Thank you! It doesn't say anything on them about not being able to take them, but I should have checked really! Lactulose never seems to help me, so will give fybogel a try. Thanks Gemini!x
I think that's how it is at my work aswell, they won't talk about maternity leave or anything until then. Yes it is going so quickly! Can't believe I am 12 weeks on Monday, cant wait for my scan!x
Thank you! It doesn't say anything on them about not being able to take them, but I should have checked really! Lactulose never seems to help me, so will give fybogel a try. Thanks Gemini!x
Still 10 days until my scan.... i am SO behind you all !!!
Woke up feeling completely normal yesterday, i just didn't feel pregnant at all, no headache nothing, not even the need to pee urgently.... but then MS hit me back with a vengeance all day...
decided to get a doppler to see if i can put my mind at rest! I am quite slight so hopefully i can pick up the heartbeat already!
So so tired and so sick of getting up nearly 6 times at night to pee.... the holidays can't come soon enough!
Just quickly popping on to say scan went great he/she was wriggling all over and have been moved to 10th June so am now 12+5. I am going to come on later tonight and have a proper catch up and put a pic on.
Hey everyone!! Sorry for going MIA on you all for a while. Between traveling for work, being sick 24/7, and going to bed at 7 my computer LITERALLY had dust sitting on it!!!
Finally into my second trimester I'm feeling a little better, but still sick a lot. And the traveling will continue until after the New Year
I'm so glad to see you all have been doing well! I will be much more active on this now that I'm not so sick ALL THE TIME! Be careful what you wish for
We had an NT scan and everything checked out great! There's our little baby! It's amazing how REAL they look already! I can't wait!!!!
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