of that. Now, with the twins, and having two c-sections already, I'll be having another scheduled c-section. Then I'll be done having kids. I admit, there are scary things to delivering either way. It also scares me when ladies start talking about tearing and everything else that happens.
ok ladies, whilst we are on the subject, im hoping no one will mind if i ask a "proper first timer" question..... in your opinions, DOES birth effect what your "foo" fells like sex wise after? for you and your man?
just wondering, as i remember my OH saying that his ex having their LO made a difference, and its kinda worrying me....
I have had a couple of friends who had both types of deliveries, and some prefer c-section, some prefer vaginal. One said that her vaginal delivery did change sex afterwards. That's one of the things I appreciate about my c-sections. Another friend's mom said, "I have the vagina of an 18-year-old." Hehe.
So, all the ladies who are saying they are scared of c-sections, you don't always get to choose how you will deliver. And I think there are benefits to each. If you do have a c-section, it IS major surgery, but it isn't the worst thing in the world. I have a friend who was a little depressed about her c-section delivery, because she hoped to have a vaginal birth. That's so sad! No matter what happens, as long as you and the baby are healthy afterwards, that's reason to celebrate!