June bugs 2012! 6x Boys 12x Girls 8x Team Yellow :)

Ugh is it the first yet???? i am sooo very excited for my scan, i haven't had one since i was 7 weeks. I bet things have changed soo much. just a lil over two weeks so i will live i guess.
Hope everyone is doing well

the 1st will come very soon, how come you havent had a scan since 7 weeks?

Hi ladies! I'm popping in to share...DH felt babby kick tonight! S/he kicked him in the head...he put his head on my belly when I said there was lots of movement, and pop! Super exciting. Can't wait for the scan on Tuesday!

thats fantastic, cant wait for hubster to feel flump move about.

OMG where the heck do I start? Sooooo many updates and have read ALL the posts and had in my mind what i wanted to say but have forgotten it all already (sorrryyyyy!)

Firstly...congrats to Harri, Emma and Jellytots and anyone else who has reached that pivotal half way point in the last week! AWESOME news!

Congrats to everyone who has had scans done too! Jellytots - you make me laugh how you don't wanna know the sex but you had a sneaky peeky anyway!! haha! So are you not going crazy now wanting to know if it IS a boy????

Pink - re the tiredness thing....think i may have posted this already (but can't remember) but i felt exactly the same over Christmas when i was having lie ins and didn't have my routine anymore but decided to go back to my weekday routine on a weekend and i swear it has made such a difference! So although i get up at 6.45 on a sat and sun i actually feel 100 times better for it! Try it and see how you get on??

Changing bags.....LOVE them!! I spotted the yummy mummy ones in john lewis a couple weeks ago...i love them but at £75 can i justify one? Are they big enough girls? I thought changing bags were HUGE but maybe i'm mistaken.....i will take advise from you 2nd timers...seems that they must be if you guys are buying them? I have a £50 voucher for JL so could treat myself! I love these 2 but they are all soooooo lovely!


Peeps.....should i be weeing lots in the night still? I get up once a night now which is weird as everyone says they wee several times a night (i was up until about 4/5 weeks ago??)

Still haven't felt any movement which is somewhat frustrating/disheartening but I'm not worried about it anymore (like i was before) as i know that bubs was fine on the scan and i have an anterior placenta which explains it.....i'm sure i'll feel sthg in the next couple of weeks tho....just want it to happen NOW tho!!

Well, now that we know she's a wee girl i think we have decided upon Matilda Rose for a name (if she's born in May she will be Matilda May!) but i do like Rose as a middle name! (sorry think i stole the Rose idea from someone on here!!) DH talks to her every night and every morning and is calling her Tilly! I told him we shouldn't be calling her by her name yet tho as we were kinda still thinking of names but the only other one we can kind of agree on is Molly (there's SO many nice names out there but either someone already has it or is doesn't sound right with our surname!)...anyway she is called tilly now coz we keep talking about her with that name so think molly will need to go this time :-(

So....a friend of mine has loaned me her doppler for the rest of my pregnancy....used it for the first time (and only time so far) on Sat and i heard 2 things.....both things sounded like baby's HB but the first one was 157bpm and the next one was 135bpm.....the first one sounded like there was interference so moved the probe thing over to the other side of my tummy and got the other reading??? Not really sure which is which but can i assume that one of them was baby's HB??? I can see me getting obsessed with this now! I am working from home today and so tempted to go and have a listed but i'm not really sure what's what? I googled it and it said it dangerous for an untrained person to use a doppler as you could assume sthg was the HB when it isn't, giving a false sense of security! Likewise if you don't hear sthg it's scary too! aaggghhh shall i just not bother? HELP someone please???

Gotta go do some work now (feel like throwing my laptop out the window i'm that stressed out....it's PEOPLE! if people were less annoying/demanding/unorganised then my life would be so much easier!)

mmmmwah to you all tho! xoxoxoxo

lol, yep im dying to know now if it is a girl or not but will have to wait and see, as of tomorrow only 19 weeks to wait so im sure i will manage :)

thats a lovely name, i like that a lot.

and you can defo justify a yummy mummy bag, my radley one should have been £95 but was just luck it was in the mid season sale and i got it less than half price last year. hubster made me as i was only looking at them and he thought it was too good a deal to pass off on, plus is fabulous with all of the pockets, zip up pouches etc.

Yipppeeee can't believe i'm a banana....remember when i was like a raspberry or something thinking imagine what it would be like to be a banana!!! here i am!

PS here is my gorgeous little girl scan piccie from Weds (20 + 4)

aww lovely pic there abi :)

OOOOPs....baby brain strikes again!

Here's the pic of 21 week bump!
lovely bump too!
Hey Abi! It's tomorrow :( booo another day to wait! I am still going to find out! I can't wait!

I've been sent home from work toady, I had a really long nosebleed before work this morning and I nearly fainted at work so they've sent me home! I vowed not to have a sick day throughout my pregnancy but looks like I've started already ! Xx

hope you are feeling better now harri

Harri I hope you feel better. And don't worry, you could be me. I already had 5 weeks off work with bad MS and now have been signed off for another 4 with SPD. I feel awful about it!!

emzy hope your spd eases off a bit for you, sounds awful and you are coping with it soo well too. i would be an absolute mess.

Morning Girls,

Lovely bump pic Abi. I am so envious of you all that have had scans, I just cannot wait untill the 3rd!!!
Good luck Harri and Cliqmo for tomorrow can't wait to see what your having.
I won a Mamas and Papas Gingerbread moses basket on Ebay yesterday with white rocking stand for £31 picked it up and we are so pleased with it.

thats a bargain on your moses basket, love the mamas and papas ranges. the 3rd will come soon enough chick, not long at all now.

im so glad everyones scan has gone well :) i cant wait for mine, its next wed :D i def can feel him or her moving around alot more now, i get thuds often its very soothing, im finding my self get very achey along my lower tummy if im standing for too long is anyone else getting this? its like my muscles cant stand the weight of the bump for too long.. we went to dublin zoo yesterday and felt so achey after it.

moving next week then the baby organising begins we will be setting up the nursery then :)

i get achey if i stand around too much aswell so you arent the only one there, i try and keep my feet up when im at home or anywhere too.

Yay GemGem show us some piccies of the nursery!!! And anyone else who has done some nursery stuff! I am looking for inspiration!!

I found a couple of pics of nurseries with kind of a mocha colour on the walls so think i'm gonna do that (originally wanted beige & white polka dots but can't seem to find any wallpaper to my specification!)....anyway gonna have like pale brown (mocha) walls and just plain white cot linen and a plain white bumper i think...sounds really dull but i'm going to introduce some colour in the accessories (i have bought a cushion already!) and my mum is gonna make a quilt and bunting which will probably be in lots of bright colours (really don't want to go down the everything is pink route) so will be turqoise and fushia and other brights in the bunting.....found some nice beigy colour waffle material that i think i will get some curtains made in just white and the beige waffle can sit at the bottom. I hope it's not too drab but don't really want to commit to a colour and then change my mind....these are the 2 pics i got some inspiration from...

thats a lovely colour, sounds like it is going to be gorgeous with all the accessories.

Harri - soz i knew it was tomorrow so dunno why i wrote today (baby brain again??)

eeeeeeee not long til you gonna find out then! I totally can't wait til you find out....aaaggghhhhhh exciting!!

thanks for the reassurance re the weeing thing and the doppler! Gemgem....i'm not sure if i'm strong-willed enough not to have another go! If only i could feel som FRIGGIN MOVEMENT then maybe i wouldn't need to use it! Trust me to have a flippin placenta at the flippin front! I mean c'mon already get kickin Tilly!!! I keep telling her she can kick as hard as she likes and mummy won't mind!

PS were your babies really active at the 20 week scan?? Mine didn't seem to be overly active (not like 12 weeks) but she was moving a little.....i didn't really get to see her as a whole if that makes sense....i saw all the detail of arms, legs, head, spine etc etc but all as close ups so not really sure how much she was moving. SHe did life her arm and put her hand behind the back of her head tho in a 'chillin' type position.....i just laughed coz i was lying in exactly the same position (so cute!)

Anyway....MUST stop worrying every 30 mins....she will be just fine and jut needs to grow a bit more and then it's gonna all be ok!

flump was really active hence the not so good pic this time. was alseep til they started scanning though, think the pressure woke them up and made them loopy lol.

here is the link i had to put it on you tube to be able to get it on here, you can only hear it from 1 min 30 sec onwards and 2 min 30 sec is the loudest recording i could get


aww how lovely :), defo your babys heartbeat there.

Great advice thanks Emzy! Abic, love the name, I think we will go with Rosie Paige, that may have been where you heard it!
I'm still peeing in the night, it bloody hurts trying to get out of bed with my ladder full, get a shooting pain where I imagine my right ovary used to be?/still is? (not sure if they move...lol) just had close up heart scan, all looks ok, no massive holes to speak of, confirmed again it's a girl, and got a face profile pic :) did keep us waiting over an hour which got OH wound up! X

i have that in the morning, im not waking up in the night to go to the loo at all now, apart from if ive drank loads just before going to bed, i get the pain during the day too if i forget to go to the loo. blimmin hurts like hell.
must be the pressure of flump leaning on it.

thats fabulous the heart scan all went well, was thinking about you all for good news.

Thanks for that advice Emzy :thumbup:

Glad your scan went well Gemini!! :happydance:

I've just won this dresser on ebay, £45 as it's got a dent in the plywood on the inside which can't be seen on the outside! bargain! :)
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thats lovely harri

afternoon a llx
Ive been looking at pushchairs today, I'm still unsure what to get as I really do need a new one. I would love to do calebs room nice but maybe once baby is born we can have a theme.
Ive mainly bought rompers as in clothes. and one other set. We have lots or sleep suits and baby grows saved from last time so that helps. Have bought bought 4 packs of size 1 nappies now buying size. Not a lot to get now tbh.
Its getting quite real now and i have moments where i think omg I will have 2 but can't wait xx

hope you manage to find a pushchair you like very soon, there are some cracking deals on at the moment.

Hey Girlies,

Loving all the nursery talk!! Im starting ours this week, it used to be my husbands office so needs shelves and things taking off the walls first.

Abi/Laura, beautiful names, if our bubba is a girl she is going to be called "Rose Audrey" I know Audrey is a very old name but it was my mother in laws name and she died in 2000, she was only in her 50s and she and my DH were very close. I never met her, I wish I had. We both feel using her name is a nice way to remember her. I just love the name Rose, I love flowers to start and they roses remind me of my grandma (who is thankfully still with us) her garden is always beautiful and full of Roses.

My husband thinks the baby is a girl and calls the bump Petal! :blush:

Our boys name is not decided yet, my husband is Jim (James) and my two step sons both have james as their middle names so it will be (possibly) on of the following:

Edison James (my hubbys favorite, is it too american?)
Joseph (Jo) James
William James
Thomas (Tom) James

I also like Charlie/Alfie/Archie/Oscar/George and Arthur?
What do you think girls?

they are lovely names, my two friends have boys called archie and alfie.
william james is on our list too as i like william and james is hubsters middle name.
george is also on the list :)

I also love Rose Audrey- it's a really classic name. Ours is Matilda 'Tilly' Rose for a girl or Tobias Daniel or Noah Benjamin if we have a boy. We haven't agreed on a second option for a girl yet, but it could well be Poppy something. We only discussed Poppy last night, so not thought of a second name that we like to go with it. 2 flower names in a row might be a bit overkill!Other girls names that I love are Betsy or Elsie but DH doesn't like either of them.

The trouble with teaching is that you go off names that you have loved for years because you have taught a horrid version or because you have taught so many children with that name. Cuts out around 80% of all possible names I like/have liked.


we are having that problem with names, hubsters parents are both head teachers and keep coming up with stories about kids at their schools and putting us off names etc, also with me previously being an army cadet instructor there are a few names i dont like anymore either lol.

Lovely names ladies :)

I'm currently led of my left hand side for half an hour as instructed by the midwife. I've had a couple of really big gushes of clear fluid and apparently if its amniotic fluid when i stand up after half an hour it will pour out! If it pours out I have to go to the labour ward.

She said it could be because I've showered??? odd, that's never happened before! x

oh i hope everything is okay and it is just normal discharge in a large quantity.

Glad all is ok with her heart gemini :) Have you finished at work now?

I've been done with work since Xmas eve! Got 8k payout in the end.
Not lasting well however!!!

I've got an interview Wednesday for local council as HR project officer for 3 months, part time as well. Would be beyond ideal if I could get it!!!

Just picked up my star lite swing that I won on eBay for 42 quid, it's like new so chuffed with that!!!
I've inherited A TON of girls stuff, all next, monsoon etc. gorgeous outfits, but going to bootable alot of it as its all newborn to 6 months. I literally have 5 sacks worth!

Hope all is well ladies! I'm off to bed. Yawwwwn!

Oh ps, in regards to boys names, we were going to go with kian or Oscar. Har to save them in case I ever get a little man! X

good luck with your interview, glad you got a payout. they did treat you like crap though and im sure you could do them for unfair dismissal on some grounds. fab news you have got some good bargains and loads of stuff given, every little helps as they say.

Hi everyone! I'm due June 24th and looking for a buddy or two. :happydance:

hey there, welcome to the thread. it does go quick on here but just jump in and we will all try to reply. very easy to miss a post or two with the speed it moves so try not to take it to heart. always someone with fab advice.

god ladies i have only 6 days to pack our whole apartment well actually 4 as we are going to oh's parents for the weekend... i dont know where to start :wacko: i dunno what i should leave to pack at the last min :wacko:

good luck with your move, hope it all goes well and you get everything packed without too much stress.

Thanks Harri!! Can't belive how quickly time is going. I was just looking back at the beginning of the thread when we were like 4weeks and now look where we are lol

Laura I don't know if you saw my post the other day but Struth is 9weeks pregnant now too!!

thats fabulous news about struth :)

Lol, I'm waiting for my tesco food shop t be delivered, OH just text me as he saw the on line invoice, "Laura, why have you ordered a birthday cake? It's no ones birthday" my response? "I REAAAALLLLY WANTED ONE," he thinks I've lost the plot, but if I don't get me some birthday cake before the day is out, i might cry...x

dont blame you at all, i plan to bake yet more cake this weekend to keep up with my dessert cravings. made an immense quantity of jam tarts this week and they have nearly all gone, hubster has helped me out with eating them though too lol.

We're having a boy!!!!!!! So exciting!!! :) Mummy's boy :) yay! I got my NT results back 1:16000! 16 bloody thousand :) Xx

congratulations chick, lovely news. great news on the nt results too. nice and low like mine, i got 1:29,000 :)

here ladies i thought ye might enjoy this video, i watched it a while ago and fell in love, now im preg with bubs it just makes me cry to think of how far they have come so far.. here you go :thumbup:


lovely video :)

Side profile https://i858.photobucket.com/albums/ab150/harrietrostron/96ac3877.jpg
Back towards us with finger pointing up

fabulous piccies :D

Hi Girls,

Anyone really struggling with sleeping at night? I seem to have finally stopped peeing up to 10 times at night (still about 3 times but much much better)... but my new problem is I seem to not stay on my side and only feel comfortable sleeping on my back (now apparently it's not good for the baby...) anyone else struggling?

i tend to sleep a lot better now i have my dream genii, i was really uncomfortable and restless before i had it. try wedging pillows and see if that helps, as long as you are on a slight tilt and not completely flat it helps. doesnt just affect baby, also affects you as puts pressure on a main artery and results in making you feel light headed and restricts blood flow.

Hi Girlies!!

Harri congratulations on :blue: :happydance: I thought my score of 1:10000 was good but yours is amazing!!

Scan went really well, heart, kidneys, limbs, face etc all checked and fine

I have a low lying lying anterior placenta which they weren't unduly worried about but does mean I get another scan at 32 weeks to check it has moved :thumbup:

Will add scan pics later xx

Eta we are team :pink: :cloud9: DH is delighted as this means there will be ponies in the future and the 'need' for a Range Rover :dohh:

thats a fab nt score too :)
glad your scan went well, fingers crossed your placenta behaves itself for you and moves to where it is supposed to be.
lol at the range rover and ponies :)

Hi All!

I am new to this site - am 17 weeks 2 days with first baby :)

I saw that someone had 1:16000 risk - mine was 1:3360 is that quite high?


welcome along chick, thats a fabulous nt result, nothing to worry about at all.

Congrats on the scans, ladies! I've got some lovely pics of my own, but currently curled up in bed with only energy to go to the bathroom. We're still team yellow! All checked out well...squirmy little thing! Measuring a bit ahead still (around June 1 or 2), but they're keeping the original date as it's close. S/he had the hiccups...just like I did in the womb! Super cute.

Not much they can do for me. No solids for 24 hours and if I can't keep liquids down by the afternoon it's off to the ER for an IV. Pretty miserable. Guess I got that extra day off I wanted, but it's not going to be nearly as productive as I'd hoped!

Euro...I was having the same problem, and I'm a side sleeper usually! The dream genii has helped, although it's not a total miracle. I still woke up a lot. I should say wake up...the last week I've been waking up at 4:30 or so and staying awake until 7. Not fun! Don't worry about the baby and your back...everything I read said you'll be way too uncomfortable to stay in the position when it actually gets to the point where it could cut off blood flow. Your legs will be numb and your back will hurt....in other words, you will have already moved!

hope you are feeling much better now, so pleased you could get to your scan and all was well, looking forward to pics

Hi ladies does anyone else's stomach / bump seems to disappear and re appear? Also Does it get tight at top of bump ? Xx

mine does this, seems to change shape depending on how much i have drunk/eaten/rested throughout the day.

WOWSERS ladies, i've been gone since friday and have just had to catch up on 15 pages of chat amazing. Would love to relpy to everyone and all the questions but i just cant bloody remember it all, So.........................

Congrats everyone who reached a new week or the 20 week milestone (YAY jellytots).

Also congrats to all that have had a scan, beautiful pics. More little girls to add to our list and finally another boy.

Thank you to the people who posted those wonderful videos.

And thanks for the help with the baby clothes issues, totally helped me there. As now i know i have enough 0-3 months stuff but dont actually have any newborn so will only buy a few bits.

ok AFM - well i went to london for the weekend to visit my heavily pregnant sister (35 weeks) as it was her baby shower. What an ace time we had. On Sunday (because im an artist) i did a cast of her bump and even if i do say so myself its AMAZING, im defo doing one of mine. WOW just realised when i go visit my sister next in about 4/5 weeks she could've had her baby already crikey!!!!

Yesterday i had to attend an antenatal class run by a physio as about ten years ago i had a back injury and now with all the lovely pregnancy hormones my lower right back is playing up. Anyway there was about 12 other women there who varied from 18 weeks - 32 weeks and i had the smallest bump :( all the women who were 18-20 weeks were sitting there stroking there big round bellies but you couldnt even tell i had one with my clothes on. Major bump envy going on. I keep telling OH we are having a dwarf! I do know that my little girl is laying very low as when she kicks i only ever feel it in my groin area or just above. Today actually just directly under my belly button has gone hard for the first time ever, So im hoping this is my uterus finally moving up and she will pop out more soon enough.

Sorry this is turning into an epic post, i guess thats what i get to not logging on for days.

Here's my rant part. Last night at work i started to develop a pain in my groin regin that basically ran all the way along my lady lips to my bum, by the time i finished work at 10pm i was nearly in tears. I could barely walk or climb stairs. I went straight to bed. When i got up this morning it seemed to have gone but then after a while it came back. So called my midwife and she told me to go see the doctor and bring a pee sample to rule out a urine infection. The doctor wants me to go back in a week if im still in discomfort. I dont have a urine infection or a groin strain. He says its either just a temporary muscle/liagment strain from the pregnancy or it could be the start of SPD :-( really really really hopping its not the latter.

However on a more happy note i did hit the Asda baby event today and got a few bargins and stock piled a few essentials. And went to B&Q and picked up some tester pots for the nursery walls eeeeeeeeek cant wait to start putting it together.

Oh and how could i forget to mention the most important thing. TOMORROW IS MY 20 WEEKS SCAN.......finally!!!!!!!! i already know im having a girl but have been so stressed these past few day worrying about all the things that they could find wrong tomorrow. Trying my best to stay positive but cant help but worry.

Thanks for reading my essay! sorry. Hope everyone is keeping well x

hope everything is getting better regarding your groin pain, its not nice at all.
glad everything else is going well. i wouldnt worry about your bump size, it will soon pop out for you, either that or you have fabulous abdominal muscles :)

hi everyone...

OMG HArri congrats on having a boy that's awesome news!
Cliqmo...not sure if your team pink or whether thats' your guess??

I was thinking of you both yesterday but work is f**king ridiculous at the mometn i'm not getting much opportunity to get on here at the moment :-(

I promise to catch up soon but in the meantime i really need your help.....

I woke up on Monday night (early hours of Tuesday morning) to go to the loo and had the most painful headache...i quickly got back to bed and soon fell asleep. Woke up Tuesday morning and it was still there and just got increasingly painful as the day went on...anyway last night i couldn't get to sleep because of the pain but eventually i did but then woke at 1.30am with the MOST INTENSE pain in my head I have ever experienced. On a scale of 1-10 i was at level 11! I had intense throbbing through the top of my head and into my ears and down the side of my neck....I was almost at the point of calling NHS direct because it really felt like something in my head was about to explode.....i eventually got back to sleep and my headache kept waking me up all night so by the time i had to get up this morning it felt like i hadn't slept. Today the headache is around an 8 out of 10 but still very painful.
I;m worried and scared that its serious (not scared of a tumour or anything like that) but i'm scared of what it means for me and baby and just want to know that we are both ok?

Has anyone else had these extreme headaches? Any advise for what i should do?

I'm due in Sheffield later for a meeting which i have to drive to and am dreading it. I can't bend down or anything as the pain is so much worse.

Please some one tell me i'm ok and nothing bad is gonna happen??? I feel like crying and honestly just want to go home but have so much to do at work i can't afford to :-(

Thanks for the advice girls....i called the community midwife service and they told me to take painkillers and drink more fluids (I don't think i could actually drink anymore!)
Have taken paracetemol and seems to have knocked the edge off but its still there in the background.

Emzy - thanks for the Cit tip and can't believe you had to be inhospital for 3 days bless you! Had you already had Holly by then or was it before she came along?.....i didn't know that about coming off Cit and now i'm trying to remember if i had headaches last time i came off....i didn't taper last time and just did it cold turkey so i was in a right mess generally probably with lots going on.... I actually had a brain scan (CT & MRI) in July due to a problem i have with my ear (deaf on one side, partial on the other) and all was clear so probably why i'm not worried about that! Anyway the midwife person said that it's most likely just hormones as the only other thing it could be is pre-eclampsia but unlikely apparently at 21 weeks but to go and get my blood pressure checked. Booked in for tomorrow morning! Have decided to WFH tomorrow and cancel the meetings i have as if i feel like this i will just wanna be at home! i may wake up feeling amazing at which point i will come in!

Traybaby - I have been told i have to be there in person....was meant to be there last week but there was an accident on the motorway which meant i ended up having to cancel and come back to leeds....i would just get the train but we have a total travel ban now for all travel except cars! I feel like this pathetic person who is moaning about my health all the time but i am so so worried that somehting is gonna go wrong that i just want to make sure i'm healthy and i need to take a step back and not do everything like i normally do at work!

Thanks again peeps.....i feel a little better that i get my blood pressure checked tomorrow.....if it was pre-eclampsia would that get picked up on my blood pressure check??

hey abi, hope you are feeling much better now, i wouldnt worry about telling work if you are feeling ill. with that type of pain you certainly cant carry on as normal. hope it goes away quickly or they work out something else to help. maybe try refelxology or something? it may help.
massive hugs chick x

Hi all,

New to this thread - I'm 17 + 2 and team yellow :happydance:

welcome along chick, im team yellow too :)

Cliqmo...not sure if your team pink or whether thats' your guess??...

Hey Abic,

Team :pink: is the scan tech's guess :happydance:

Baby was sat with her legs closed the whole time so the midwife didn't get a definitive look :dohh: but she did point out three lines (do boy parts ever show as three lines?) and the midwife said she would "hedge her bets its a girl" but did the obligatory "we can't guarantee it" speech.

Do you think it is fair to assume we are team :pink: :cloud9: ??

I hope you are feeling better today and that ghastly headache has gone xx

ETA scan pic...


The weird shadowing is unfortunately my fingerstips as I took a photo of the scan picture with my phone :dohh:

i have no idea but if they have a good idea its a girl thats a good sign. i have a feeling ours is a girl too, we saw the 'bits' area during the scan as flump was moving around lots, plus when the sonographer was showing us the cord and leg bones etc, ive been naughty and been looking on google, forums etc at all different scan pics and it defo doesnt look like any boy parts on any of them examples and i am very sure we saw the three lines.
will just have to wait and see.
lovely pics btw too :)

Lovely pic cliqmo! And yes, I'd assume team pink! I don't think you can get 3 lines with a boy?

Redrose I get them and got them last pregnancy as well, I think it's normal :hugs:

SPD has been bad the last couple of days and my leg keeps going from under me! Yesterday it went and I fell holding Holly. I almost went right over but grabbed a wall so didn't hurt Holly but it proper jarred my upper back now!!!

oh hunny, hope you are feeling okay, been worrying about you. is there anything else they can do for you?

hey chicas my scan was so amazing today, although my little girl was being stubborn as usual. All her measurements were spot on for her gestation and all her organs and limbs were there. The only thing is that she was breech and because the base of her spine was hidden in my pelvis they couldnt see the bottom of it. Plus she had her legs up over her head creating a shadow over her heart so they couldnt see all of its functions...........so i have to go back next tuesday so they can check her spine and heart. Bit worrying but also means i do get another chance to see her again.

so pleased your scan went well, and defo jealous you get to have another look.
i wouldnt worry too much, its just something they have to make sure they check properly but i bet everything will be fine with your second 20 week scan too.

Our little girl is due June 7th. :)

how lovely :)

Hi everyone....

Traybaby......whoop for another scan dude!!! that's awesome! I know you're a little worried coz you dont have full reassurance yet but I'm sure all will be fine and hopefully they won' t wait too long for another scan

RedRose....I get palpitations all the time......i can wake in the night and my heart will be beating out of my chest & can also feel it in my neck too bouncing out!

Cliqmo....i defo think that's a girly in there.....fab scan pic and i can just tell (coz i'm an expert now al of a sudden!)

AFM....well....woke up several times in the night with a crackin splittin headache and woke up this morning and my whole body was "throbbing"....it was in my head, arms, legs etc but the pain radiating around the middle to back of my head. I thought it may be tesion/stress related due to work being so crazy right now but i have been doing deep breathing and relaxation techniques and doesnt seem to help.

Out of interest - has everyone had a pregnancy risk assessment? I don't have a manual or standing up job but i do a lot of driving and customer interfacing which at times really stresses me out....it's really hard trying to be cheery and manage client expectations (esp the demanding ones) when you feel hormonal, teary and headachy....i keep tryin to explain to my boss that although i am trying my best please consider my situation etc....he has just given me a ton more to do! I have emailed him 3 times now to say he should be carrying out a RA but to date has done nothing. GGRRRRRRRR

Right.....off to do some work now! Hope you are all ok peeps - sorry still not had chance to look back at all the previous posts but promise i will do soon xxx

not had a ra since starting my new job, but they all know about flump (told them on my first day) and nothing in my job is away from my desk apart from a bit of filing. its all flexible working hours etc and they are really supportive and helpful about when i get bigger and if i start to get too tired etc about reworking my hours and travelling time etc so im well pleased. at my last job they werent supposrtive at all. the problem with being the only civil servant working with 250+ raf guys. oh well all for the better now :)
hope your boss gets his arse in gear very soon. sounds like your email made him jump a bit though lol.

A family friend has offered me a few hours work cleaning her holiday cottages and promoting them on facebook, twitter etc etc.


Will help as only been earning around £60 a week after been made redundant and she pays £8.50 an hour. x

thats great news emma, hope this all works out for you

wow, i finally got to the end lol. must have been about 25 pages there.

ive got a lovely evening out tomorrow night for the burns dinner at the officers mess. got my blue dress to wear (wore it to my friend bea's wedding if you are on my fb), just hope it still goes to my knee or below as i am not buying anything new, plus a bit late for that now lol. oh well i have a pretty good excuse, if bump has got bigger since i last tried it on it isnt my fault. the best bit too is that i can get up to go to the loo anytime i like and not have to wait for the comfort breaks (can be way too long between breaks at some of these formal dinners).

hope everyone is doing well, nice to hear everyone is feeling or starting to feel movements.
im a bit concerned as i havent felt any kicks or anything, just like a rolling feeling in my tummy every now and again. i dont feel it too often, only a few times a day at the most, is this a bad thing? also hubster cant feel anything yet either, keeps making me worried that something could be wrong with not feeling proper kicks etc yet. althought he rolling feeling has got a little bit stronger than before, still worries me a bit.

well i better get up to bed, a long day tomorrow of getting up early for work a full day and then getting ready to go out and not getting in until at least midnight :/ may have to have an extra long lie in on saturday to make up for it.
will try and get on over the weekend and catch up again, cant get internet access at work yet as still waiting for all of my computer account to be set up properly.

take care everyone and have a fab friday xx
Jelly - that rolling feeling is the baby! That's how mine started too. It took about two weeks from the rolling starting to really feel it, and then the definite kicks the third week.

I've been a bit nervous...baby was super active Monday when I was sick, and the last two days has barely moved at all. They say it's really inconsistent right now, but should I be worried?
Cricket I've just had two days of reduced movement, and then last night she started acrobatics again, so I'd say it's pretty normal, I was worried tho, and must admit without my Doppler I would probably have gone to the midwife to get her to listen to the heartbeat! X
Thanks, Laura! I've googled it and everything says not to worry...probably just changed positions and I can't feel the kicks. Apparently they aren't consistent until 28 weeks. For once google has made me feel better!
Totally normal cricket, baby is still small enough to turn around and us not feel the movements. The mws say not to worry til 3rd tri and that's when you need to start counting kicks (think its 10 in 12 hours or something like that). Im having days where I feel baby less too, but no need to worry yet :)
Yes cricket as the other ladies said its totally normal not to feel baba consistently at this stage its when you get into the 3rd trimester when they say to count kicks. I get days where I dont feel baba as much aswell.
thanks girls i was starting to worry too as some days i feel her a lot less than other days. PHEW now i dont need to worry till 28 weeks.

WOOP its banana day, more than half way baked and on the homeward stretch now (kinda!!!)
im finally a mango today :thumbup: i feel baby at least once a day now usually more but i do feel him/her move every day but some days more than others its nice to know its normal not to feel them all the time i read babies in the 2nd tri sleep more also and usually are asleep in the day because when we walk around the talk the vibrations sooth them to sleep so then when were sleep they are awake but woudlnt feel them as were sleeping lol
thats great info, thanks. not so worried now when i dont feel anything.

woohoo! banana day for me too :)
Redrose you are right, the movement from walking sends babies to sleep! That's why when they are born a lot of babies sleep in the pram or like to be walked around. Holly was one of those babies, didn't like to be laid down to sleep, I had to rock her, walk her or push her in the pram for her to sleep! She was like that til she was 6 months old!
Thanks, ladies! I would have been less concerned if I weren't worried that my stomach flu dehydration had done some damage... But sounds like it's all ok! Babby's down there moving around now, so I feel even better :).

Yay, mango red rose!
i so cant wait for baby cuddles :) they are the best...

has anyone elses oh not experienced beign around kids much? or ladies with babies already did your oh have much experience before your kids came along?

i ask cuz oh has held a baby i think max 2-3 times in his life lol and there were babies of 10 + months

it will be nice to see what he will be like with our baby, i know he will be so nervous and worried about dropping baby or hurting them.. he will be so cautious i think
omg i just felt flump proper kick, must have liked my cheesy pasta cup a soup lol.
cant wait to tell hubster when i get home.
omg i just felt flump proper kick, must have liked my cheesy pasta cup a soup lol.
cant wait to tell hubster when i get home.

yayyy :happydance:

i remember the first time i felt an actual kick, it was so sudden it made me jump and i screamed slightly as i was alone and it was a right prod into the tummy feeling :rofl:
here is my week 19 bump :) im worried im too big tho.. i wasnt exactly skinny before getting preg but i lost 1.5 stone in the first tri so i felt good about that but now worried my bump is too big lol


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You look great hun! And if you look too big, I'm a beached whale!!
Tryababy- Yay for banana day. :happydance:

RedRose- Yay for mango day for you. OH bought some mangos randomly from shopping yesterday and I said thats the size of our bubba its crazy as they are quite big :haha: My OH didnt have much experience with babies he has 2 nieces but he only held one of them when they were 6month old. But he was brilliant with Ollie I asked him why he didnt like holding other peoples babies and he said he was scared to do it :haha: but had no problems with Ollie as it was his own he is a brilliant Dad I think it just comes natural to them when it is their own child. And your bump is not too big at all its great.

Jellytots- Yay for banana day for you too :happydance: And yay for big kicks its great when you start feeling the bigger kicks

Thought I would share my bumb pic from 19+2 I forgot to put it on the other day.


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love bump hun :flower: thats good about your oh and lo i hope my oh gets it naturally im sure he will but hopefully he doesnt have many problems

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