June bugs 2012! 6x Boys 12x Girls 8x Team Yellow :)

Morning girls

KEslinger and Giggles glad you're both still with us!

Emma my next scan is a private gender scan on 29th December (18+4) then my 20 week scan is on 13th January (20+5). I've got a consultant appointment after my 20 week scan to talk about the bad tear I had last time. When I had Holly, I had a borderline 3rd degree tear and was stitched under a spinal in theatre. After they'd stitched they said it was just on the borderline and actually classed as a 2nd degree. But then I had all sorts of problems with the healing and had pain right up until May this year, when I had to go in for an operation to remove some scar tissue and be stitched again. So I have to see the consultant. Not sure what she's going to say tbh. My friend had a 3rd degree tear and was advised a c section, but I really hope they don't say that to me as I don't want one :( I'd much rather tear again than have a section!!
emzy.... as a first timer i CURSE YOU FOR THAT POST! hahaha! just kidding, but jeez, i cant imagine saying the words "id rather tear...." AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! god help me......! x
I agree with Emzy! I had a 3rd degree tear, but didn't have any problems with healing. I would much rather tear than have a c section! Although it isn't very pleasant, the healing time is much quicker. (Although probably Emzy might disagree!) The midwife told me the other day that because Grace was a big baby, I will have to have regular scans again to check the growth. I have my 1st consultant appointment on the 12th to see what the plan of action is x
Oh god....please stop! Both me and my brother were just under 10lbs, I'll be damnedif I'm asking her if she tore...argh! Even the word makes me feel sick!!! X
great pictures gemgem, very clear.

Im a little bummed that my bubba was in the wrong position for the NT scan, as i really wanted it done, they didnt even talk about the nasal bone. So now quite naturally im in a panic. My friend had a little girl 6 months ago and she was born with Down's. I also taught for 6 months at a special needs school this year and woredk a lot with children with Down's, so its something that is very real for me and i just want to be prepared. As i'll be 34 when bubba is born so already my risk is higher.

So because i couldnt get the measurements done i have to wait till my 16 week appointment on 19th December for my midwife to do blood then to assess my risk factor. Which means i prob wont get the results till after christmas and new year................sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ha ha sorry Gemini!!! Not sure if this will make you feel better or not, but to be honest you don't notice the tearing as everything is so stretched at the time anyway! And the initial healing wasn't all that bad, it was just that it never seemed to heel completely. I went to the doctors on numerous occasions and they kept telling me to wait and see and it'd heal eventually. When I went back for the zillionth time in April, I finally got someone to listen to me and refer me to the hospital. Apparently because I was stitched in theatre I should have had a follow up at the hospital, but because it was actually classed as a 2nd degree, it didn't happen. So I finally got to see them in April and needed an operation. But even with all that, I'd still rather tear again than have a section!! My mum had a similar problem and with my sister she had an episiotomy to stop her tearing in the same place again, so perhaps that's what they'll do with me :wacko::wacko::wacko:
Oh and Holly was only 7lb 9oz, so wasn't because she was a big baby. Although she did have a massive head when she was born ha ha!
Sorry to hear some of you are feeling poorly. It's a miracle that I haven't got a cold yet, as most of the children in my class are full of snot and (despite my best efforts) aren't very good at putting hands over their mouths when they sneeze or cough and I'm certain that their hand hygiene isn't up to scratch!

More lovely scan pics. So excited now.

Well I'm striking tomorrow to support my union as I would want them to support me if I ever needed them. So a blissful lie-in in the morning and then Christmas shopping with another teacher friend. Also have a scan on Thursday morning- so really slacking on the work front this week!

I don't have much of a bump but it's enough to make my size 8 skinny jeans not do up comfortably. Walked round the shops on Sunday with the button undone! Size 8 maternity jeans are humongous though- I'm really a size 10 but even the 8 is hanging off my legs (fine on the waist). Don't intend to get fat legs, so not sure what to do. My friend did say that she ended up with trousers 2 sizes smaller in maternity wear than normal clothes- so maybe a 6 is the answer (truly ridiculous).


hope you have had a lovely lie in, i decided not to strike again, although i wasnt sure if my union was taking part or not until i got an email tuesday evening from them.
i love the timing of the work email about it all, wasnt sent until quarter past 5 last night and then the letter issued to civil servants from the secretary about pensions wasnt published until this morning. gotta love the mod's timing.
hope you have a nice day shopping, i was going to say it would be nice and quiet compared to the weekend, but i bet all of those not working are thinking that lol.

im having problems with clothes too, the maternity ones can be too big as all for hippo size, whereas im still at the eaten a mahoosive dinner stage.

My friends think I'm loosing weight lol and tbh u like staying slim. I have work do in a few weeks so maybe I will have small bump then.
I have just put some fudge in fridge mmm hoping they turn out ok xx

Evening Ladies,

oooo fudge, think you need to send some our way :)

I had my scan and it was amazing!!Naughty baby was upside down and so I had to jump around so they could get all the measurements they needed!
So happy I am on :cloud9:. My dates were spot on and it is hubbys birthday today so was a lovely present!!

they are fabulous clear pictures, glad it all went well. saw your fb post and thought it was a lovely birthday pressie for your hubby.

lovely pic :) thats such a clear picture!

bit sad tonight.. i have to go to my 12 week scan alone.. :cry: oh has an exam at the same time on the same day of course! so oh's mother has offered to come up from west cork to take me.. so thats nice of her..

but happiness for today im a lime! lol

oh no chick, im glad someone can go with you, such a shame its an exam and not just normal work etc he could have got out of. have to make sure you lay it on thick at the scan to see if they can print off some extra pictures for you to show him, or even see if you can video it on your phone.

Great pics gem, what a great present!

I've just got my downs screening letter......risk factor is 1 in 7500, obviously this isn't a critical result, but seems higher than alot of the ones I've read? X

i wouldnt worry about that chick, thats a good result. if it was anything to be worried about they would have got back to you within 2/3 days.

Laura....I really dont know what we should think about this screening stuff. I mean a risk factor is just a chance and whether its a 50% chance or a 1 in a million chance, there is still a chance.

I guess the thing we have to think about is what do we want from this test? If you want to know for definite the only way to know is the anmio but that carries a much bigger risk of miscarriage than the risk factor you have been given.

The good news is that it is not high risk and the chance is low.....if you were high risk then you could be thinking about next steps and further tests but then if you do find out it's likely you could be carrying a downs baby then what would you do? I'm not saying you personally but i think it's something we've all thought about....some of the girls have chosen not to have the NT whereas others (myself included) have had the test.....it is a difficult one but i almost feel like unless it's high risk there's no point worrying about it....the likelihood is very small but there is still a risk.

OMG i'm not sure if i;m getting my point across here very well?? I am jet lagged and uber tired and can't keep my eyes open and trying to say something that probably makes little or no sense!

I also got my letter thru and i am also low risk...DH and I have had a chat about it and decided not to take this any further.

BTW Laura....did you get your other blood test results back yet? I had all of my bloods done (including the Downs bloods) at the same time of my scan on the 18th and they wrote to me with the Downs results on the 21st! I haven't heard anything about the other bloods yet......I did think they may have tried calling while i was on holiday but I called my GPs surgery today and they told me that nothing has come through and no-one there had tried to call me. I then thought what if the hospital was trying to call me???

Paranoid I know but i don't understand how they could have processed all the Downs stuff but not the other bloods?

Anyway....hi ladies and hope you're all good? I did catch up on all the pages i missed this afternoon but did a lot of snoozing on the sofa and have forgotten most of it!

Gem - your pics are simply amazing! I can't believe how clear they are!!! I am v jealous and would love to have another scan just so i can get more pics....couldn't possibly justify spending another £80 tho (especially when i have just bought my BRAND NEW FURRY UGG BOOTS!!)......

Emzy and Cricket (and anyone else feeling pukey still).....glad it is letting up a little now for you....once or twice a day has to be better than all day every day?

I am fooked.....i can't keep my eyes open and so i am gonna go beddybyes!

Can't wait for next scan in only 6 weeks and 1 day!!!! YIPPPEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

PS please let me know how quickly everyone elses bloods came back :)

hey abi!!
did you have a good time away?
ooo new ugg boots, how lovely.

looks like im the only one not to get the downs results back yet :coffee: at least that gives me a good sign nothing to worry about.

re:bloods abi, i didnt get any letters or anything, i got the results from bloods taken at my booking in appointment when i saw the midwife at my scan. she said everything was fine and all my immunities are good. i'll be getting my next bloods results when i go for my next appointment on the 12th. bit worried about my 20 week scan now with changing doctors etc with moving house over xmas. wondering how quick i can get them to get organised. knowing what military admin is like, i hope they will be quick off the mark with it all.

hope you are feeling less jet lagged today.x

I've been gone for too long... LOL. This thread moves so fast that I could never keep up, but just wanted to check in with everyone and let ya know I'm still here!

I'm 12w4d today. I have my NT scan on Friday at 13w. It amazes me that you guys get your second blood draws so soon. Through the California Prenatal Screening Program if you're going the Full Integrated Screening you have your first bloodwork done at 10w-13w6d. NT scan between 11w2d and 14w2d. And final bloodwork done between weeks 15 and 20. The first 2 alone are considered first trimester screening, and when the final blood test is completed it's considered the full integrated screening.

My spotting continued on (and sometimes continueS on). I had my first ultrasound at 7w6d and was measuring at 7w5d. At that point they did the ultrasound with my paperwork appointment to ease my mind and see if they could find a reason for the spotting. My next appointment was with a Nurse Practioner. She was supposed to confirm dating, send me for labs, etc. She found bean and showed me the heartbeat but the baby was SO active that they couldn't get a good measurement or picture. I was relieved that the baby has a strong heartbeat and was very active, but I was bummed that I didn't get to hear the heartbeat or take a photo to OH. I went to that appointment alone. :( OH and I have different work schedules. Days that I can get off, he can't, and vice versa.

Not too long ago, we were getting ready to DTD... I had a GUSH of blood. A lot of blood. 3 wads of toilet paper were soaked. Toilet was full of blood and I passed a few small clots. I had an appointment 2 days later (again, I went alone) and everything was fine. The doctor showed me bean (although the picture was a blur...), still a very active baby. I got to hear the heartbeat. It was amazing. I had gotten used to the spotting, it was annoying, but I could handle it. Then that. It was heart wrenching seeing all of that blood. The doctor told me it doesn't look like anything is bothering that kid. ;) I was put on pelvic rest which really didn't do a thing for me. I was supposed to stay on it until week 13 or 14. I continued to have random spotting so we gave in and dtd anyway.

So, my NT scan is Friday. OH gets to go to this one. He switched days with someone to be able to go, which means the next couple of days for us are going to be early ones. The last Dr. I had seen after that big bleed had told me to mention to the Perinatologist (the one doing the scan) about the bleeding. They have better machines/technology and they can take a better look to see if there's anything in particular that has caused or is causing any bleeding/spotting. Then, on Tuesday I have a regular checkup with my ob/gyn (I haven't seen her yet since I've been pregnant). My blood pressure is always high when I first go in (white coat syndrome) so they're going to be keeping a closer eye on me (even though it goes down significantly in a couple minutes). To be honest I don't mind the more watchful eye. :) Whatever it takes to make sure bean continues to thrive.

Next up is an early gender scan on 12/18 (@15w2d) we'll see if they can find it. If they can we're sending out pictures for Christmas. :p

My 20 week scan is actually at 18w and some odd days on 1/11.

Other than the bleeding pregnancy has treated me pretty well. I haven't been sick but once... I had gotten up early, taken the dog out on an empty stomach and then got nauseated.

The first picture was my first ultrasound to make sure everything was ok. Baby "bean" was measuring right on.
7w6d - 10/27/2011
View attachment 304191

This one was after my big bleed, the photo is blurred, bean was doing jumping-jacks or something.
10w6d - 11/17/2011
View attachment 304192

lovely pics and glad everything is okay.

Hey Peeps - havent actually wrote on here for a bit although have been keeping up and happy to see the sickness is starting to subside for people and that we are having lots of wonderful news at scans!

So had my appointment today and happy to report all is well. I am not supposed to have a scan as a routine but bless them - as I have had problems and have been so stressed they took pity on me and did one to put my mind at ease. The doc felt so sorry for me he printed me about 8 pics but at present I have no way of getting them on here. Bubs was very active scratching face and trying to thumbsuck, waving and bouncing about. Doc even managed to get a cute picture of the bottom of bubs foot! I am so excited that I can finally tell my kids tonight which is special as it is DS birthday tomorrow and he can share the news and a pic for show and tell!

One question for those with kids, my eldest is 5...if you have been in the position of your child asking 'how baby got in there' what was your answer? I have dealt with the question from kids aged 10 up but not sure what to say to a 5 year old lol!!! Your help would be most appreciated lol! Its really funny as I asked DS the other week if he would like another brother/sister and his answer was "No thanks Mum" - he thought I meant for his birthday lol! Then DD (age nearly 3) was telling me that she wants babies from santa - not a pretend one, a real one! Careful what you wish for darling lol! I think they may have a sixth sense!

thats lovely you got to have a scan and get lots of pictures, also fabulous everything is okay.
re: telling younger ones i would have no idea at all. but trying to not go into too much detail is probably key.

Thanks for the great advice peeps, I'm not going to worry about it, I'm sure all is just fine!
My next scan is my private gender on the 23rd December, then 20wks is 13th jan.

In regards to the bloods taken at booking in, I chased my midwife for results, all were fine with the exception of me not being immune to measles.

Gigglesems-I used to work in extended schools, and was responsible for delivering family links parenting classes, odd I know, but there was a section in there on kids of all ages asking that, the advice was to only answer the actual question they were asking as they dont tend to probe for more info until older, "mummy and daddy's love made a baby grow in there" was a popular one, at 5 they aren't too likely to want to know the mechanics.

I know a couple of the ladies on here are teachers, so they may well have some good suggestions for you xxx

glad you arent going to worry about it, you dont need to as good results :)

Laura I think those odds should reassure you hon not cause you to worry!

I am 100 days pregnant today! Wooo hooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


woohoo for 100 days! :)

emzy.... as a first timer i CURSE YOU FOR THAT POST! hahaha! just kidding, but jeez, i cant imagine saying the words "id rather tear...." AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! god help me......! x

with you on that one laura, not something i wanted to be reminded of, bricking it as it is about stuff like that, i really dont to pain very well. think im going to be one of those that makes loads of noise complaining on obem lol.

great pictures gemgem, very clear.

Im a little bummed that my bubba was in the wrong position for the NT scan, as i really wanted it done, they didnt even talk about the nasal bone. So now quite naturally im in a panic. My friend had a little girl 6 months ago and she was born with Down's. I also taught for 6 months at a special needs school this year and woredk a lot with children with Down's, so its something that is very real for me and i just want to be prepared. As i'll be 34 when bubba is born so already my risk is higher.

So because i couldnt get the measurements done i have to wait till my 16 week appointment on 19th December for my midwife to do blood then to assess my risk factor. Which means i prob wont get the results till after christmas and new year................sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

its a shame you couldnt get your nt measurement at the scan, i wouldnt panic about not seeing the nasal bone, i didnt have it pointed out or mentioned but after looking at my scan pics and in my pregnancy week by week book i can see it clearly on there. also now realise what i thought was a foot or hand is in fact the cord lol.
im sure your results will come back fine, try not to worry about it too much. hope they hurry them through for you though with xmas holidays etc.

hope everyone is having a good day. im proper tired and sniffly after blitzing the house last night with the valuer coming round tonight. still need to do the hoovering etc yet too when i get home this afternoon and quickly sort out the last min few bits i didnt have time to sort this morning. dont even have any furniture i can hide stuff behind :/
Yeah my bro had a huuuuge head, my mum took one look at my scan and Said its a boy, got your brothers massive head...lol I also got some newborn bits at a boot sale, she said I don't know why you bothered with that, you were straight into 6-12! Apparently when I was born the midwife held me up and stated "this is the biggest baby I've delivered so far!!!!" explains why I'm referred to affectionately as "giraffe" amongst close friends....Lololol x
Sorry Gemini!! I didn't even realise I tore until they told me! I think I am going to get that oil stuff this time to massage my perinium (sounds gross, but it's meant to work!)x
babyd I was thinking of doing perinial massage as well... gross but might give it a go!!
My friend at work done it and she had to have help with baby coming out, and she only had a scratch, so it's worth a try! I will definitely be giving it a go x
What's this massage then?

I don't know which way around it was, but one of us was 11lb, one was just under 10 I think, I was very long apparently, used to be called train baby...my family aren't nearly as funny as they think....lol x
Have a look at this xx
OK people this is really scaring me too!!!

My friend who is due in Feb is adamant that she wants a c-section.....she does NOT want to give birth naturally and is worried she may not be able to have one. I am kinda curious as to why anyone would want to have major surgery (routine and common i know) but major all the same and then be sofa ridden for 6 weeks minimum out of choice!

For those of you who tore, did you have an epidural? Did you feel the pain when the tear happened?? I am just trying not to think about any of this stuff until at least May!! I'll worry about it then!

Girls - thanks for the info re the blood tests.....its really annoying me as i have it just playing on my mind all the time! I'm really really tired though too which i think is making it worse :-(

The hopspital didn't tell me how long it would take.....all they said was the NT screening results would take up to 2 weeks but they took 1 working day! I called the Dr surgery but they haven't received anything on their system. The midwife only works Wednesdays so maybe she'll call today BUT are they on strike today?? I'm not sure who is striking and who isn't?

aaaaagggggggghhhhhhhhhhh i need answers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Abic, I know it is hard but try to calm down. Are the midwives in your area based at the hospital? Maybe ring the hospital, ask for the community midwives and explain why you are anxious to find out. They should have your results there. Keep us updated!
One thing I was worried about in my last pregnancy was tearing or being cut, and I didn't even realise I did! It is uncomfortable afterwards as the stitches heal, but not unbearable. We wouldn't be doing it again if it was that bad!
I didn't have an epidural and I didn't know I had torn until afterwards. I won't lie, it did hurt when her head came out (which was when I tore) but that was literally the worst bit. The rest was bareable with gas & air! I think the problem for me was that her head came flying out. The midwife was trying to tell me to do little pushes but I couldn't help it and her head came out in one big shove. When she was born, the hind waters came out with her, so they said it must have been all the pressure of the waters behind her that made her fly out! She literally came out on a tidal wave! So this time, I am going to try and do little pushes so I don't tear, but we'll see how that goes lol
And abi try not to worry about your blood tests, someone would have been in touch if something was untoward x

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