June bugs 2012! 6x Boys 12x Girls 8x Team Yellow :)

hope your ok emzy and are able to get something to help,

we just viewed the most amazing house and its perfect price, and space and everything is just perfect, we just gotta try get out of our lease if we can tho im not sure what rights we have with me being preg, and we live on the 2nd floor of apartments with no lift so we would have to carry a buggy up and down .. im hoping something can be done
Emma I'm sure everything will be fine, enjoy it! And let us know how it goes!
Did everyone here take folic acid at the beginning? I'm starting to worry because I took it when we were ttc but I stopped taking it a few weeks after I found out. I done the same with Grace, and obviously everything was fine. The midwife said it doesn't matter because I took it when we were ttc but I can't help but worry x

I had to take folic acid & extra folic acid, i was taking between 800mcg-1200mcg a day as in April I was given an evil drug Methotrexate for my ectopic pregnancy which stripped my body of all natural folic acid. So i was advised to take it until my midwife told me to stop. So stopped taking additional folic acid at 14 weeks. Now i just have 400mcg which is in my daily pregnacare vitamins.

Emma dont worry honey your scan will be an amazing experience x
Congrats Abi a beautiful baby girl you must be so happy!!
Emma your scan will be great and I look forward to hearing back from you

So glad it's Thursday and nearly the end of another week, I have so had enough of work already!!

Me too. This has been a really long work week. Today is going to be super long again, and then tomorrow not as bad. I'm still getting used to working full weeks after being out sick so much! It's exhausting!!

Emma, you'll love your scan, but I know what you mean. Mine's next Tues...it's always a bit scary until you see you little squirmer!

Other Emma, take care! Don't hurt yourself!
Redrose hope you manage to get the house of your dreams :)

Emzy that doesn't sound good at all I really feel for you :hugs:

I have just got back from my check up with the mw because I keep getting dizzy and all is fine, she said I just need to make sure I am drinking and eating regularly. I got to hear the heartbeat too and naughty bubba tried to kick the doppler off lol xx
congrats giggles on the baby girl this thread will be a girl boom by the sounds of it :)

omg omg omg ladies :happydance: we just found our lease and it ends this month :happydance: which means we can take the house omg at the mo were living in a very small 2 bed apartment where the kitchen and living area is all one room, it is sp tiny and were movng into a whole house! which a separate kitchen and living room and 3 big bedrooms :wacko: we will be spoilt for room now and 3 bathrooms
i think i could cry with happiness.. its also a 2 min walk from the train station for david to get into college :cloud9:

Right girls, scan in just over an hour, just going to get my hubby and go! so excited im shaking, so nervous too, cant believe this is the last time we will see the baby before he/she is born!!

Yay for Cantaloupe!! :happydance:Cannot believe it, doesnt seem that long along baby was an apple pip!!

I will post as soon as I can!!


Emma I'm sure everything will be fine, enjoy it! And let us know how it goes!
Did everyone here take folic acid at the beginning? I'm starting to worry because I took it when we were ttc but I stopped taking it a few weeks after I found out. I done the same with Grace, and obviously everything was fine. The midwife said it doesn't matter because I took it when we were ttc but I can't help but worry x

Yes took folic acid from May and still taking multi vits with it in now.

Emma xx
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Right girls, scan in just over an hour, just going to get my hubby and go! so excited im shaking, so nervous too, cant believe this is the last time we will see the baby before he/she is born!!

Yay for Cantaloupe!! :happydance:Cannot believe it, doesnt seem that long along baby was an apple pip!!

I will post as soon as I can!!



have fun :flower:
That's what I said on Tuesday Emma! Your scan will be amazing. Enjoy x x x
Wow, I missed a lot as we were away for the holidays and I'm just now getting completely caught up on BnB stuff!

ok so my friend gave me this doppler and it is about 5 years old ... my question is why isnt it working for me and i goggled the doppler and apprently it can detect from 12 weeks yet nothing

I haven't had the best of luck with mine. I'm able to get my heartbeat, but can't find either of the babies, which is more annoying than anything else. I'm not too concerned about it, since I never had a doppler for my other pregnancies, but this time, PAL, it would be nice to have some reassurance. To be fair, I haven't tried it since mid-Dec. so maybe I ought to give it another go.

Been feeling bubbling today and last night, can I assume this is baby? A little like tummy rumbles but I can feel its further forward? X

Yes! They often describe early movement as bubbles or even a butterfly feeling in the tummy. I am sure you're feeling more now since I'm writing so late, but in the beginning, it is easy to mistake movement for gas. I have felt some slow movements this time -- kinda like changing position, but I haven't felt much kicking. I wonder if it's because the boys are too busy kicking each other? At least that's what they've been doing on ultrasounds so far. :)

I would like to canvas opinion from those who already have kids and did it the pushing way....

.....how likely is it that i will do a poo when i push???

Ok, don't take my word for this, since I've had two c-sections and will be having my third and final in a few months. But I have a friend who had three boys vaginally, and she said she did poo during labor. Actually, I think the body naturally feels less hungry as labor is approaching, so you don't have a lot of food left in your system, but she was saying that with one of the boys, she made the mistake of eating chili right before he was born and then was very embarrassed as she was tooting all during labor. So I would eat bland foods towards the end and just listen to your body. They are wiping stuff off the table as you're pushing, and they are used to seeing it all, so they'll just sweep it off and continue. So don't worry about it too much, and you can always remember my friend who was pooing chili all during her labor. :haha:

BTW...POO is my favourite subject!

I had loads of poo problems some years ago and went to the Drs to talk about it. Anyway it was REALLY embarrassing coz i had done lots of research and was thinking i needed to keep a record of what my poo was like so i could explain to the Dr the issues i was having.

Anyway when he asked "how can i help" i explained that i my poo had been like number 6 on the bristol stool scale..the Dr was "number what? huh?" and i was like "like number 6 on the bristol stool scale" at which point he was like "im sorry i have no idea what you're talking about" so i proceeded to take out my leaflet showing the bristol stool scale from my bag to show him and I have never seen a man in such shock! I am still embarrassed about that to this day!!



Check out your POOOOOOOO!!!

I love this link! And I have to say, it is very entertaining reading your posts in this thread! Thanks for keeping us laughing!

Cant wait till i actually look pregnant while in clothes. some people dont believe im actually pregnant cause when im in my normal everyday clothes you cant tell :(

You are still so tiny! I remember with my first pregnancy, I told work when I was about 20 weeks. I could still wear my normal clothes, I just looked like I had some extra weight around the middle. Don't worry -- your bump will be beautiful when it pops and we'll all ooh and ahh over your bump pics! :)

Do you girls think my bump is too big? :( I've had a few people telling me I'm absolutely huge and its made me feel really self conscious :cry: I know it is loads bigger than last time, at 20 weeks I barely had a bump, but I thought it was just because it is my second? Any other second timers the same?

Emzy -- No! Your bump is not too big. My 2nd pregnancy I had been dieting and working out, and it felt like the moment I got a BFP, I no longer fit into my regular clothes. Your body knows what to do, the hormones tell it to change shape. Your bump is beautiful! We had my company holiday party last weekend, and a friend of mine is due next month with her 2nd and my bump is almost as big as hers. Of course, this is twins and it's my 3rd pregnancy, but it still felt strange telling people I'm only 16 weeks! We all carry differently. Don't let it get to you.

is anyone else moving before baby arrives?were hopefully moving in may as i just cant live in this apartment for when baby arrives i just cant its way to cramped and no room for anything lol

RedRose, we are in the process of building a house. It should be done in March or so. Of course, lots of things can still happen between then and now. I don't really know whether we're on schedule or running behind, but I know that the GC (my FIL) is really frustrated with us because we aren't making decisions quickly enough. We're doing the best we can, but it seems like a lot is going on right now! I have lots more appointments than I ever did before because I'm carrying twins, and the house decisions seem endless. Plus I worry about budget, and how much we'll have to spend fixing up our current house in order to sell. We have some baby gear, but I'm guessing we'll need at least one more of a lot of stuff, not to mention furniture for the new house... Argh! I'm about to lose my mind!

Loving the animation Cliqmo!!!! I was around a 34DD and I'm now a bloody G cup!!!!! how the hell did that happen!! I bought some padded non-mat bras and also some mat/nursing bras which have no padding. It's that cold in this office i have to wear the padded ones to hide my big burger-nips but they still show through the padding anyway!!! Ggggrrrrr having mahooosive norks really isn't all that is it???

I love that animation, too! OMG, "having mahooosive norks really isn't all that is it???" -- I wish I could hear you say this, I bet it sounds so cute (I'm American, from the Mid-West, so I really love to hear people talking from the other side of the ocean). So, I started out as a 34F for so many years before I started having kids. I think I grew a cup size every time. Now, pregnant, I'm wearing a 36GG. But I have been planning to have a breast reduction FOREVER. So, once I'm done nursing these little monkeys, I'm booking a reduction and I'm going to try to go for a C cup. I hate these big old things!

i hate my bbs at the moment :dohh: there not sore anymore only if its cold and the blood goes out of them :shocked: then its so painful but they are just too big im wondering how the hell will i manage to breast feed with them being this big lol i think there an e cup now but i bought some there last week and they feel abit loose :dohh:

I also deal with rather large breasts, and I wanted to reassure you that it is still possible to feed babies even though sometimes it seems overwhelming. It's funny because I come from a family where no one breastfeeds, and so they all looked at me like I was a weirdo when I did it. They also made jokes about me suffocating my babies, but that never happened, either. :)

How long is everyone planning on taking off for maternity leave?

You all make me jealous because your maternity leave is so long! I will probably get 8 weeks, covered by short-term disability, since I'm having a c-section, but then I may take a couple of weeks vacation time, or possibly unpaid, on top of that. I feel like I'm lucky because I work from home, so I don't have to leave my babies and go to the office, but it can be hard to get back into the work routine when your heart is at home. I have a part-time nanny who has been with our family for the past 1.5 years, and she is excited about the twins coming, so I know I have good help available during my maternity leave and beyond, but I don't really know what to expect when it comes to raising twins. I know that the first year will be the hardest, but it's not an impossible task!

yeah 21 today :thumbup: lol im finally 21 im the last of my friends to 21 haha i always feel like the baby of the group, and im finally old enough to go in the best club here and i cant cuz im preg :dohh: oh well it will have to be my hen night instead :winkwink:

Holy moly, happy belated 21st birthday! Now I'm super curious about ages on this thread. Am I the oldest? I just turned 35 in November. About going out, you will have other opportunities to party with your friends once the baby is born. I hope you still had a great time with your girlfriends!

Just for funzies here is a pic of me and my sis on Christmas day (she invitied me & my OH down to hers for the holidays, was such an awesome day). I was 17 weeks and she was 32 weeks

Cute picture of you and your sister!

So....quick question.....that pic just reminded me about the sticky out belly button question i had.....does everyone get an outty when pregnant? if so when does it happen? I have noticed in the last week or so that my belly button which used to be quite deep has kinda "risen" to the surface....it's now a very shallow belly button which i am finding rather cool!!!

So.....what's the verdict...outty for all and all for outty or what?

Mine has poked out during every pregnancy. It's poked out now, too. Although, I showed my cousin over Christmas and she thought it looked weird. It's not pretty anymore, all stretched out and lopsided because both of my older boys stretched out my skin asymmetrically. I had my belly button pierced in college, and DH thinks it's time to give up the piercing, but I just can't. I put a flexible plastic ring in the piercing so it doesn't rip my skin as my belly grows. My belly button sticks out further than the piercing.

OMG meant to say....i had a dream last night that i was on a chairlift and it snapped over a really high valley! i literally jumped in the bed in my sleep and woke up and my heart was literally racing!!!! felt so so so scared and then started worrying about the impact that it would have on baby!!! I'm sure s/he was totally unaware!!

Still having the 'scared-i'm-gonna-see-a-ghost' thing when i go to the loo in the night too!

On a positive note i had a really raunchy dream the other night that i was bonking Mark Whalberg ! whooooop! he had a massive willy too!

Yes, the lifelike dreams are a trip! Mmm. Marky Mark!

Ok...no need to worry. She tested and it doesn't appear to be amniotic fluid. It's either CM or pee...good times :thumbup: I also got to hear babby's heartbeat and it's normal, so all is good!

I'm glad you're not leaking amniotic fluid! I would say it's probably CM, I doubt you're peeing yourself as this is your first pregnancy, right? I haven't experienced a difference in my ability to keep pee in my bladder, but I guess that's one of the rare upsides to having c-sections. :)

Hey ladies - hope that you are all well. I havent posted on here for a while but thought I would pop in and let you know I had my scan at the beginning of the week and we are team pink. That will make DS and 2 DDs! We didnt mind either way as we already have one of each - just happy that everything is well and she is happy and healthy!

Hope that you all finding time to rest and take it easy at times and that you had a lovely xmas and new year! x

Congratulation on team pink, giggles! I am definitely feeling like I'm in the minority!

omg omg omg ladies :happydance: we just found our lease and it ends this month :happydance: which means we can take the house omg at the mo were living in a very small 2 bed apartment where the kitchen and living area is all one room, it is sp tiny and were movng into a whole house! which a separate kitchen and living room and 3 big bedrooms :wacko: we will be spoilt for room now and 3 bathrooms
i think i could cry with happiness.. its also a 2 min walk from the train station for david to get into college :cloud9:

RedRose, I'm so happy to hear that everything is working out with your lease and you're able to move into the place you really love! It's wonderful when things work out this way. Just take it easy during the move and don't lift anything too heavy!

OK, I'm finally all caught up. I had my 16 week U/S last Friday, and they confirmed two boys, both measuring right on track. I am dealing with the cold from hell and I don't see an end in sight. That's about it from me! Take care, everyone!
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Right girls, scan in just over an hour, just going to get my hubby and go! so excited im shaking, so nervous too, cant believe this is the last time we will see the baby before he/she is born!!

Yay for Cantaloupe!! :happydance:Cannot believe it, doesnt seem that long along baby was an apple pip!!

I will post as soon as I can!!



Good luck at your scan! It has gone by pretty fast, I agree!
Good luck Emma! I know, I can not believe how fast this pregnancy is going. Is everyone else finding it going fast? With my first, it dragged soooo much! Although I'm tempted to think that it dragged more in the second half as I was so fed up from about 28 weeks!!

Congrats on the 2 baby boys Littlebird!! How lovely to have twins. There seems to be a lot of ladies having twins at the moment. There was 1 lady on our September Stars thread but there were a couple who posted at the beginning on this thread.

Red rose that's fab news!! Will you post pics of your new house? I love looking at houses! lol We moved from a freezing cold, old end terrace house when I was 13 weeks pregnant with Holly. The house we used to live in had no garden, was freezing, had a minging kitchen and just old and falling apart. The house we live in now is newish (15 years old), nice kitchen, 3 bedrooms and is just generally in a nicer area. I was sooo happy when we moved here and I cried as I was so happy that we could bring baby home to a lovely, clean new house :) It's not that clean now though ha ha! Not now Holly's running about causing chaos!

I've been feeling a bit nesty already though, feeling compelled to get everthing spic and span. We're selling one of our sofas. They are bloody lovely but we ordered them for the old house and the living room in this house is slightly too small for them. They fit, but they don't leave a lot of room! So we're keeping the 4 seater and replacing the 3 seater with a cuddle chair or something similar, so that we can make more room for Holly's toys and baby items. At the mo we'd struggle for room for the moses basket, swing and playmat down here, as Holly's toys currently take up all the available space!

Probably done a bit too much today, should be resting but I hate sitting still doing nothing. Took Holly for a walk to the park and spent half an hour there. I love taking her but it is hard on my back and hips! Then after lunch I did a big clean up and got the house looking nice again. Think I'm gonna pay for that later, but hey it needed doing!
wow littlebird i bet that took you awhile to catch up :haha: thats so cool your building a house i bet its gonna be amazing! :) and how lovely to bring babies home to.
thanks for the advise and support it does help me feel better esp the doppler and breast feeding as i dont have much advise for either lol
i hope your appt's are going well and bubbas are doing well :hugs:

just read about the twins being boys congrats :happydance: how lovely
Good luck Emma! I know, I can not believe how fast this pregnancy is going. Is everyone else finding it going fast? With my first, it dragged soooo much! Although I'm tempted to think that it dragged more in the second half as I was so fed up from about 28 weeks!!

Congrats on the 2 baby boys Littlebird!! How lovely to have twins. There seems to be a lot of ladies having twins at the moment. There was 1 lady on our September Stars thread but there were a couple who posted at the beginning on this thread.

Red rose that's fab news!! Will you post pics of your new house? I love looking at houses! lol We moved from a freezing cold, old end terrace house when I was 13 weeks pregnant with Holly. The house we used to live in had no garden, was freezing, had a minging kitchen and just old and falling apart. The house we live in now is newish (15 years old), nice kitchen, 3 bedrooms and is just generally in a nicer area. I was sooo happy when we moved here and I cried as I was so happy that we could bring baby home to a lovely, clean new house :) It's not that clean now though ha ha! Not now Holly's running about causing chaos!

I've been feeling a bit nesty already though, feeling compelled to get everthing spic and span. We're selling one of our sofas. They are bloody lovely but we ordered them for the old house and the living room in this house is slightly too small for them. They fit, but they don't leave a lot of room! So we're keeping the 4 seater and replacing the 3 seater with a cuddle chair or something similar, so that we can make more room for Holly's toys and baby items. At the mo we'd struggle for room for the moses basket, swing and playmat down here, as Holly's toys currently take up all the available space!

Probably done a bit too much today, should be resting but I hate sitting still doing nothing. Took Holly for a walk to the park and spent half an hour there. I love taking her but it is hard on my back and hips! Then after lunch I did a big clean up and got the house looking nice again. Think I'm gonna pay for that later, but hey it needed doing!

yes i will def post pics after we get the confirmed lease signed and its def ours you know just incase for some reason something happens but all going well keys will be ours on monday! :happydance: i will post pics of before moved in and after..

the living room was empty but thats cuz they are putting in a new couch and arm chairs so excited
Congrats on the boys Littlebird you must be so excited!

I was just wondering if any of you could give me some advice, I have got an uncomfortable feeling underneath my boobs but above the top of my bump, feels almost like a stitch, does anyone know what it could be?xx
My mum has got me thinking about gender. I've has 2 scans so far and I have another 5 lined up (at 19, 22, 26, 32 & 36 weeks). She's convinced I won't be able to avoid finding out what we're having. I kinda agree with her but ideally I'd like to stay team yellow. Should I just admit defeat and find out the sex at the next scan (the doctor said we could tell us then if we wanted to know)?

If we did find out, then I'd want to keep it quiet and only tell immediate family (and you lot, of course lol) but there's no way my OH could keep his big mouth shut lol. I mean, it would make buying stuff much easier...

Louise I don't think there's any reason you can't stay on team yellow if that's what you want, just make sure you say at the beginning of each scan that you don't want to know, as they really have to look to find out. I think it's unusual for you to be able to see by accident. But if you want to find out and keep it to yourselves, then go for it!

Gem could be trapped air? Or indigestion? Sometimes you feel things in weird places when pregnant as everything gets pushed up and shifted around baby x
Thanks Emzy! Your probably right and it's just trapped wind, it's not the sort of pain that makes me worried it's just uncomfortable x
I'm totally overthinking the gender issue lol. My next scan isn't till 1st Feb so maybe I'll just see how I feel on the day :haha:

On a different note, I think I'm starting to feel flutters :happydance:

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