Oh goodness, im soo very moody, but maybe because of the stuff going on

So i started cramping really bad saturday, and started bleeding really bad(bright Red) i was so scared!! I couldn't get to the hospital or anyone because the weather was so bad that it closed the roads. So i had to sit and bleed sat and all of sunday before i could see someone, luckly the baby is still ok, i have a bladder infection that started contractions. The reason i started bleeding from contractions is they found out i have placenta previa. I am so scared.So i have to change to a high risk OB which is two and a half hours away, and i am on strict bed rest. How the hell am i suppost to take care of my three and a half year old while on bed rest??? The weather got bad again last night, so Kenna and i got snowed in at my moms. DH came and got us this morning only to have to turn around and go to work, leaving Kenna and i home alone. AHHH i can't stop crying for some reason, and i feel like a terrible mom cause i can't do anything with her really. I have never felt so very incapable. Oh, god i just really don't want to be alone right now!!
I am sorry for the rant, but i really need to turn somewhere. Any advice?