June bugs 2012! 6x Boys 12x Girls 8x Team Yellow :)

Thanks for the warm welcome :).Not cheeky to ask at all, I've been signed off due to my blood pressure, it was normal a month before I conceived although I do have a history of it being high since I was 17 but came off all tablets when I was 25 and off work recovering from a knee op as it went low and stayed low. By 6 weeks however it was at 165/125 at the worst, I was put on 4 x 250mg methyldopa which brought it down for a bit, but over Christmas it was back up to 145/110 so the doc has upped the dose to 3 x 500mg, and it is likely the consultant will up it further on Monday. Having it higher has raised new issues though in that I get really light headed and yesterday went down in a swoon and the postie had to catch me! Doc thinks I'll need fewer drugs if I stay home with my feet elevated, so for the moment at least that's what I'm doing.

Lovely to have some bump buddies - I don't actually have a real bump yet mind - just a gradual forward slope of the front of my body where it used to go straight down!
Thanks guys!

On the Doppler front, if you can only hear your own quietly when near your heart, it's not good. Should be incredibly loud!!! Sounds stupid but did you check batteries?

I'm now 11st, started at 10st 8lb, does this sound about right? I look like I've put on more, getting back rolls! Haha! Not sure if that's cos my spine shape is changing? I hope so!

Been feeling bubbling today and last night, can I assume this is baby? A little like tummy rumbles but I can feel its further forward? X

its the type you charge up? i could try charge it to full battery see if that helps
yeah i tested it on my own heart and i can barely hear my own.. im hoping its just cuz its old yet i know baby is ok as i can feel them moving around and we only saw and heard there hb on monday... :shrug:

Its Mango day :happydance:

Hey Abi tomorrow you are offically half way there, im sure there are a few others who are fast reaching the half way mark but i cant remember off the top of my head, Emzy im sure you must nearly be half way there too.

Today is the first day in about 9 days i have woken up and feel slightly ok. Think im finally over this virus wooooohooooo. I hope you are all doing well today. Does anyone have any exciting plans for the weekend?:happydance:

Thanks guys!

On the Doppler front, if you can only hear your own quietly when near your heart, it's not good. Should be incredibly loud!!! Sounds stupid but did you check batteries?

I'm now 11st, started at 10st 8lb, does this sound about right? I look like I've put on more, getting back rolls! Haha! Not sure if that's cos my spine shape is changing? I hope so!

Been feeling bubbling today and last night, can I assume this is baby? A little like tummy rumbles but I can feel its further forward? X

its the type you charge up? i could try charge it to full battery see if that helps

Yeah give that a go! Mines one like that too.

If its pretty old then it could just be that the battery has had it. But worth a try! X
In regards those not having Doppler luck, I have read that there is a chance bubbas may not like them, it works using sound waves, and we can't hear them, they don't know if the babies can however, a bit like those whistles that make dogs go nuts.....as only they can hear them? Not wanting to scare anyone, I never struggle but my baby tends to lay facing my spine so I usually catch her off guard, she swims off pretty rapidly though, so there's a chance there may be some truth to this? Just a thought...? X
Golly Dinah I hope having a rest helps- that is some really high BP readings!!
hiya everyone and welcome to dinah! So sorry your signed off hun (as much as i would love to be signed off for a week, i imagine another 20 weeks sitting doing nothing to be not so fun!)....i would get through ALL of greys anatomy (my absolute favourite show) though but then i'd have notning to watch!! Speaking of which i am in the middle of season 6 at the moment....have decided to hang fire after this, order the season 7 & 8 box set for when i go into labour!....that's about 40 hours of viewing which will be ace when i'm in pain and need to rest but cant'.....perfect distraction technique!

So....to anyone with a doppler...i would just forget it! There's just no point in scaring youorselves....inevitably there'll be times you can find HB and times you can't....the emotional roller coaster of can i/can't i find it is just too much to bear....hopefully we'll all be feeling movements soon so that will be reassurance in itself that bubs is ok???

Re weight gain...OMG mine is terrible....i was 10st 8lbs when i ran the marathon 16th October and i'm now 11st 5lbs! Laura - i know exactly what you mean about back-flaps! i have the exact same thing! I have a couple of pairs of mat pants with those big bands that come under your boobs and on my back there's a massive wedge of flab where my bra strap stops and then the band from my pants starts! So awful!!...and to think that 18 months ago when i got married I was 9st 2lbs!!!!! SCARY how married life makes you so content!

I have started swimming tho (just once a week for last 4 weeks) but now that my anti-depressants are out my system and christmas feasting is over I am determined to go every other day! DH says little & often so will just do enough to raise my heart rate a bit (say 30 lengths) nice and moderate pace every other day. Need to eat sensibly too tho...today i have had 2 slices of white toast with choccy spread for breakfast and then the same for lunch & a toasted teacake & a Wispa bar in between! Need fruit & veg!

I've been making home made soup though and have so far had courgette soup, french onion soup and mushroom soup! REALLY tasty with a crusty roll for tea but usually still hungry afterwards so go to the chocoalte box! I decided to start having my main meal at lunch time then a smaller teatime to help me not feel so full at bed time. Thing is i do feel really full (like massive and bloated etc) but still hungry at the same time....i literally can't stop eating....as soon as i eat a meal i am hungry again. Im able to eat a full meal tho, i don't have that problem where i fill up half way thru?

I decided to enter the ballot for the great north run coz my plan is to get my trainers back on as soon as i can after baby.....lots of people have told me though that it's not really recommended for a few months after baby, esp if breastfeeding!

right...i'm supposed to be at work at the minute....i'm working from home again - i am but i'm at my parents house as I had a hospital appointment this morning....I went deaf at Christmas a year ago and it was very very scary but thankfully my hearing has come back to almost normal & had a follow up apt & all is good so i have healthy ear again (I actually was already deaf in my right ear since i was 1yr old but it was the other ear that went too!)

Off to do some work now...whoop!

PS feel like i have so much to talk about today i could go on and on.....

PPS only 5 more sleeps until I find out if team pink or blue!!

Will it be a Tilly or will it be a Freddie??
(those are first choice names but reserves are Amelie/Emilia and Benjamin/Joseph)
Another huge Greys Anatomy fan here Abic - new episode shown in the US tonight so I hope to find it online tomorrow. You have some good self will there to hold off watching two seasons (although the first few were the best imho).

I don't know if it's the pressure or the sound but our baby HATES the doppler! The midwife used it on me this week and she said as soon as she found the heartbeat he was squirming away, making it very hard to get a good listen.
Hi Dinah93 and welcome to our thread :) Sorry to hear about your BP issues, I hope that it settles down with rest hun. I'm off work at the mo as well with SPD. Not sure how long I will be off for, waiting for physio at the mo and will have to see if that makes any difference. Last time, I have to say it didn't make an awful lot of difference, but then I didn't have any physio til 33 weeks, so was a bit late really.

I haven't got a doppler. I really want one though! I haven't bought one as I'm trying to save money at the mo.

Abi I'm glad you're feeling happier now :) I am the hormonal wreck today! Dunno what's the matter with me, feel really down in the dumps and EVERYTHING is bothering me. I want to go out and buy everything we need for baby, but can't afford it at the mo and for some reason it's really bothering me today! As is the lack of food in the cupboards and the house is a mess all the time and I have a never ended pile of laundry... I think I'm just a bit pissed off at having spd and being stuck at home so all these small things are pissing me off more than usual lol I think I will try and go for a walk later on with Holly. I need to get some more milk for Holly anyway and could do with some fresh air. It's just hard setting the pram up and getting Holly ready to go with painful hips! It's such a faff!!

Anyway enough moaning from me. I hope everyone is ok. I'm getting some nice kicks from baby Evie now, but still not regularly. If I remember rightly, I didn't feel Holly every day until about 22 weeks? I can't really remember. But I had a couple of days where I didn't feel much movement, but she is still so little it's easy to feel movement lots one day and nothing the next, depending on where they are laying. But it is nice feeling the movements getting stronger and feeling actual kicking, I forgot how nice it is :)
Oh and I have no idea on my weight and I don't wanna know!! I already had back rolls before I get pregnant. Now my bump just goes all the way around ha ha
Ahh Emzy I know how you feel I think it must be nesting kicking in lol I am the same as you and don't have anymore money to spend this month and I hate it!

I have put on 10pounds since I got pregnant and I think that's quite a lot for my height and previous weight but am hungry all the time and abic I don't have the feeling full halfway through dinner either I can eat and eat and eat lol

Welcome Dinah nice to have a new face on the thread xx
Awwww Emzy hun I just wanna come over to bolton and give you a big hug!!!! I know exactly how you feel and i have been so the same mood completely! The tiniest little things get blown out of all proportion then they all pile on top of each other and then you just wanna explode with anger and frustration!!!
I am feeling much happier thanks and yesterday was the first day I haven't cried in almost 4 weeks so that HAS to be a good sign! I am feeling more like you this afternoon though than i was this morning (work people and processes etc pissing me off!). I'm having a harder time than i thought i would at accepting that it's not all about work now and that soon i will have a new priority. I;ve always been one to want to do really well at everything workwise but because i'm tired and my mental function (and PATIENCE!) isn't what it usully is i've dropped a couple of balls and not done so well in a couple of things and i'm really struggling with that feeling of not being the best i can be! I guess in some ways thats probably how you feel when you feel like a crap mum (even tho you're not but i understand that feeling though!)....work is the only thing to compare it to tho as i don't have a toddler! I sound so sad too.....if i was reading this about wanting to be the best at work etc i'd be thinking what a loser get your priorities right! It;s just a transitional period and i have never had to think or put anyone else before work before so need to get my head round it!

Soooo lovely that you're feeling kicks and movement tho...I can't WAIT for that to happen!!
I would like to canvas opinion from those who already have kids and did it the pushing way....

.....how likely is it that i will do a poo when i push???

you hear stories all the time about it feeling like you need a poo and people say that lots of people poo but no-one ever talks about it!!

I am a pooing machine. Literally....i have 3-5 poos a day. Sometimes i have huuugggeee poos and then go to the loo and another massive poo comes out and i'm like where did all that poo come from I haven't eaten since the last 2 poos??

Help please....can we talk about this topic and stop it from being so taboo (sorry, taPoo!)
AHHHH, the weight issue! I wish i could say im like most of you ladies and gained, however since my bfp i have lost 26lbs (have no idea what that is in st). Doc and everyone is very uptight about it, and now i am considered high risk. I don't think they believe me that im not doing it on purpose, as i eat all the time.

Yay! i can't wait till the first! Dh and i are very excited. As for the hb my ob checks every app since 12 weeks and it has stayed right at 155 bpm. It would drive me crazy if they didn't tho.

Not much going on this weekend here, my friends baby next door is a week old today so i might be over there some. And on saturday my childhood friend is having her baby shower, as she is due the 12th of feb. Sooooo many babies here, lol. Is anyone on here going to have a shower for bubbs?

Best wishes to everyone :p, cant believe we are almost half way, its been fast but slow if that makes any sence
Hey everyone! I'm right there with you! I was 10 stone when I took the test and now I'm 10 stone 10! :( booo!
I was 9 stone 3 when I got married a year and a half ago! I feel HUGE and I'm only going to get bigger ! It's for a good cause though :thumbup:

Abic- I was so scared of pooing when I was pushing but I didnt and 3 of my friends who have had babies didnt either. You wont be bothered if you do or dont anyway and I know all gets taken away as soon as you have had the baby so you wouldnt know anyway I asked OH cos I was curious ha ha.
I dont worry about what weight I put on I will when I am hungry and as much as I want haha I would feel ill if I didnt eat I try and just have fruit instead of chocolate sometimes but its hard haha I put on 2 stone with Ollie and had just got down to my weight I wanted to be at and fell pregnant again so it took me just over a year to lose which I was happy with.
:hi: ladies can i be added please? i did ask ages ago but im not on the list and come on bnb alot now so would be nice to come in and to you girls if that ok? Im due 22nd June with baby number 3! Hopefully finding out the sex on 2nd fen :cloud9: xxx
Abi I didn't poo and I pushed for 2 hours lol! I wouldn't have cared if I did at the time and I wouldn't have known either, I had to ask Matt. He said I didn't but I did have a bit of tissue stuck to my bum at one point ha ha! At one point I was kneeling on the bed butt naked, arse showing to the world pushing in front of 2 midwives, Matt and 2 male doctors Lmao! And I couldn't have cared less if I did a poo either at the time! Lol glamorous
OMG Abic! Usually you empty your bowels before labour so you don't pooh, loose stools can be a sign of impending labour.

BUT I was constipated before I had Sonny, so I had to give birth to a pooh first to make room for babies head to come down!

It's such an embarrassing memory as I had Sonny at home, 2 of my Sisters, my Niece, DH and best mate all witness to it, it always comes up in conversation!

Poor me! Lol! x
Emzy that's friggin hilarious! I cant imagine ever feeling that liberated and I consider myself pretty liberal! Crazy!!! I'm sure to poo tho I'm just made that way! I would not let DH see me poo tho but midwife id prov ok! I'm kinds thinking of the scenario where you're on ur back pushing, a bit of poo comes out but not enough for anyone yo notice and then move position and end up with poopoo on ygr bed, midwives, gown, hands and all over inner butt crack and possibly cheeks & thighs•••• quite scared of that scenario!

Oh on a totally different subject when I have been getting up to wee in tgr night I keep getting these strange feelings that I'm about to see a ghost.....its getting bad so that I gave to try and avoid going tor a wee cos I'm too scared! I then hide under tgr covers but leave my head out and then convince myself that a ghost is gonna touch my face!!! Aaagghh how can I get these thoughts out my head!?!???!

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