June bugs 2012! 6x Boys 12x Girls 8x Team Yellow :)

*virtual slap for abi*
take yourtself off for 10 mins sweet, have a cry/strop/ring someone till you feel better! :hugs: i do know how you feel. i actually just said to an indian colleage "if you knock one more thing off my desk walking past, i may come over there and nut you" haha! it was a bloke but still think i scared him!!! x
so ive just been given notice of intent of redundancy by my employer, please some one tell me this cant be happening... our bills are huge, we cant afford to live on one salary just yet!!! anyone know what i can do? im too scared to even tell the OH :( x
so ive just been given notice of intent of redundancy by my employer, please some one tell me this cant be happening... our bills are huge, we cant afford to live on one salary just yet!!! anyone know what i can do? im too scared to even tell the OH :( x

Oh no. I'm so sorry to hear that. Try not to panic. There is always a solution to every problem (I don't have one for you unfortunately) and you getting stressed out won't do baby any good. I can appreciate why you're feeling nervous to tell your OH but I'm sure he will be nothing but supportive.

You are early enough in your pregnancy to look for another job. What do you do? Will you get a redundancy payout? How long will that last you for?

I'll be thinking of you. xxx:hugs:
im a recruitment consultant, ill only get a month pay out max as ive been there 3 weeks off a year! assholes! i cant get another job without twlling them im pregnant, and employment rates here are poor, i dont stand a chance really! x
Laura, I'm so sorry! I know it seems stressful and overwhelming, but your coworkers were complete a$$holes and you hated the job anyway...maybe this is your chance to find something that's more pleasant, closer to home, and a more positive experience! Hearing the ol' look at the bright side speech may not do anything for you today, but take a deep breath, trust your OH that he'll be there to support you, and revel in the fact you won't have to go back to that job soon!
I think you don't have to tell until you're 20 weeks? So, technically if you start applying now you could get one without telling...
Laura, I'm so sorry! I know it seems stressful and overwhelming, but your coworkers were complete a$$holes and you hated the job anyway...maybe this is your chance to find something that's more pleasant, closer to home, and a more positive experience! Hearing the ol' look at the bright side speech may not do anything for you today, but take a deep breath, trust your OH that he'll be there to support you, and revel in the fact you won't have to go back to that job soon!

lol thanks cricket, a different yet nice perspective, just annoyed i put up with all their crap so i didnt lose out on mat leave, and now i lost it anyway!!!
Are you a grad Laura? My husband is a manager for a graduate sales placement and training company and they place people into jobs every day all over the country (especially home counties!), although they mainly place grads with no experience and a few years of work ahead of them, so not sure he could help. However, recruitment and sales is the best industry to be applying for jobs in tbh despite the current financial crisis. Lots of luck. And as Cricket says- you hated the job! xxx
Right....this is where we need Emzy on the case.....EMZY WHERE ARE YOU????

I have been told by my HR friends that when you are a pregnant employee you are the most protected kind of employee.....I'm not trying to give you false hope as a) i'm not an HR expert and b) there's all sorts of loop holes and exceptions BUT it's what i've always been told.

I'm not sure whether you need to have formally told work but then again some companies (I think Laura yours may have been one of them) only accept the pregnancy at 20 weeks with the matb1 form.

I really would hold out and wait for some advice.....I really don't know who these people think they are!

I guess in some ways it could be a blessing in disguise but the timing is jsut shit....

.....let's just wait for Emzy and she can maybe shed soem light (sorry EMZY....you know you love me really!!)

Oh and Laura....thank you for the virtual slap...it's definitely what i needed! That and all the SHIT i have eaten today (I had a bacon sarnie as my 3rd breakfast at 10.20am followed by a slab of mars bar cake, a wedge of cheesecake with squirty cream and then a packet of crisps! yippeeeee! all before 1pm!)

my poor banana, apple and satsumas are still just sat here uneaten!

Girls....I love you....I am feeling really soppy now (from one extreme to another) and i would love it if we could all just meet up for a weekend (ideally to get pissed but clearly that couldn't happen!) but it's such a shame that we can't!

I have decided if i have a Boy i am gonna call him Mack now.....either that or Freddie. That is my decision and I won't change my mind again.......

BTW....girls who have had babies already....do you think it is just a ridiculous idea to even consider driving to France with a 6 week old baby?? It would be from Leeds to the French ALpes so not just a short one like if we lived on the south coast and were off to Calais! I reckon 8 hours in UK followed by the same in France?? End of July next year ???


right...i'm still at work with a million things to day (back from my secondment now and picking up all the pieces of destruction left behind by the guy who was filling in for me...joy of joys!) xxxxx
Oh my god, only 16 days until we find out if we are having a little Oscar or Amelie! I'm so excited to find out! I didn't actually get numbers from my NT scan, my Dr just called and said everything looks good, I'll ask about numbers at my next appointment. I'm off to a 'Fearless Childbirth' class tomorrow, I'm getting very nervous about giving birth in the USA as the hospital I'm due to go to is very 'medical' ie all about interventions, monitoring, lying flat to give birth and epidurals- then a two night stay where if you want a room to yourself you must pay $600 a night out of pocket. I've heard this is typical here as they want to charge the insurance companies as much as possible and an epidural alone is thousands of dollars, so they push it. I'm scared I won't have the chance of a natural birth if I want it. Very different to the UK. Anyone on here given birth in the USA before?
And that's interesting about leap year, I wonder if my date will change??!

I have had two babies here, and both were c-sections. With my first, my water broke but I never progressed, so he had to be delivered -- otherwise, we'd be risking infection. I have wondered if things would have been different if they had allowed me to move around more. But even right after my water broke, the contractions were basically nonexistent, and they didn't pick up in the 6 hours I was at home before heading to the hospital. I cleaned the whole house and showered, I mean, if that didn't help me progress, I don't know what would have. But it's true, once I got to the hospital, they wanted me to be in bed. The interventions continued from there, I had an IV and after pumping me with fluids for hours, I asked to go to the bathroom, but they said I couldn't, so they hooked me up to a catheter. Of course, after laying down all that time, I still didn't progress. So they started to induce. After the pitocin, I needed an epidural. By the end, after 18 hours of being dilated 1-2cm, it was clear that things weren't going to progress so they delivered DS1 via c-section. If you're going for VBAC, they want you to have a pretty quick delivery, and there was nothing in my first labor that said I'd be able to do that. So we scheduled the 2nd. Now that I'm pregnant with twins, the doctor said it might be the best case scenario that I haven't had a vaginal delivery because he thinks I'm less likely to go into early labor. So I will just accept that things happen for a reason and keep hoping for these babies to grow as big and strong as possible before being born!

Wow! You have a legit bump! So jealous :)

I KNOW!!! It was just 'POW, BUMP' one morning!

Cute bump! You look great.

just back from my scan omg!!! im so much in love :cloud9:

baby was all snuggled up and upside down :haha: then she poked my tummy to get the baby to turn over and it jumped up as if it got a fright :haha: now 12 weeks and 4 days and my due date is june 15th :thumbup: and all looks healthy and normal :)

here is a pic of my baby :cloud9:

I'm so glad you had a good scan. I love when they react to the ultrasound equipment. They're in their own little bubble, but they know stuff is going on around them!

I was reading through this thread and I was wondering if I may join? I'm due June 10, with my first scan due tomorrow!

Welcome, and congratulation! Can't wait to see scan pics!

i've started to feel flutters :happydance:

I love this stage where we get to feel things that the baby is doing!

BTW....girls who have had babies already....do you think it is just a ridiculous idea to even consider driving to France with a 6 week old baby?? It would be from Leeds to the French ALpes so not just a short one like if we lived on the south coast and were off to Calais! I reckon 8 hours in UK followed by the same in France?? End of July next year ???


I don't think it's crazy to travel with a teeny baby. Actually, that's probably the time when they're most portable! They sleep regardless of where you take them, so the car trip should be easy. We have taken the kids on lots of trips over the years.

Two more days until my 12 week scan! I am getting very excited. And overwhelmed with everything I need to be doing. I took a bump pic this morning, I'm feeling a little self-conscious about my bump, but everyone else is so nice for sharing so I'll share too!


  • Photo Dec 07, 12 02 18 PM.jpg
    Photo Dec 07, 12 02 18 PM.jpg
    27.3 KB · Views: 4
yes i know i should be protected, my mum is a headteacher, so they get the public sector benefits, she is speaking with her HR adviser, so far they have said i need to ask for copies of the companies redundancy criteria and policies, they are still sodding recruiting for consultants!!! (for different teams, they say my team of 2 isnt making enough money and thats why, but they want to sack the other guy anyway, hes only been there a few months and has been off sick loads, so prob in their favour to make him redundant as well so they arent seen to be singling me out, and it wont cost them financially as hes been there two minutes!) mums HR friend has advised i get signed off for a week whilst we work out if i have a case, the docs did it immediately when i said they hadnt considered changing my hours over my SPD, so thats sorted at least...

Abi, to be honest, that could be a struggle, not that i know how often they need to be fed, but im guessing every few hours and changes etc, that journey time would need a good few more hours added to it?? plus its not advisable to have them in a car seat for long periods, bad for skeletal development, so youd have to invest in a lay down car seat? thats my take on it anyways! xx
Little bird...I don't know why you're self-conscious! That's a lovely bump! You look amazing - especially given you've already had two and are carrying twins! I was thinking this morning how I'm yearning for a bump, but come third tri I'm going to miss not having one...I guess that's how life is!

Laura, couldn't they transfer you to another team?

P.S. I'm on here all alone again :( Question. Is anyone else freezing all the time? I don't know if it's because I lost a solid layer of blubber or what, but all the pregnancy sites keep saying I should be a furnace, but I'm freezing!
Hi cricket - yes I am constantly freezing. Even with the fire on in the lounge I always have a blanket & I have a hot water bottle every night too! I do sometime wake up boiling but if I go to the loo in the night it takes ages to warm up so hence the hot water bottle!

I keep convincing myself I have a little bump but deep down I know it's just all the crap I've been eating since I stopped training in September ! Won't be long til it is baby tho and not just chocolate and cheesecake!!
Hi girls

Sorry I've been awol the last couple of days, been so tired with going back to work and to top it all off Holly's been teething so waking loads in the night!

Laura, I'm sorry to hear about your job. They so soooo dodgy! I'm not totally hot on redundancy as it's an employment law minefield, but as far as I understand they have to be very careful with making a pregnant lady redundant. If they are still recruiting for consultants, this is completely wrong as before they can make you redundant they have to have exhausted all other options, transferring you to another team being one of them. I'd say if they have not even tried to keep you on in some capacity, then you are likely to have a case for unfair dismissal, although it's really hard to say without knowing all the details and seeing their policies on redundancy. But yes, it smells incredibly fishy to me, especially seeing how unhelpful they have been with your spd, etc. It seems to me that they are discriminating against you, which is against the law. They are not allowed to treat you any differently to any other employee and it seems to me that they are. The only problem is, you have to prove it, but I don't think you would have any problem doing that. Write down everything that has happened so far, including the snide comments, the unhelpful 'pull yourself together' comments from your boss, etc and contact ACAS and see what they suggest. I really, really feel that they may be breaking the law here. Not least, they are making it impossible for you to continue working there and if you ended up leaving, you could claim constructive dismissal.

Abi I think you should be fine to travel with a 6 week old. They sleep in the car anyway and with plenty of stop offs to feed and change nappies, you'd be fine :)

Morning all,

I need to log onto laptop as I'm struggling to catch up on my phone. I cannot believe I'm 15 weeks today! Yay for oranges!! I think the next few weeks will fly by with it being christmas, new year etc coming up.
We will all be 20 weeks before we know it! I really cannot wait for the next scan.

Emma xx
I am soooo tired!! Really can't be bothered to do anything, feel really bad on grace that I am not doing anything with her, we are just being lazy. Would love to stay in bed all day!!x
i feel the same babyd i just wanna stay in bed as its cold but i gotta put the xmas tree up and make some shortbread cookies tho i feel so cold
Hi girls

Sorry I've been awol the last couple of days, been so tired with going back to work and to top it all off Holly's been teething so waking loads in the night!

Laura, I'm sorry to hear about your job. They so soooo dodgy! I'm not totally hot on redundancy as it's an employment law minefield, but as far as I understand they have to be very careful with making a pregnant lady redundant. If they are still recruiting for consultants, this is completely wrong as before they can make you redundant they have to have exhausted all other options, transferring you to another team being one of them. I'd say if they have not even tried to keep you on in some capacity, then you are likely to have a case for unfair dismissal, although it's really hard to say without knowing all the details and seeing their policies on redundancy. But yes, it smells incredibly fishy to me, especially seeing how unhelpful they have been with your spd, etc. It seems to me that they are discriminating against you, which is against the law. They are not allowed to treat you any differently to any other employee and it seems to me that they are. The only problem is, you have to prove it, but I don't think you would have any problem doing that. Write down everything that has happened so far, including the snide comments, the unhelpful 'pull yourself together' comments from your boss, etc and contact ACAS and see what they suggest. I really, really feel that they may be breaking the law here. Not least, they are making it impossible for you to continue working there and if you ended up leaving, you could claim constructive dismissal.

Abi I think you should be fine to travel with a 6 week old. They sleep in the car anyway and with plenty of stop offs to feed and change nappies, you'd be fine :)


See...I KNEW emzy would know what to do for the best!! welcome back Emzy!
How is being back at work anyway?? Are you feeling better now or still a little icky?

Laura.....please don't let these people get away with treating you the way they have done for the last few weeks hun...we're all rootin for ya!

AFM I am really annoyed that i still haven't had a letter back from anywhere about the haemotologist yet....do we have to do everything ourselves????
Same here ladies, cold and just not a once of energy!
Finally did the accounts for our company.... it was so hard to find the strength yesterday!
I am finally a freaking LIME :happydance: !!!
If i feel Ok i might even go for a swim tomorrow as I have not been to the gym in about 4 weeks now!
Still 5 days till my scan but so so excited that i can already listen to the baby's heart on the doppler, it really helps me be patient! Can't wait to tell everyone!
afternoon, still not caught up on everything yet, will have to do it over the weekend.

hope you are all well.

thats awful laura, from just reading what you have written it sounds unbelievable dodgy and i know someone from a previous job who successfully managed to sue them for unfair dismissal for something very similar.

abi, im sure travelling to france wouldnt be a problem as they do mainly sleep at that age. just be if they arent sleeping and you have an awful long car journey with them crying lots would be a bit frustrating but at least you can stop anytime.

lovely pic littlebird :)

with you girls on the tiredness, the last few weeks have been awful, i now cant drive i the dark for too long as get really sleepy.

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