Hi everyone....
Traybaby......whoop for another scan dude!!! that's awesome! I know you're a little worried coz you dont have full reassurance yet but I'm sure all will be fine and hopefully they won' t wait too long for another scan
RedRose....I get palpitations all the time......i can wake in the night and my heart will be beating out of my chest & can also feel it in my neck too bouncing out!
Cliqmo....i defo think that's a girly in there.....fab scan pic and i can just tell (coz i'm an expert now al of a sudden!)
AFM....well....woke up several times in the night with a crackin splittin headache and woke up this morning and my whole body was "throbbing"....it was in my head, arms, legs etc but the pain radiating around the middle to back of my head. I thought it may be tesion/stress related due to work being so crazy right now but i have been doing deep breathing and relaxation techniques and doesnt seem to help.
Out of interest - has everyone had a pregnancy risk assessment? I don't have a manual or standing up job but i do a lot of driving and customer interfacing which at times really stresses me out....it's really hard trying to be cheery and manage client expectations (esp the demanding ones) when you feel hormonal, teary and headachy....i keep tryin to explain to my boss that although i am trying my best please consider my situation etc....he has just given me a ton more to do! I have emailed him 3 times now to say he should be carrying out a RA but to date has done nothing. GGRRRRRRRR
Right.....off to do some work now! Hope you are all ok peeps - sorry still not had chance to look back at all the previous posts but promise i will do soon xxx
Abic, is there anyone else you can ask about a risk assessment?
I am the same I really need to look a back through all the posts, and make notes hahaha my memory is really terrible at the moment, i cannot remember a thing!
Im 21 weeks today, I cannot believe how time is going, 1 week since the 20wk scan! completly amazing! I cannot believe I am a banana!

Emzy, I hope your okay

Abic, I hope your headache eases a little.
Who is off to an Asda baby event? I am completly skint but my try and go get a few bits and pieces.
TrAyBaby, great news everything looked well, im jelous you get another scan, I hope the time flies so you can put your mind at ease.
Cliqmo - Another girl - yay!!!
For all us bananas - We're smack in the middle of trimester two!!
Cricket, a nice article thanks for sharing!
Found this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lw0M-HTlMoo&feature=relmfu