June bugs 2012! 6x Boys 12x Girls 8x Team Yellow :)

My bump is bigger in the evening- but then again so was my stomach, pre-pregnancy.
I think the novelty of my bump first popping out has worn off a bit and it seems small now but seemed big at first. Don't think it helps that I'm working with someone who is 34 weeks pregnant!
It feels kind of big, but then everyone tells me I'm still super small for 5 months...
WOWSERS ladies, i've been gone since friday and have just had to catch up on 15 pages of chat amazing. Would love to relpy to everyone and all the questions but i just cant bloody remember it all, So.........................

Congrats everyone who reached a new week or the 20 week milestone (YAY jellytots).

Also congrats to all that have had a scan, beautiful pics. More little girls to add to our list and finally another boy.

Thank you to the people who posted those wonderful videos.

And thanks for the help with the baby clothes issues, totally helped me there. As now i know i have enough 0-3 months stuff but dont actually have any newborn so will only buy a few bits.

ok AFM - well i went to london for the weekend to visit my heavily pregnant sister (35 weeks) as it was her baby shower. What an ace time we had. On Sunday (because im an artist) i did a cast of her bump and even if i do say so myself its AMAZING, im defo doing one of mine. WOW just realised when i go visit my sister next in about 4/5 weeks she could've had her baby already crikey!!!!

Yesterday i had to attend an antenatal class run by a physio as about ten years ago i had a back injury and now with all the lovely pregnancy hormones my lower right back is playing up. Anyway there was about 12 other women there who varied from 18 weeks - 32 weeks and i had the smallest bump :( all the women who were 18-20 weeks were sitting there stroking there big round bellies but you couldnt even tell i had one with my clothes on. Major bump envy going on. I keep telling OH we are having a dwarf! I do know that my little girl is laying very low as when she kicks i only ever feel it in my groin area or just above. Today actually just directly under my belly button has gone hard for the first time ever, So im hoping this is my uterus finally moving up and she will pop out more soon enough.

Sorry this is turning into an epic post, i guess thats what i get to not logging on for days.

Here's my rant part. Last night at work i started to develop a pain in my groin regin that basically ran all the way along my lady lips to my bum, by the time i finished work at 10pm i was nearly in tears. I could barely walk or climb stairs. I went straight to bed. When i got up this morning it seemed to have gone but then after a while it came back. So called my midwife and she told me to go see the doctor and bring a pee sample to rule out a urine infection. The doctor wants me to go back in a week if im still in discomfort. I dont have a urine infection or a groin strain. He says its either just a temporary muscle/liagment strain from the pregnancy or it could be the start of SPD :-( really really really hopping its not the latter.

However on a more happy note i did hit the Asda baby event today and got a few bargins and stock piled a few essentials. And went to B&Q and picked up some tester pots for the nursery walls eeeeeeeeek cant wait to start putting it together.

Oh and how could i forget to mention the most important thing. TOMORROW IS MY 20 WEEKS SCAN.......finally!!!!!!!! i already know im having a girl but have been so stressed these past few day worrying about all the things that they could find wrong tomorrow. Trying my best to stay positive but cant help but worry.

Thanks for reading my essay! sorry. Hope everyone is keeping well x
Just wanted to share this lovely video that someone posted in the second tri forum :)


Great video, thanks for posting!

Hey Abi! It's tomorrow :( booo another day to wait! I am still going to find out! I can't wait!

I've been sent home from work toady, I had a really long nosebleed before work this morning and I nearly fainted at work so they've sent me home! I vowed not to have a sick day throughout my pregnancy but looks like I've started already ! Xx

I had a really weird nosebleed this weekend, but I thought it was because of the cold, dry air and all the nose-blowing. I hope you're feeling better!

So jealous of you all doing the nurseries! That was the best thing about being pregnant with Grace, and I can't do it this time :(
I am feeling really happy at the moment! I know it's abit random, but I was so unhappy when I was pregnant with Grace (not that I didn't want her, I just had a really bad pregnancy and hated every second!) and I was determined to enjoy it more this time and I am :cloud9: obviously still got a while to go, but I feel like the time of year is helping as Grace is a January baby! Just thought i'd share with you!

I agree -- seeing nursery pics is fun, but it will be awhile before I start thinking about stuff like that.

I do think about my pregnancy with DS1 a lot, since it was the first and everything was so new. Plus, it was the easiest pregnancy, by far! I'm glad you're feeling happy with the way things are progressing, and enjoying this experience. For me, this pregnancy is turning out more like the one with DS2, me being uncomfortable and just passing the time until delivery. I feel like I have experienced things before, so it's not scary for me this time, except that I don't know when the babies will come, and whether they'll be big enough.

Great advice thanks Emzy! Abic, love the name, I think we will go with Rosie Paige, that may have been where you heard it!
I'm still peeing in the night, it bloody hurts trying to get out of bed with my ladder full, get a shooting pain where I imagine my right ovary used to be?/still is? (not sure if they move...lol) just had close up heart scan, all looks ok, no massive holes to speak of, confirmed again it's a girl, and got a face profile pic :) did keep us waiting over an hour which got OH wound up! X

Hey Girlies,

Loving all the nursery talk!! Im starting ours this week, it used to be my husbands office so needs shelves and things taking off the walls first.

Abi/Laura, beautiful names, if our bubba is a girl she is going to be called "Rose Audrey" I know Audrey is a very old name but it was my mother in laws name and she died in 2000, she was only in her 50s and she and my DH were very close. I never met her, I wish I had. We both feel using her name is a nice way to remember her. I just love the name Rose, I love flowers to start and they roses remind me of my grandma (who is thankfully still with us) her garden is always beautiful and full of Roses.

My husband thinks the baby is a girl and calls the bump Petal! :blush:

Our boys name is not decided yet, my husband is Jim (James) and my two step sons both have james as their middle names so it will be (possibly) on of the following:

Edison James (my hubbys favorite, is it too american?)
Joseph (Jo) James
William James
Thomas (Tom) James

I also like Charlie/Alfie/Archie/Oscar/George and Arthur?
What do you think girls?

Love the name choices Emma! Rose is a beautiful name, and picking your DH's mothers name as the middle name is a lovely thought. We did the same with Grace's name, DH's Nan passed away shortly after we found out I was pregnant so we used her Name, Elsie as Grace's middle name.

I really love Alfie for a boy, that is one of our top names, along with Oscar! And we would like Archie as a middle name as it was my Grandads name who passed away last year, but it doesn't really go with Alfie!x

I love all this name talk. I have been thinking about names, but DH and I are usually late in choosing one. My two sons have middle names from my dad and my brother. I was thinking about giving the twins my grandfather's first and middle names, or my dad's middle name as their middle, but DH and I have to agree on a first, which is almost impossible. :) But, I LOVE the idea of using a family name as the middle. And I don't think Audrey is too old-fashioned. Edison James is nice as well.

DH is Iranian, so he keeps throwing out Persian names, but to me, it is kinda weird since our older sons don't have Persian names. His favorite so far is Cyrus, but I can't help but picture the kids at school calling him Cyrus the Virus. :( DH says with 4 boys in the family no one will be picking on them. Who knows whether that is true, but I don't want to invite trouble.

Glad all is ok with her heart gemini :) Have you finished at work now?

I've been done with work since Xmas eve! Got 8k payout in the end.
Not lasting well however!!!

I've got an interview Wednesday for local council as HR project officer for 3 months, part time as well. Would be beyond ideal if I could get it!!!

Just picked up my star lite swing that I won on eBay for 42 quid, it's like new so chuffed with that!!!
I've inherited A TON of girls stuff, all next, monsoon etc. gorgeous outfits, but going to bootable alot of it as its all newborn to 6 months. I literally have 5 sacks worth!

Hope all is well ladies! I'm off to bed. Yawwwwn!

Oh ps, in regards to boys names, we were going to go with kian or Oscar. Har to save them in case I ever get a little man! X

Oooh -- Kian is one of the names we considered for DS1 before we settled on Owen. Is it weird to use that name for one of the babies? I did call DS1 Kian for a couple of days after he was born, just because I couldn't remember that we had chosen Owen instead. :)

Hi everyone! I'm due June 24th and looking for a buddy or two. :happydance:

Welcome! I'm due on June 22nd, so we're close in dates, except I will deliver by the 8th at the latest. But we can be buddies regardless!

Hi All!

I am new to this site - am 17 weeks 2 days with first baby :)

I saw that someone had 1:16000 risk - mine was 1:3360 is that quite high?


Welcome, Samantha! That is still a great number. I would definitely feel comfortable with results like that!
Morning girls!
TrAyBaby i'm glad you had a great weekend with your sister! The bump cast sounds so cool, I want one now! Don't worry about your bump size, mine is the same! I really don't look pregnant at all, just abit out of shape! I was the same with Grace and my bump popped at 6 months, I thought it would be sooner this time but obviously not :( I really hope your groin pain eases up and it doesn't turn out to be SPD! Good luck for your scan today!

I am getting so impatient for my scan now! 2 weeks today, I really can't wait! I'm coming down with abit of a cold, just hope it comes out and clears up in time for Disneyland next week xx
hi everyone...

OMG HArri congrats on having a boy that's awesome news!
Cliqmo...not sure if your team pink or whether thats' your guess??

I was thinking of you both yesterday but work is f**king ridiculous at the mometn i'm not getting much opportunity to get on here at the moment :-(

I promise to catch up soon but in the meantime i really need your help.....

I woke up on Monday night (early hours of Tuesday morning) to go to the loo and had the most painful headache...i quickly got back to bed and soon fell asleep. Woke up Tuesday morning and it was still there and just got increasingly painful as the day went on...anyway last night i couldn't get to sleep because of the pain but eventually i did but then woke at 1.30am with the MOST INTENSE pain in my head I have ever experienced. On a scale of 1-10 i was at level 11! I had intense throbbing through the top of my head and into my ears and down the side of my neck....I was almost at the point of calling NHS direct because it really felt like something in my head was about to explode.....i eventually got back to sleep and my headache kept waking me up all night so by the time i had to get up this morning it felt like i hadn't slept. Today the headache is around an 8 out of 10 but still very painful.
I;m worried and scared that its serious (not scared of a tumour or anything like that) but i'm scared of what it means for me and baby and just want to know that we are both ok?

Has anyone else had these extreme headaches? Any advise for what i should do?

I'm due in Sheffield later for a meeting which i have to drive to and am dreading it. I can't bend down or anything as the pain is so much worse.

Please some one tell me i'm ok and nothing bad is gonna happen??? I feel like crying and honestly just want to go home but have so much to do at work i can't afford to :-(
i think for peace of mind it wouldnt hurt for you to see your doctor :hugs: hope your feeling better soon, do you drink alot in the day?
Abic it might be a coincidence but when I came off citalopram, prob after about 3 weeks I got the worst headache I've ever had. It felt like I'd been hit over the head with a shovel and I ended up going to the out of ours doc who sent me to hospital. I ended up in for 3 days! Had to have a brain scan and lumber puncture as they thought I had a bleed on the brain!! In the end they concluded it was to do with coming off anti ds. You should defo get it checked out, just to be on the safe side x
Ps dont mean to scare you with the brain scan thing, as it wasn't anything like that for me, but meant it could be to do with coming off citalopram Xx
Abi i would go see the doctor just to be on the safe side and in my opinion i really dont think you should be driving, Can you do your meeting over the phone or video conference?
Abi I definitely think you should see your doctor just to put your mind at rest if nothing else. I had a really bad headache the other day, but it didn't last for long. I think the fact you have had it for a few days, you should definitely get checked out!x
Thanks for the advice girls....i called the community midwife service and they told me to take painkillers and drink more fluids (I don't think i could actually drink anymore!)
Have taken paracetemol and seems to have knocked the edge off but its still there in the background.

Emzy - thanks for the Cit tip and can't believe you had to be inhospital for 3 days bless you! Had you already had Holly by then or was it before she came along?.....i didn't know that about coming off Cit and now i'm trying to remember if i had headaches last time i came off....i didn't taper last time and just did it cold turkey so i was in a right mess generally probably with lots going on.... I actually had a brain scan (CT & MRI) in July due to a problem i have with my ear (deaf on one side, partial on the other) and all was clear so probably why i'm not worried about that! Anyway the midwife person said that it's most likely just hormones as the only other thing it could be is pre-eclampsia but unlikely apparently at 21 weeks but to go and get my blood pressure checked. Booked in for tomorrow morning! Have decided to WFH tomorrow and cancel the meetings i have as if i feel like this i will just wanna be at home! i may wake up feeling amazing at which point i will come in!

Traybaby - I have been told i have to be there in person....was meant to be there last week but there was an accident on the motorway which meant i ended up having to cancel and come back to leeds....i would just get the train but we have a total travel ban now for all travel except cars! I feel like this pathetic person who is moaning about my health all the time but i am so so worried that somehting is gonna go wrong that i just want to make sure i'm healthy and i need to take a step back and not do everything like i normally do at work!

Thanks again peeps.....i feel a little better that i get my blood pressure checked tomorrow.....if it was pre-eclampsia would that get picked up on my blood pressure check??
Cliqmo...not sure if your team pink or whether thats' your guess??...

Hey Abic,

Team :pink: is the scan tech's guess :happydance:

Baby was sat with her legs closed the whole time so the midwife didn't get a definitive look :dohh: but she did point out three lines (do boy parts ever show as three lines?) and the midwife said she would "hedge her bets its a girl" but did the obligatory "we can't guarantee it" speech.

Do you think it is fair to assume we are team :pink: :cloud9: ??

I hope you are feeling better today and that ghastly headache has gone xx

ETA scan pic...


The weird shadowing is unfortunately my fingerstips as I took a photo of the scan picture with my phone :dohh:
Cliqmo...not sure if your team pink or whether thats' your guess??...

Hey Abic,

Team :pink: is the scan tech's guess :happydance:

Baby was sat with her legs closed the whole time so the midwife didn't get a definitive look :dohh: but she did point out three lines (do boy parts ever show as three lines?) and the midwife said she would "hedge her bets its a girl" but did the obligatory "we can't guarantee it" speech.

Do you think it is fair to assume we are team :pink: :cloud9: ??

I hope you are feeling better today and that ghastly headache has gone xx

ETA scan pic...


The weird shadowing is unfortunately my fingerstips as I took a photo of the scan picture with my phone :dohh:

I would say that's a pretty fair assumption!


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