June bugs 2012! 6x Boys 12x Girls 8x Team Yellow :)

Yep Redrose that's your buba!

As for clothes, Holly was born in August when it was quite warm. I wouldn't bother with lots of newborn outfits as I found that she pretty much lived in sleepsuits and vests. We had 1 newborn light jacket and 2 cardigans. The cardis got used when we went out but the jacket didn't get used much. We had loads of sleepsuits and she wore a couple of pretty dresses but didn't wear most of the outfits we had bought her. As for being warm, a good rule of thumb is that they need 1 more layer of clothing than you. So if you are wearing trousers and t shirt, they need trousers, tshirt and vest (or sleepsuit and vest).
Also they are not in newborn size very long. Holly was an average weight when born (7lb 9oz) and she was only in newborn for 5 weeks before going into 0-3. Same goes for size 1 nappies!
Great advice thanks Emzy! Abic, love the name, I think we will go with Rosie Paige, that may have been where you heard it!
I'm still peeing in the night, it bloody hurts trying to get out of bed with my ladder full, get a shooting pain where I imagine my right ovary used to be?/still is? (not sure if they move...lol) just had close up heart scan, all looks ok, no massive holes to speak of, confirmed again it's a girl, and got a face profile pic :) did keep us waiting over an hour which got OH wound up! X
Glad all is ok with her heart gemini :) Have you finished at work now?
Thanks for that advice Emzy :thumbup:

Glad your scan went well Gemini!! :happydance:

I've just won this dresser on ebay, £45 as it's got a dent in the plywood on the inside which can't be seen on the outside! bargain! :)

Lovely nursery Emzy!! I will take some pics and get them up when I can.We've painted the nursery a pale yellow except the wall with the wall art which is white. I just really need to get the curtains but we've got 2 windows in the room so will need 2 sets at £65 a pop unless I can pick some up on Ebay :(
I just can't stop thinking about leaving work today!!! Roll on the first week of May and I am outta here!!!
So Emzy how many outfits in newborn size would you recommend getting? This has been a major thing for me and I keep not buying anything because I'm not really sure on sizes!!!
As I'm typing this I'm getting kicked so I am assuming my bubba is awake for a bit lol xxx
afternoon a llx
Ive been looking at pushchairs today, I'm still unsure what to get as I really do need a new one. I would love to do calebs room nice but maybe once baby is born we can have a theme.
Ive mainly bought rompers as in clothes. and one other set. We have lots or sleep suits and baby grows saved from last time so that helps. Have bought bought 4 packs of size 1 nappies now buying size. Not a lot to get now tbh.
Its getting quite real now and i have moments where i think omg I will have 2 but can't wait xx
im sorry your not able to do a nursery is it bcuz your hoping to move soon or?
glad your enjoying this baby more, im excited about having a summer baby what was it like having a baby in jan and it being cold etc?[/QUOTE]

Yeh well we only have a 2 bed house, and are hoping to get our own house at the end of the year so baby will be in with us until then. I am excited about having a summer baby because I suffered with PND with Grace and I think the time of year definitely added to that, it snowed heavily the week after she was born and couldn't get out much which made me feel worse! And also birthday parties are pretty restricted!

Also they are not in newborn size very long. Holly was an average weight when born (7lb 9oz) and she was only in newborn for 5 weeks before going into 0-3. Same goes for size 1 nappies!

Grace fit in her newborn stuff for about 2 weeks!

Lovely nursery Emzy!! I will take some pics and get them up when I can.We've painted the nursery a pale yellow except the wall with the wall art which is white. I just really need to get the curtains but we've got 2 windows in the room so will need 2 sets at £65 a pop unless I can pick some up on Ebay :(
I just can't stop thinking about leaving work today!!! Roll on the first week of May and I am outta here!!!
So Emzy how many outfits in newborn size would you recommend getting? This has been a major thing for me and I keep not buying anything because I'm not really sure on sizes!!!
As I'm typing this I'm getting kicked so I am assuming my bubba is awake for a bit lol xxx

I wouldn't recommend getting alot in newborn sizes, maybe one pack of basic vests/sleepsuits, Grace only fitted in her newborn bits for about 2 weeks because she was quite big, so she went straight into 0-3 stuff anyway! I didn't really get alot of newborn clothes. We tended to stock up more on 3-6 month things as people bought us so much.

Thanks for that advice Emzy :thumbup:

Glad your scan went well Gemini!! :happydance:

I've just won this dresser on ebay, £45 as it's got a dent in the plywood on the inside which can't be seen on the outside! bargain! :)
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Lovely dresser harri!
We haven't got anything yet, I think we are waiting until we find out the sex but getting slightly panicky!x
Lovely room Emzy. So much to keep up on that I don't feel like I can even begin to answer all the posts.

Thanks for posting about what clothes would be better for a summer baby as I was wondering what to get.

Had my '18 week' midwife appointment today which was fine but seemed slightly pointless (maybe because I have a doppler and so have heard heart beat lots and also over 20 weeks and feeling lots of kicks). She was running an hour late and I needed to get back to work to teach for the afternoon- just about managed to fit it into my lunch time!

Abic- love your girls name so much because it is our girls name too. So can't really pick fault with something we've also chosen, lol. Maybe that's where you heard it? Who knows. Very good taste. I'm also eyeing up a yummy mummy bag (my sister-in-law has one and loves it) as there is a new one with greens in that will match our choice of pram perfectly. DH's grandparents gave me £100 for Christmas, so figured I can use that and not feel guilty about how expensive it is for a bag!

Hubby still hasn't felt baby kick as he/she seemingly stops kicking as soon as he puts his hand on my tummy- but no doubt he'll feel it in due course.

Great advice thanks Emzy! Abic, love the name, I think we will go with Rosie Paige, that may have been where you heard it!
I'm still peeing in the night, it bloody hurts trying to get out of bed with my ladder full, get a shooting pain where I imagine my right ovary used to be?/still is? (not sure if they move...lol) just had close up heart scan, all looks ok, no massive holes to speak of, confirmed again it's a girl, and got a face profile pic :) did keep us waiting over an hour which got OH wound up! X

Hey Girlies,

Loving all the nursery talk!! Im starting ours this week, it used to be my husbands office so needs shelves and things taking off the walls first.

Abi/Laura, beautiful names, if our bubba is a girl she is going to be called "Rose Audrey" I know Audrey is a very old name but it was my mother in laws name and she died in 2000, she was only in her 50s and she and my DH were very close. I never met her, I wish I had. We both feel using her name is a nice way to remember her. I just love the name Rose, I love flowers to start and they roses remind me of my grandma (who is thankfully still with us) her garden is always beautiful and full of Roses.

My husband thinks the baby is a girl and calls the bump Petal! :blush:

Our boys name is not decided yet, my husband is Jim (James) and my two step sons both have james as their middle names so it will be (possibly) on of the following:

Edison James (my hubbys favorite, is it too american?)
Joseph (Jo) James
William James
Thomas (Tom) James

I also like Charlie/Alfie/Archie/Oscar/George and Arthur?
What do you think girls?
Great advice thanks Emzy! Abic, love the name, I think we will go with Rosie Paige, that may have been where you heard it!
I'm still peeing in the night, it bloody hurts trying to get out of bed with my ladder full, get a shooting pain where I imagine my right ovary used to be?/still is? (not sure if they move...lol) just had close up heart scan, all looks ok, no massive holes to speak of, confirmed again it's a girl, and got a face profile pic :) did keep us waiting over an hour which got OH wound up! X

Hey Girlies,

Loving all the nursery talk!! Im starting ours this week, it used to be my husbands office so needs shelves and things taking off the walls first.

Abi/Laura, beautiful names, if our bubba is a girl she is going to be called "Rose Audrey" I know Audrey is a very old name but it was my mother in laws name and she died in 2000, she was only in her 50s and she and my DH were very close. I never met her, I wish I had. We both feel using her name is a nice way to remember her. I just love the name Rose, I love flowers to start and they roses remind me of my grandma (who is thankfully still with us) her garden is always beautiful and full of Roses.

My husband thinks the baby is a girl and calls the bump Petal! :blush:

Our boys name is not decided yet, my husband is Jim (James) and my two step sons both have james as their middle names so it will be (possibly) on of the following:

Edison James (my hubbys favorite, is it too american?)
Joseph (Jo) James
William James
Thomas (Tom) James

I also like Charlie/Alfie/Archie/Oscar/George and Arthur?
What do you think girls?

Love the name choices Emma! Rose is a beautiful name, and picking your DH's mothers name as the middle name is a lovely thought. We did the same with Grace's name, DH's Nan passed away shortly after we found out I was pregnant so we used her Name, Elsie as Grace's middle name.

I really love Alfie for a boy, that is one of our top names, along with Oscar! And we would like Archie as a middle name as it was my Grandads name who passed away last year, but it doesn't really go with Alfie!x
Aww...your nurseries and items are all so cute! Mine won't match so much...but it's all been free so far, so no complaining. Keep posting!
Great advice thanks Emzy! Abic, love the name, I think we will go with Rosie Paige, that may have been where you heard it!
I'm still peeing in the night, it bloody hurts trying to get out of bed with my ladder full, get a shooting pain where I imagine my right ovary used to be?/still is? (not sure if they move...lol) just had close up heart scan, all looks ok, no massive holes to speak of, confirmed again it's a girl, and got a face profile pic :) did keep us waiting over an hour which got OH wound up! X

Hey Girlies,

Loving all the nursery talk!! Im starting ours this week, it used to be my husbands office so needs shelves and things taking off the walls first.

Abi/Laura, beautiful names, if our bubba is a girl she is going to be called "Rose Audrey" I know Audrey is a very old name but it was my mother in laws name and she died in 2000, she was only in her 50s and she and my DH were very close. I never met her, I wish I had. We both feel using her name is a nice way to remember her. I just love the name Rose, I love flowers to start and they roses remind me of my grandma (who is thankfully still with us) her garden is always beautiful and full of Roses.

My husband thinks the baby is a girl and calls the bump Petal! :blush:

Our boys name is not decided yet, my husband is Jim (James) and my two step sons both have james as their middle names so it will be (possibly) on of the following:

Edison James (my hubbys favorite, is it too american?)
Joseph (Jo) James
William James
Thomas (Tom) James

I also like Charlie/Alfie/Archie/Oscar/George and Arthur?
What do you think girls?

I like all of your boys names except for Edison but that is personal preference. Most of the others I know little mini-versions of already and think that they are all lovely.

I also love Rose Audrey- it's a really classic name. Ours is Matilda 'Tilly' Rose for a girl or Tobias Daniel or Noah Benjamin if we have a boy. We haven't agreed on a second option for a girl yet, but it could well be Poppy something. We only discussed Poppy last night, so not thought of a second name that we like to go with it. 2 flower names in a row might be a bit overkill!Other girls names that I love are Betsy or Elsie but DH doesn't like either of them.

The trouble with teaching is that you go off names that you have loved for years because you have taught a horrid version or because you have taught so many children with that name. Cuts out around 80% of all possible names I like/have liked.

Harri lovely dresser! What a bargain!

Gemgem I can't remember how many newborn outfits she actually wore... maybe one or 2 dresses and maybe 1 or 2 others max. Lots of sleepsuits, maybe around 10 and lots of vests 10 again I'd say due to lots of clothes changes due to poo and wee leaks in the early days! But I would get a mix of newborn and 0-3 in these as they are not in them for long. And as I say a couple of cardis. But as I say not too much in newborn size as they outgrow them so quick! I'd agree with babyd, stock up on bigger sizes as people tend to buy you either newborn, 0-3 or 3-6. But bear in mind the seasons when you stock up!

Emma if baby was a boy, one of our names was Thomas James. Love the girls name too :)

Broody I love the name Poppy, but we decided against it as it sounded funny with Holly! As did Lily!
love all the baby names ladies :thumbup: it makes me so excited to see all the names i love the name thomas but oh says no :( boo
emzy we bought some vest new born i think we have about 10 new born vests and 5 sleep suites so far im planning on getting another pack of 5, and now i was going to stock up on a few 0-3 baby clothes does that sound like enough vests and baby grows? its hard knowing how many of each clothing we need, we also bought 2-3 outfits for boys and girls as we dont know in the sale last week but most of the outfits are 0-3 so should last over the summer
Lovely names ladies :)

I'm currently led of my left hand side for half an hour as instructed by the midwife. I've had a couple of really big gushes of clear fluid and apparently if its amniotic fluid when i stand up after half an hour it will pour out! If it pours out I have to go to the labour ward.

She said it could be because I've showered??? odd, that's never happened before! x
hmm that has happened to me before when I've got out of the bath lol Hope it's just discharge. That happened to me at 17 weeks with Holly, ended up in hospital having it tested but it was just loads of discharge! FX it is for you as well x
Red rose yeah that sounds like enough newborn to me. Unless you have a very small baby they won't be in it for long x

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